To consume is to love our country

2017-11-02 高中英语作文

中国作文网(网友原创文章 > 英语作文

俞鑫 高二(17)班

Recently, the issue hether to consume is to love our country has been brought into our focus. Some people suppose that to consume can advance Chinese economy. Ho ever, others hold an opposite idea.

Those ho are in favor of the opinion that it is right to consume suggest consumption can contribute a lot to the economy and society, such as offering more jobs to people. No , ’s economy goes up by 8% on average every year because of the development of consumer culture.

Admittedly, those ho are against the argument claim that it is a costly hobby to consume, leading to aste of material and money. For example, the eight of the aste material has reached 2 billon tons since 2000 all over the orld. O ing to that, our natural environment ill become even orse than that no adays.

All in all, it is difficult to say hether to consume is to love our country or not. Ho ever I think e had better spend our money on the things hich are necessary.

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