漓江 Lijiang River

2017-10-28 高中英语作文

中国作文网(www.T262.com)原创整理的 > 高中英语作文   Lijiang River is well known all over the world. Many people from different parts of the world come to visit her. This summer vacation I went to see her with my family, too.
The river is really very clean and pure. We rented a boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenes along the river. The mountains are so special. I’ve seem many other kinds of mountains, but I like Guilin’s mountains best. I’ve seem many rivers before, but I like Lijiang River best.
But I noticed one thing. The bank along the river looked lower and bad. It’s clear that the banks have been destroyed. I hope the government will take some measures to repair the bank. I’m sure Lijiang River would become more and more beautiful

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