
2022-03-26 人物类英语作文


英语我的爸爸作文 篇1

  Dad grew up in a single parent family, perhaps this is not perfect family created his father's reticent character. Until there is me, my father will always have some smile.

  Perhaps the boy's heart and personality accounted for the upper hand, my father earnestly told me reason, I always disdain, turn a deaf ear, or severely refute a pass. In this regard, my father just silently smoking. I thought it was naive. Can learn no father's urging, the results naturally fell. At that moment, although my father did not hit me, but the death of the general silence, desperately smoking, my father greeted his face showing disappointment look. I am determined, must be in the study and life to achieve success, by praise. Let my father show a rare smile.

  Dad's smile is more out of my sensible. That day at noon to eat fish, my father was a big fish caught, rice balls, water, steamed bread swallowed, are of no avail. Cross here is painful, my father kept moaning. I am very worried. Home school at night, I still do not worry that hateful fishbone, even homework is also absent-minded. Dad a home, I asked: "Dad, the fish did not go down?" "Go on!" Dad smiled, it seems very satisfied. Then I went to the study to get the book, I heard my father kept saying: "I am very happy today, because the daughter said a concern!" I suddenly realized that I should often give my father more care, so that my father has Sweet love and happiness!

  Dad, your smile is an indispensable part of my growth. It makes me feel warm and happy. As your daughter, to see your white hair gradually increased, I must hard work, make achievements, so that your smile often!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇2

  Mom often said that Dad was a nerd. I see my father is also like a nerd, but it should be called "big book fans" fishes.

  Dad every time to go to work, sitting on the bus, have to take a book, if there is a seat, he sat down, he immediately took out a book to see. Once, because the book is too fascinated, the car opened 2 points, only to think of the get off, the results had to take the return of 2 cars, and then to the company to work, to the company said to colleagues, colleagues Said: "You are a 'book fans' ah!" Every day after lunch, as long as there is a free, he immediately took out the book to see.

  Another time, my father, the "book fans" also made a big joke, that day, my father came back from work, eat dinner, and got into his study, won his book, look ah look. Suddenly, the study of the cabinet on the table clock "Dangdang" even knock on the next seven, my father took the bag, hurry out from the study. Mom asked puzzled: "Where are you going?" Dad said: "seven o'clock, go to work, do not go late!" I listened to the side of the secret smile. Mom opened the curtain and said, "You look outside." "It was seven o'clock at night." Dad scratched his head. Mom said: "You are a big book fans, twilight down friends." Dad heard their own laugh.

  Dad likes to read books, has been accustomed to. But my mother is also often to my father said: "My glasses have to deepen the degree, do not read it again." My father? He just smiled, for a while put the mother's words thrown into the clouds. Every night, he must see the night to sleep.

  Dad is a "big book fans" ah! I want to learn from him, to be a "little book fans."

英语我的爸爸作文 篇3


  My father is a good father. He is eight meters tall. He has many wrinkles on his face. He always has foul words. Once he went to a bar and got drunk and came back. Bath, and even shampoo and shower gel are not clear, and the result, the shampoo into a bath lotion, change the shampoo into a shampoo, and today is very cold, he will use cold water to take a bath.


  When sleeping, often talking in your sleep, sleep again, call me playing computer, to wake me up, I look at the time, said: "this is how ah? I woke up only at three in the evening." It was an alcoholic, arguing about me. Who do I think it is?.


  Then he spit foaming, spit onto the ground, even wine spit out, when he finally awake. This is my father, believe me, then come and see, my father fires more than the queen mother. You say, my father is not a good father?

英语我的爸爸作文 篇4


  If you ask me, who is the one who loves you best? If you ask me, who do you love best? I told you loudly: "it's dad!"!"


  Because he is not like his mother, he is unknown, but it is hard mouth, soft hearted people.


  I remember several times when my mother came to pick me up. A return to the factory, my father always said: "you this little bastard back?" Make me laugh or cry. Later, I was in the "investigators" - mother's mouth learned that whenever mom came to pick me up, every 10 minutes, my father called his mother: "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"...... Son, hurry up, you can't wait!" It was blowing all the way, but it was another thing when I got back to the factory. Then, as soon as I got home in the evening, he told me to do my homework, and he followed me. My father quietly stood behind me. "Oh! You're wrong!" I was shocked by my father. Later, my father helped me point to the mistakes, and then taught me the meaning of the topic and let me correct it. A series of questions have been solved...... I saw dad sweating and sweating. Then he looked at the sky and said to his father, "here it is today."."


