
2018-02-20 范文大全


The 20th Day

一、1. snacks 2. Mine 3. drawer 4. twentieth 5. fell

6. likely 7. follow 8. pollution 9. collecting 10. better

二、1 – 5 DCADB 6 – 10 ABBAB

三、1. Don’t feed 2. an 18-metre-long 3. wasn’t able to 4. How often does

5. to take care of

四、1. My mother often asks me not to play computer games in the evening.

2. You may burn yourself if you aren’t careful with matches.

3. She isn’t afraid of snakes any more.

4. It took them over/more than six hours to put out the fire yesterday.

Or: They spent over six hours putting out the fire yesterday.

5. It’s not polite to make much noise in the library.

五、One possible version:

Dear sir,

Best Youth Award for Lu Yi

We would like to recommend Li Feng for this year’s Best Youth Award.

Li Feng is very kind and helpful. He does everything carefully.

Last Saturday, Li Feng saw a girl crying in a supermarket. When he knew that she couldn’t find her mother, he bought some chocolate and a teddy bear for her at once. Then he took the girl to her home with the policeman’s help,

We’ll be very happy if he can get this award. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Zhao Wei

The 21st Day

一、1. capital 2. tricks 3. weighed 4. cashier 5. tooth

6. fond 7. lucky 8. own 9. goldfish 10. cartons

二、1 – 5 DCCAB 6 – 10 CBDAC

三、1. the; an 2. a; The 3. 不填; the 4. an; a 5. a; an

6. The; the 7. the; 不填 8. 不填; the

四、1. I’m excited to hear from my parents.

2. It’s necessary for the children to learn English well.

3. Thank you for looking after my dog.

4. It’s not polite to come in without knocking at the door.

5. They spent five hours putting out the fire.

五、1. places 2. usually 3. address 4. real 5. nobody 6. practice/practise 7. they 8. but 9. know

10. friends

The 22nd Day

一、1. golden 2. quickly 3. noisy 4. earliest 5. fifth

6. dangerous 7. buildings 8.writing 9. cheerful 10. yourselves

二、1 – 5 BDDAC 6 – 8 BCD

三、1. What important information 2. How much; weigh

3. What did; do 4. instead of 5. does it take

四、1. It’s important to be careful with fire.

2. The 12-year-old boy is crazy about playing computer games.

3. The ninth student in the photo is the tallest.

4. The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in.

五、1 – 5 B A B C D

The 23rd Day

一、1. cook 2. tennis 3. memory 4. polite 5. anywhere

6. while 7. worried 8. practicing 9. cleverest 10. searching

二、1 – 5 BBCDC 6 – 10 ABCBA

三、1. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

2. Mr. Wu and Neil are going to start a campfire.

3. Did you go to the Funny World Museum yesterday?

4. Anything could happen to her at that moment.

5. It is a very good friend but it is sometimes very lazy!

四、1. quietly改为quiet 2. pass改为past 3. open改为on

4. 把the去掉 5. will改为won’t 6. have改为be

7. none改为no 8. close改为closed 9. loafs改为loaves

10. join前加to

五、One possible version:

I will never forget one thing in my life. One day in July, 2008, when I was going back home from school, I heard someone shouting, “Help, help”. I looked around and saw there was a little girl in the river. At that time, a young man ran over and jumped into the river. The little girl was saved.

I think this young man is very brave. We should all learn from him.











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