
2021-08-20 小学英语作文


小学生英语作文300字 篇1

  My Winter Holiday

  My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping.

  One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad we are!

  This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.

小学生英语作文300字 篇2

  I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.

  Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

  May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.

小学生英语作文300字 篇3

  Jim's family

  A picture is on my desk. This is a picture of Jim's family. The man is Jim's father. A woman is behind Jim. She is his mother. They are teachers. A girl is in the picture, too. She is Jim's sister. Her name is Kate Green. Jim and his sister are in the same school. They are English.



小学生英语作文300字 篇4


  心里很着急自己不会说,但念又想:我已经是二年级的学生了,要给自己自信才能学好英语。于是,我不再害怕,离开爸爸妈妈,在一旁辅导老师教了几遍关于钦料的英语。不一会儿,我就做为小嘉宾在台上用游戏表演我的所学。一上台,一位辅导老师就用英语不停地唤醒另一位辅导老师,然后就用欢快的英语进入主题,每人想得到自己的饮料,必须说对饮料的.单词,而且说完后并用英语说致谢语,再互相对碰一下。我非常想得到一瓶饮料说对了“I like”,一瓶绿茶被我得到了,但最终绿茶没能在我的手中,又被其它小朋友说对了,轮到另外一个小朋友手中。原来这是做为演示用的。连爸爸妈妈也参加了互动,与我们一起比拼谁会说会认,还与我们一起做简单的英语边唱边跳,看着妈妈有点害羞的样子,小小的我给予她鼓励的眼神,终于,妈妈同样也自信起来,而且做得非常不错。


小学生英语作文300字 篇5

  One day, my father bought a white puppy from the field. I like this lovely puppy, give it a name called "toot".

  Toot the fur slippery, body fat, eyes round yo, nose next to a few beard, how lovely ah!

  Every day when I go to school, it has been following me, I call it back and go back. No school home from school, I saw toot at the door looked, as if waiting for my home and I play together. We came to the lawn, beep happy to say: "bark, bark!" I ran it also run, I go it also go, I stop it also stop, it shook hands with me, nod it!

  I like this white and fat puppy too!

小学生英语作文300字 篇6

  七月三日 星期一 晴天



  每一间教室都有两个外国老师。首先我们先到机场,内部有机舱、柜台......等设施。这对没出过国的我感到十分新鲜!下一个单元是图书馆,里头的书都是英文。外国老师还念英文给我们听,每个人都很专心聆听喔!我们还自己制作借书证,从玩乐中我们真的学习不少。下一站-银行,还是小学生的我当然很想体验使用提款机,就像妈妈平常去银行一样,先领号码牌再提款。最后中午来到餐厅,虽然同样吃的是营养午餐,但改用盘子、叉子和汤匙,吃起来特别有风味。接下来,来到的是熟悉的商店,看着柜子上琳琅满目的商品,有背包、鞋子、领带......等,各式各样、令人目不暇给。玩了一整天,我们最后来到饭店,内部华丽的装 潢,让人为之眼睛一亮呢!

小学生英语作文300字 篇7

  hello!my name is Mingming.I am a pupil.i like speaking english very much.I go to school five days every week.every day i go to school on foot. because my school is not near my home.i like my school.there are about 3500 students and 54 teachers in my school.and i study grade 4.there are 45students in my class.my english teacher is tall and handsome .i love him very much. welcome to my school.you must be very happy.

小学生英语作文300字 篇8


  Every day when my mother was in bed, she came to my bed. My mother used her eyes to see if I had lifted the quilt.


  When my mother checks my homework, she will use those two big eyes to stare at my homework. If any problem is wrong, my mother will look at that pair of big eyes to me and signal to me that you are wrong.


  My mother's eyes are concerned about me. My mother's eyes are also very strong.

小学生英语作文300字 篇9

  Let me introduce my father.This ia my father. He is a strong and cool man.And he is very very kind to me.And he is a middle-aged man.

  He is tall.And he has very big mouth, And he has a big nose and small eyes.He likes to eat meats and rice. He likes to eat apples.He favorite color is blue.

  Look!He is wearing a blue T-shirt and shorts.

  I love my father very much! Today is Father’s Day. I love him!I wish my father happy holidays!!!

小学生英语作文300字 篇10

  April 5th, my big family went to Hangzhou Wildlife Animal zoo. We saw many kinds of animals in the zoo.

  First, we went to the parrot square. In my expectation, there were many beautiful parrots with different colors. Some were walking, some were eating. Some were playing. Then, we went to the snake zone where we found some tortoises, too. At last, we sat on a bus and went to the deep forest. We saw tigers, lions, zebras and giraffes. So many wild animals!

  It was really a nice trip for me. I hope you go and have a look too!










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