My Family

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

文 章 来 源 ao ue . om

    Hello! veryone. Here’s a photo of my fam ly.

    Look! The g rl n red s myself. ’m Gu T ngyan. y ngl sh name s endy. Please call me endy, because l ke t. ’m tall and th n. y eyes are b g. y ha r s short. l ke read ng, skat ng, dra ng and ngl sh. ’m very clever. ’m the top student n my class. ll the teachers and classmates l ke me and l ke them, too.

    The man on the r ght s my father. He s also very tall. He’s handsome. He al ays ears a pa r of glasses. y father s an ngl sh teacher of m ddle school. Somet mes e learn ngl sh together. y father l kes basketball. He s good at t. He al ays plays basketball th h s orkmates.

    The oman on the left s my mother. n my eyes, she’s very beaut ful. She s tall, too. y mother has a round face, t o b g eyes and a small nose. Her ha r s long. y mother s a doctor. She orks very hard. She l kes sm l ng. She’s very k nd. th nk my mother s a good house fe. She can make del c ous d nner and she can do the house ork ell. Somet mes help her.

    have a happy fam ly. l ke my father and my mother.

文 章 来 源 ao ue . om

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1.My Family

2.My Family

3.My Family

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6.My family

7.My family

8.My Family

9.My Family

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