Saving water

2017-10-28 初中英语作文

中国作文网(原创整理的 > 初中英语作文   

                                                 Saving water

I have found something sad in our school. Many students waste the water and other things.
  One day, I was on duty. I need to pour the water in the bucket to the water pool. But my classmate , the labour chairman called Xu Shuqi told me to water the plants with the water. but many students are unlike him. when I got to the water pod. I was surprised to see a tap was open. then I became very angry and sad. We should protect the water resources. If we do nothing , the last water will be our tears. So set a high value on our water resources.

【Saving water】相关文章:

1.Saving Water(节约用水)

2.节约用水英语作文:Saving Water







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