My class

2017-10-28 初中英语作文

中国作文网(原创整理的 > 初中英语作文   

    For most people, they only have one family, but for my 49 classmates, and me we have a second family, that is our class, a big and warm family.
    I can still remember when I first get into the class when I first met my classmates. It is just like yesterday. During the two years, we 50 students have become a family. We care about each other, and think of others first. We studies together, and help each other. We have the same object: to make our class better. I remember that when we were in grade 1, we were good in neither study nor other things. But now because of everyone’s hard working, we have become better.
    Once, I saw a saying in the magazine, it is: if you think you can, you can! Now in our class, it has become: we think we can, we can. I think we’ll make our class’s outlook brighter!

【My class】相关文章:

1.In my class

2.My Class

3.My Class

4.My Class

5.My Out-of-class Activities

6.My Out-of-class Activities

7.我的班级英语作文:My Class

8.我的课余生活英语作文:My Life After Class

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