Due attention should be give to Spel

2017-12-09 英语四级作文

  What is hot for 2010 in our colleges? It is the spelling mistakes. Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be “challenge”. Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as “chanllege”. How careless they are!

  Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university? Some experts attribute it to students’ inattention, because students always pay no attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, the teachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it is far beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exert themselves to change the spelling mistakes.

  Confronting with this situation, I maintain that the spreading of the spelling mistakes has extremely negative effects on the education. For one thing, the special age that none of students can spell correctly will come soon. For another, while communicating with foreigners, we will be laughed at the spelling mistakes made by ourselves. As a result, due attention should be given to spelling immediately.

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