
2022-04-09 人物类英语作文


英语我的爸爸作文 篇1

  My father is a great person. He is a hero in my heart. He is tall but not strong. He is a driver. He often talks a litte and seems that he is serious. Actually, sometimes he is real serious. In my memory, he never hits me except once. It is because I ignored their forbidding to go swimming in the river alone. I was so sad as my father hit me. But now I understand that it is because he worry about me. Moreover, although our family is not weathy, he will give all the things that I want to me. And he works hard to support our family. I know that he loves us and we also love him.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇2

  Dad grew up in a single parent family, perhaps this is not perfect family created his father's reticent character. Until there is me, my father will always have some smile.

  Perhaps the boy's heart and personality accounted for the upper hand, my father earnestly told me reason, I always disdain, turn a deaf ear, or severely refute a pass. In this regard, my father just silently smoking. I thought it was naive. Can learn no father's urging, the results naturally fell. At that moment, although my father did not hit me, but the death of the general silence, desperately smoking, my father greeted his face showing disappointment look. I am determined, must be in the study and life to achieve success, by praise. Let my father show a rare smile.

  Dad's smile is more out of my sensible. That day at noon to eat fish, my father was a big fish caught, rice balls, water, steamed bread swallowed, are of no avail. Cross here is painful, my father kept moaning. I am very worried. Home school at night, I still do not worry that hateful fishbone, even homework is also absent-minded. Dad a home, I asked: "Dad, the fish did not go down?" "Go on!" Dad smiled, it seems very satisfied. Then I went to the study to get the book, I heard my father kept saying: "I am very happy today, because the daughter said a concern!" I suddenly realized that I should often give my father more care, so that my father has Sweet love and happiness!

  Dad, your smile is an indispensable part of my growth. It makes me feel warm and happy. As your daughter, to see your white hair gradually increased, I must hard work, make achievements, so that your smile often!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇3

  My father is an ordinary people. He is a driver. He doesn’t receive too much education.

  But he is kind-hearted. He always ask me to be down-to-earth and keep an optimistic mind.

  Everyone likes him because of his good personality. He is always ready to help others if he can.

  Sometimes when he drives the old, he will not take monet frome them. He is so great.

  He has set a very good example for me. He is my idol. I will love him forever.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇4


  My father was a long black hair, a pair of bright eyes, a big nose, is very handsome, there is a problem - love.


  Once my father came back from work, see two bottles of Wuliangye on the table, "ah dad suddenly beam with joy! Excellent! Great!" Then, Dad flew past, picked up a bottle of wine to drink, gudonggudong......" Drink one bottle in a breath, then pick up another bottle, so, two bottles of Wuliangye, there is nothing left. After dad finished drinking, he said to me, "go!"! Go to the thousands of Ke Long supermarket with me, I'll buy you a car!"


  When I came back, Dad riding a crooked, I was very scared, my father urged to ride, dad said: "ok! Nothing!" And the car hugged the earth. "Aigo......" My butt was smashed and my father worried and asked me, "well, did you drop it?"" Looking at Dad's worried look, I had to say, "nothing."!" I then faltering said: "Dad, you don't drink after -" Dad lowered his head, said: "okay!" I smiled as I looked at my father.


  This is my father. I love my father.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇5

  I have the best father in the world. His name is Ivan.

  My dad has black, short hair as the rain clouds, that you have never seen before. Some times I think his hair make him look like a chicken! His big, brown eyes are always looking at books, that’s why he is very clever. He works very hard at his job. He always sleep at one or two clock at night. In that time I’m in the land of dreams. He has a big mouth, he eats a lot. He is very strong. My father likes wearing T-shirt and jeans, that made him looked more strong and tall.

  When he has noting to do, he will play with me, when he plays with me, he will be a kid like me. We play basketball and run. I always win, I know that my dad is very good at basketball and running, but why I still win? Who can tell me? My dad is very good at sport. At the summer holiday he and me always go to the swimming pool and teach me swimming. First I was so scared and don’t want to swim! Dad talks to me, swim is very easy. I know that I need to believe him, so I do it. After a holiday I learn how to swim! I’m so happy!

  My father is a teacher at school and home. He teaches me maths and English even when he is very, very busy. When I don’t anything, he is will came and tell me. He also teaches me on maths that I haven’t learn it yet. He makes me like learn the fun maths and the great English. Before that he didn’t teach me at all, I thought maths and English were boring things that I never want to do. So I didn’t finish my homework and be lazy. But when dad talks to me about this, I have change my idea. I never think English and math is boring anymore. Now I always finish my homework and do more about math and English. My teacher was very pleased to see that, so was me. But first I need to thank you my father, if isn’t him teaching me, I still would be lazy Cicily all the time.

  My father is very good at cooking, like my mother. He always made yummy food for me. I love eating his food me. I love eating his food that he made. His food made me tall and strong.

  My dad is also very good at computer too. At the weekend, if we do go out, then me and him will both play computer together. He tell me about computer’s information.

