Bicycle--the Most Popular Form of T

2017-10-28 英语四级作文

中国作文网(原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   Bicycle--the Most Popular Form of Transportation Tool in Our Country
3. 未来的趋势。
     In many countries, people prefer to travel by car, while in our country, bikes are the most popular form of transportation.
     Since we live in a devioping country in a devloping country the car production is not as much as that of the developed countries. And most people can not afford to buy a car, let alone the malnte nance of it. So, we prefer bikes as a tool of travelling. First, a bike is much cheaper than a car, so most consumers can afford it, And if there is .something wrong with a hike, people can fix it or have it fixed easily without paying much money. The second reason is that bikes need much less parking space than cars. In narrow roads, it is very difficult for cars to park. However, a bike needs relatively less room, so it is very convenient for us to use bikes. The third reason for using a bike is that it can save energy for our country. In this case, a bike is a very good kind of transportation tool for it needs no gasoline at all.
     Therefore, in our country, travelling by bike is a very popular and economical way. But with the development of our economy, the day when we use cars as the most popular form of transportation is sure to come.

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