
2022-04-06 三年级英语作文


三年级的英语作文 篇1

  How time flies, the twinkling of an eye, happy winter vacation life is coming to an end, to review the whole winter holiday, I think I had a happy and substantial.

  Just on holiday soon, our whole family to a cleaning, that day early in the morning, we began to division of labor: dad wipe cabinet, mother clean the floor, I clean the Windows.

  Say action is, I get the newspaper first wipe the glass carefully again, and then to the "good helper" "a wipe. I put the two pieces of sponge wet inside, inside one half of the "wipe", the other half on the outside, against the glass, "pa" glue stick to the absorption, I took out half, with lines and then have a sequentially on the move. I rubbed the breath

  Five window, the window of brush very clean, and even let dad look outside, hit up a package.

  To reward my father promised to go fishing with me too, but the premise is I can't make a sound. I repeatedly promise. A few days later, my father took me to the field of a large pond, take out fishing rods, and help me put the earthworm, I chose a place on it, and then quietly waiting for the fish bait. Etc. Along while, no movement, dropped their fishing rod I almost want to go to play, can have a look at the father buckets for fish, and unwilling to him, had to take a fishing rod dry, his eyes staring at the buoy, straight shaking buoy up suddenly, I rubbed my eyes, it was a slight movement, I'm sure the fish bait, just a lift rod, haha, a big fish, I the father proud proud head, father also with surprised eyes looked at me, I'm so happy!

  Have a good beginning, I am confident, no longer want to give up easily. So lucky goddess comes into my head, big fish small fish to eat fish bait, I had a good harvest. At home, mom and dad have to a thumbs-up to me, I admire myself.

  By the way, how have you been in the winter vacation, also like me happy and substantial?








三年级的英语作文 篇2









三年级的英语作文 篇3

  Reading has many benefits, in the world of this book, many hidden secrets, there are many things we don't know. I will talk about the benefits of reading now!

  Remember since third grade, I especially love to read reference books. Such as "cpaing", "cc" lu, a lot of trouble in the ma small jump ", "fairy tale" and so on. They are deeply attracted me, I couldn't put it down on them, they there are many good story, fantasy, legends, experienced things, a book! Is the sea of knowledge, it with the children's ship, step by step. When it reaches a destination, just can't help cheering! When to another destination, and cheered, so had been go forward rowing. A book is like a tree full of fruit tree of knowledge, you have to eat a fruit will get some knowledge, you keep eating fruit, knowledge have been long in your body, you more and more knowledge I have!

  Hiding a book, some we don't know something, you don't read it, just do not know collected Taoist scriptures with some what, as long as you read it, it will make friends with you. A book, a "longevity nut", as in help us to extend the meaning of reading. Shakespeare said: "the book is the nourishment of the world." The more you read, be cheerful note movement.

  Reading a book! A book full of human soul all beautiful!





三年级的英语作文 篇4

  Hi, I'm a child just in grade three, my name is pillars, I really very happy to introduce myself to you.

  To introduce my personality, I was very shy on the outside, met a stranger facial muscle is always very nervous, sometimes even become common most familiar greeting coy. Can be in the home, my power and prestige eight sides, always reel talking with family, sister and brother play crazy, occasionally a little small temper. But I believe, I one day bumped into a stranger, can leisurely like in the home, laughing with them.

  Introduction after my personality, then introduce my hobbies. I love reading of a book is a powder, I turned over every book at home. Gradually, home of the book is not enough to my reading, I often went to the bookstore, impatient, sometimes even forgot to bring money, again afraid a good book is finished, so we have to lift the book, on the bookcase, sometimes see sore eyes, his feet support can not put down, so we have to hold a book, squatting on the ground, close eyes, in order to temporary rest, but always can't wait want to see. Sometimes a thick book was quickly kill me in a few minutes, and then into a mind, his wisdom constantly on my way home to understand the content of this book, slowly one by one answer in mind.

  I not only love reading, and has a certain interest in painting. Either on the draft paper, or in the white paper, who I met, were painted a mesh not miserably to see the whole paper is not miss even a corner. It is this persistent painting, now that I have been able to draw people to life.

  I am a love of learning, reasonable obedient good boy.



  介绍完我的性格,接下来就介绍一下我的兴趣爱好。 我是一个极爱看书的超级书粉,家里的书我都翻了个遍。渐渐地,家里的书已经不足够我的阅读量,我就常常跑去书店,有时心急,连钱都忘了带,又怕好书被买完,只好捧起书,倚靠在书柜上,有时看得眼睛酸疼,脚无力支撑也不舍放下,只好抱紧书,蹲在地上,微闭双眼,以求暂时的休息,但总是迫不及待的想去看完。有时厚厚的一本书也被我在几十分钟内迅速秒杀,然后把智慧吸入脑子中,在回家的路上不断地去体会这本书的内容,脑子中的疑问慢慢地一个一个解答出来。



三年级的英语作文 篇5

  This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.


  I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed interest in English. They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside.


三年级的英语作文 篇6

  my pet is a toy bear. his name is small white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too.he is naughty.

  he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading.

  when i am unhappy, he accompanies me.

  he is my good friend.












三年级英语课作文 三年级的英语作文