
2017-10-31 初一作文

中国作文网(www.T262.com)网友原创文章 > 初中一年级作文

    Why  ater flood to sea?
               Why birds can fly?
               Why springtime gone a ay?
               Why does Monday come before Tuesday?
               Why do  inters come soon?
               Why do flo ers come in May?
               Why do summers start in June?
               Why do the starts “hitch” in the sky? 
               Why does sun shines?
                        Why? Why? Why?
               I  ant to kno , because I  ant to learn.
               Please tell me  hy!
中学生优秀作文网( )


1.Why Respect Is Important

2.Why Women Live Longer

3.Why are Children Lacking Sleep ?

4.Why Crime Rate Is on the Rise?

5.Why Divorce Rate Is on the Ris

6.Why Do We Go To School?

7.Why Is He My Best Friend?

8.Why Living Off Campus Is Popular?

9.Why do Fashions in Clothes Change?

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