
2017-09-10 毕业

  After they complete their university studies, some students live in their hometowns. Others live in different towns and cities. Which do you think is beterr? Give reasons for your answer.


  一 条件: 大学毕业后的生活地点/有人回家乡/有人去外地城镇

  二 要求: 两种去向,哪种较好? 谈谈自己的看法与打算,需讲出理由.

  三 写作分析: 本题是生活话题,有话可谈,可以随便发表高见. 生活与工作不可分,要一道谈.本题的写法可采用常规框架:一个观点,几条理由.谈理由时,思路应该开阔,例如就业机会,工资收入,气候,设施,亲友等因素都可作为理由,每一点都要例证充分.下笔前,要决定使用演绎法,还是推理法.

  After they complete their univerrsity studies, some students preferr to live in their hometowns while others choose to live in different towns or cities. Everybody has his own reasons for his preference. After my graduation, I will go back and live in my home city. I have made this decision because of the following reasons.

  Firstly, my home city is a big city that can offer a lot. There are plenty of opportunities for work, many big libraries for studies, several differrent musiums for visit, and numerous cinemas, theaters and centers for entertainment. When I go back there, I will have no difficulty in finding a job suitable for me and I can make use of all the facilities available there.?

  Secondly, if I go back to my home city, I can look after my parents. I take this into consideration because I am their only child and they are now weak and getting on in age. If I live in the same city with them, I can visit them very often and help them whenever it is necessary.

  Thirdly, if I live in my home city, I will have a lot of friends, schoolmates and relatives to visit and to turn to for help when I need. Of course, I could get acquainted with many people and make many friends if I were to go to live in a strange place, but that takes time. If I go back to my home city, everybody will be waiting for me and I will be able to settle down comfortably without any trouble and waste of time.

  In short, my choise is based on a careful consideration of my home city and my family. I think it is a better or sensible choice; in a certain sense, it is a must.


  文章的观点是毕业后回家乡,在第一段表明.这样开头,属演绎法的基本手法,下文必须是理由,直至结尾.为了清楚明了,文章分别用了四个逻辑词firstly,secondly,thirdly and inshort 引导各段.

  第一段 引出主题,表明意向

  第二段 家乡是大城市及其优点

  第三段 父母年迈体弱,自己是独生子女

  第四段 归纳和进一步说明

  第五段 总结














高中毕业英语作文 毕业的初中作文