A stupid woman

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

网 址 ao ue Rose anted a job hen she as seventeen. t as not d ff cult to f nd a job then n the country. ne day Rose as look ng for a job. She ent to many off ces but she d dn’t l ke any of them. hen she ent nto one of the off ces, she sa a board: Th s off ce needs a typ st. Rose as e c ted. She ent to the manager’s off ce. The manager as r t ng someth ng . Rose knocked at the door. The manager ra sed h s head: “ Do you need a typ st?” asked Rose. “Yes!” the manager sa d. Rose jumped up and clapped her hands. She couldn’t help say ng: “ ok! ll take th s job. Ho much ll you pay me?” the manager thought for a fe seconds and sa d: “ ll pay you t enty-seven dollars n the f rst three months. Then ll pay you th rty dollars.” Rose sm led and ans ered: “Great, ll come and ork here three months later .” The manager fro ned and he as speechless. 网 址 ao ue

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