  My father is a nice people. He is very kind and friendly to everyone, people that he even doesn’t know. Once, me and father go to shopping, we saw a boy hurt himself and cry by the shop door. Dad went to the boy and told him jokes, the boy stopped crying and smiled. Then he come to me said: “you really have a good father!”

  My father also is funny person. He always tells me jokes at night when I go to bed. That make me feel happy and have a good dream at night.

  I think my father is the best father in the world, he clever, he strong, he funny……

  Ilove my dad!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇6

  We often say that the mother who adored my father, but yanmu. I made a mistake. My father didn't beat or scold me, but taught me to make me aware of the mistake.

  On one occasion, I went to play with my classmates, forgot my time, and forgot to tell my parents when I went out. As soon as I got home, my mother said, "do you know where to go?" What do you do with bad guys? " I whispered, "I went to the classmate's house." Dad said for me, "OK, isn't the kid coming back?" Dad blinked me again and told me to avoid it. Father help me to mother, let her down. My mother's anger was gone, and I was also protected from a bitter skin. Dad told me not to go anywhere. Before leaving, do not worry. I went through the story, and I thought dad would scold me as careless as my mother, and dad just said I wouldn't be the same as today and nothing else. I asked cautiously, "Daddy, don't you curse me?" Dad laughed and said, "why should I scold you?" Your mother says you are worried about her because I believe you have realized your mistake. I heard and said, "well, I won't worry you like this any more. I won't run this way again."

  My father is such a kind man.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇7


  My father is a very handsome man. He has a round head, which looks like a big watermelon. His ears are big and thick. I think they are very similar to Maitreya Buddha's. Dad's eyes are deep, his nose is high and straight, and he always wears a pair of black framed glasses, which looks like a college student.


  My father loves innovation. He always likes new dishes. His innovative new dish looks very good, but it's actually not very good to eat and it's hard to swallow.


  I remember one morning, when I was going to wear socks, my father found two socks with different colors for me, but my mother found them. Mother said angrily, "why did you find two different socks?" My father replied solemnly, "we are going to wear different clothes from others. Why do we have to wear the same clothes?" I think what my father said is very reasonable, so I put it on happily, which makes my mother stare at me.


  My father is very learned. He often tells us historical stories at dinner. Dad is drinking a little wine, and he always tells fascinating historical stories with action. Every time I listen to it, I am very engaged. Mom listens and asks questions. Dad always answers them. How about, is my father a great talent?


  If you ask my father what is his hobby? Ha ha, of course, drinking! Look, his drunken look is funny. Because he can't stand up when he's drunk. Every step he took was shaking. It was like walking on the moon. There was no gravity, so my mother and I hurriedly supported him. Every time he gets drunk, he likes to play my head, hug me hard and pinch my face. I tried my best to avoid it, but he still came after me. What's more, he is drunk and often talks nonsense, which is hard to understand.


  In addition to drinking, my father also likes smoking. He has to smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. He often hid in the toilet and kitchen to smoke, and his mother was annoyed. I also advised him to give up smoking many times, but he didn't listen to me, which made me helpless.


  This is my father. What a lovely and funny person he is! But smoking and drinking really upset my mother and me!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇8

  I have a hard- work father.He is very kind and healthy, He loves me very much.

  He has a tall nose, two big eyes and short black hair. He’s not tall. But he is very smart.

  He’s funny. He likes to do sports very much.I think his favourite colour is red. Because he has many red things. My father usually tells me: Failure is the mother of success.

  He looks after me well. The weather has been cold, he calls me to put on the clothes.

  He is a good father. I like to stay with my father.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇9

  My father is a funny and strange father.

  Once I saw dad shaving his beard with a razor. I just walked into him. He took him with his beard. I felt very painful. I threw my dad off and said, "your beard is too long to be a broom, and not shave."

  Another time, while I was sleeping, I picked up a razor to shave off his beard. When I was just half shaved, my sleeping dad suddenly got up. He opened his eyes and asked, "what do you do with a razor?" Ah! I see. You want to shave off my beard. Dad's voice dropped, and I threw the razor under the bed. Dad said, "beard is my baby. You want to shave it off. There's no door." A few days later, Dad's beard grew again.

  After the above two things, I have compiled a poem specially for my father: "Ironweed, one year old coorong. As a razor, and a long day."

英语我的爸爸作文 篇10


  My father is a people's policeman. He is very tall and has eyes that smile like a moon. He is always conscientious in his work. But Dad will go home with me as soon as he has time.


  My father likes to "recharge" at any time. In addition to professional materials, he always pays attention to other fields in his spare time. He told me that knowledge is equal to wisdom. Knowledge can make me a very interesting person. In study, as long as there is something I don't understand, my father will be very interested in finding the answer with me.


  "Smoking is harmful to health" my father has a bad habit, which is to love smoking. Every time I saw my father smoke, I would give him a smoking ticket. There are many tickets at home, but my father still hasn't quit smoking. Still secretly ran to the balcony to smoke. My mother and I are really helpless.


  I love my family very much, but I love my father the most. I want to learn from my father's advantages and make a bright light for my life and study.












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