A Memorable Experience

2017-10-28 大学英语作文

中国作文网(www.T262.com)原创整理的 > 大学英语作文   I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.
Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft dust blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I’ve heard of, I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident. But when I raised my head, I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for. I smiled as handsome as possible and ask: “ I’m sorry, are you OK?” For my kindness, as well with my later hard chasing, that girl became my girl-friend. This is really a memorable experience for me!

【A Memorable Experience】相关文章:

1.A Memorable Day

2. A Memorable Day

3.Knowledge or Experience

4.My Experience In Examination

5.A Special Experience of Praise

6.Experience Life大学英语作文

7.初三英语作文 To Experience the Life

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