  Daddy, how great you are! Daddy loves me, I love daddy.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇5

  My father is a businessman, and he is very busy, but he will never miss the important moment of mine. For example, when the schools ask the parents to watch performance or join meetings, he always can make out time. When I am confused about life, he can give me the good idea and lead me get out of the trouble.


英语我的爸爸作文 篇6

  Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because weve learned there isnt much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isnt all youve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...

  Ive been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didnt see you getting older.

  I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didnt immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own.



英语我的爸爸作文 篇7


  My Father

  If someone asks me who affects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her that the person should be no one else but my father. As a matter of fact, I have been much affected by father's humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I was a little girl.

  Father is well-known for his humor. He always makes use of his wit and humor to relax tense situation at work. He is m humorous that his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him. He also uses humor to create a very happy family atmosphere. My mother tends to chatter over little things. Sometimes she talks angrily without any pause. When this happens, father just listens to her without a word. "Why don't you say a word, man?", mother is more angry at father. At this time father would give a cup of tea to mother , then replies: "Why not have tea first, my dear? Just take your time to enjoy it. I'm always your attentive listener." Hearing these words, mother stops talking with her anger gone at once. Such funny scenes often appear between father and mother which makes our family life happy and interesting.

  Father is also very kind to people. He often invites those poor temporary workers who are far away from home to have dinner with us. He always helps our neighbors repair bikes, fill the flat, fix locks, and so on. Whenever any one is in trouble, he never hesitates to offer his warm hands. All this earns him lots of friends and their respect as well.

  Father is filled with enterprise in his life. He lost many chances of studying before for .some reasons. But he has never given up learning all the time. He has read many books on architecture in order to work much better as a house-builder. He has gone through lots of difficulties because of his inadequate education. But he hasn't lost heart at all. He keeps learning with strong will. Now he has become a very excellent worker in his company.

  My father is the greatest man in the world. His humor, kindness, enterprise, and strong will are always the power of my life. I am very proud of my father.



英语我的爸爸作文 篇8

  My father's hair is 37 open, and he has big eyes. My father has an oval face, his eyebrows are faint. Dad's mouth is small, his lips are thin, and his teeth are white. Dad has a moustache. When dad is happy, he smiles and sometimes plays with me. When he is angry, he will be the serious with me. My dad is wearing a suit, it's really handsome!

  I love my father very much. I really want to get my father's kiss.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇9

  I have the best father in the world. His name is Ivan.

  My dad has black, short hair as the rain clouds, that you have never seen before. Some times I think his hair make him look like a chicken! His big, brown eyes are always looking at books, that’s why he is very clever. He works very hard at his job. He always sleep at one or two clock at night. In that time I’m in the land of dreams. He has a big mouth, he eats a lot. He is very strong. My father likes wearing T-shirt and jeans, that made him looked more strong and tall.

  When he has noting to do, he will play with me, when he plays with me, he will be a kid like me. We play basketball and run. I always win, I know that my dad is very good at basketball and running, but why I still win? Who can tell me? My dad is very good at sport. At the summer holiday he and me always go to the swimming pool and teach me swimming. First I was so scared and don’t want to swim! Dad talks to me, swim is very easy. I know that I need to believe him, so I do it. After a holiday I learn how to swim! I’m so happy!

  My father is a teacher at school and home. He teaches me maths and English even when he is very, very busy. When I don’t anything, he is will came and tell me. He also teaches me on maths that I haven’t learn it yet. He makes me like learn the fun maths and the great English. Before that he didn’t teach me at all, I thought maths and English were boring things that I never want to do. So I didn’t finish my homework and be lazy. But when dad talks to me about this, I have change my idea. I never think English and math is boring anymore. Now I always finish my homework and do more about math and English. My teacher was very pleased to see that, so was me. But first I need to thank you my father, if isn’t him teaching me, I still would be lazy Cicily all the time.

  My father is very good at cooking, like my mother. He always made yummy food for me. I love eating his food me. I love eating his food that he made. His food made me tall and strong.

  My dad is also very good at computer too. At the weekend, if we do go out, then me and him will both play computer together. He tell me about computer’s information.

  My father is a nice people. He is very kind and friendly to everyone, people that he even doesn’t know. Once, me and father go to shopping, we saw a boy hurt himself and cry by the shop door. Dad went to the boy and told him jokes, the boy stopped crying and smiled. Then he come to me said: “you really have a good father!”

  My father also is funny person. He always tells me jokes at night when I go to bed. That make me feel happy and have a good dream at night.

  I think my father is the best father in the world, he clever, he strong, he funny……

  Ilove my dad!












我的朋友英语作文 英语我的爸爸作文