我一生 的计划

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

作文教学网 ue m Dur ng my h gh school years, have found chem stry, phys cs, and mathemat cs nterest ng. ctually, am nterested n many subjects such as b ology, h story, geography, h nese, and ngl sh. But someho cannot remember the h stor cal events or the facts about geography n deta l. cannot remember b olog cal terms ell, e ther. n the other hand, chem stry, phys cs, and mathemat cs are easy for me because they seem log cal to me. fter cons der ng my nterests and talents feel that sc ence or eng neer ng m ght be the best cho ce for my career. ould l ke to study sc ence or eng neer ng n college. fter graduat on from college hope to go for h gher educat on overseas. ventually ould l ke to return to school to teach. Th s s my career plan. 作文教学网 ue m

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