My grandpa

2018-03-31 小学英语作文

My grandfather is a very fierce, I remember whenever I cry when I was a child he will be Shouting at whatever the reason, I cry more loudly, he will beat my ass, I afraid of grandpa. He has a long eyebrows, eyes have become turbid, it is also became bald head. Remember every time cry grandpa education me, no matter the boy girl weep can flick, have to learn to strong. As you get older, I gradually understand the strong, because there is still a long way in life, now a little difficulty just cry, adults that crying to death in the future? In my impression, grandpa to grandma is a considerate of that kind of, is be caring and attentive to grandma, grandma clothes and socks don't have to worry about grandma, a lot of things for us before that kind of poor families can be. Grandpa had died a few years, but every time think of him on my education and care of grandma's, I can't calm for a long time, grandpa, I wish you in the kingdom of heaven is everything over there.我的爷爷是一个非常凶的人,我记得小时候只要我一哭他就会大声骂不管什么原因,我哭的越大声他还会打我屁股,我怕极爷爷了。他有着长长的眉毛,眼睛已经开始变得浑浊,还有头也变得光秃秃了。记得每次哭爷爷都教育我,无论男孩女孩有泪都不能轻弹,为人都要学会坚强。随着年龄增长,我渐渐懂得了坚强,因为人生的路还很长,现在遇到一点困难就哭,将来成家立业那要哭死吗?在我印象中,爷爷对奶奶是比较体贴的那种,对奶奶是嘘寒问暖的',奶奶衣服和袜子等很多东西都不用奶奶操心,对于我们以前那种穷苦家庭算可以了。爷爷已经去世几年了,但是每次想到他对我的教育和对奶奶的那份关怀,我久久不能平静,爷爷,愿你在天国那边一切安好。

【My grandpa】相关文章:

1.My Grandpa and me

2.My Family And My Flat


4.My School--My Home

5.My schoolbag

6.My weekend

7.My picnic

8.My Grandma

上一篇:zhang 下一篇:My grandma我的奶奶