
2021-02-26 初二年级英语作文


初二英语作文 篇1

  My Ambition / Future/ Dream

  Everyone has dreams. Some want to be doctors. Some want to be scientists. Some want to be engineers. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I’m good at talking to people. And I like the job. I would be nice to all my students. I would encourage them to be creative. I wouldn’t give them too much homework on weekends.Maybe I will be a manager. I would run a business and lead a team. I would work hard and make the company bigger and stronger. My teacher often says to us . “No matter what you will be ,you must work hard today”. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right path for you. Rich or poor, it doesn’t matter. Our biggest goal is to be happy. I think if we work hard ,our dreans will come true. We will have a good future.




初二英语作文 篇2

  The spring festival is coming.My parents buy me some new clothes.Let me show them to you.They are a T-shirt,a jacket,a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.

  The T-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton.I think it is very comfortable to wear cotton clothes.The trainers are made of leather.The colour of the the T-shirt is white because I like this colour and this colour makes the T-shirt look clean.The jacket is blue and white.It's a little long and big.It looks smart.My jeans aren't tight.They are very comfortable to wear.The trainers are blue and white.They match my jacket very much.

  I love my new clothes.How do you like them?

初二英语作文 篇3

  A British company wants to build a paper factory in our city. But opinions are different on that issue. Some agree that we should build the paper factory. Ifwe do so, many new jobs can be created tbr local people, which will surely push the development of the city’s economy. What’ s more, the factory will bring in modern ideas of management and new machines, including equipment for protecting the environment.

  On the other hand, others insist on not having it built in the city, They are worrying about the pollution most. They believe that the factory will produce noises which will disturb people’ s peaceful life. Besides, poisonous gas from the thctory will dirty the air we breathe. The river will also be polluted by the waste water from the factory.

初二英语作文 篇4

  I have been living in my hometown for 15 years. I love everything in it. Would you mind listening to my description of my hometown? I think you won’t. My hometown is the city of Liuyang. It is a small mountain city.

  Liuyang is very beautiful. It has the famous river named Liuyang River. It is famous for the song of Liuyang River. And Liuyang Firework is famous in the world. It has many wonderful sights everywhere. Now it has great parks and museums which are free for public. You can go climbing and bike riding in your free time. It has already had hundreds of factories. They have made and are making different kinds of goods such as beds, paper and firework. The traffic is also convenient. You can take buses or taxis to anywhere. This small city is very amazing, isn’t it?

  The population of Liuyang is one million and four hundred thousand. Maybe this city is a little crowded. However, Liuyang people are really polite and friendly. You can get along well with them and make friends with them. Besides, Liuyang food is very delicious. Have you ever been to Liuyang before? It’s a great idea to travel to Liuyang with your family or your friends on vacation. If you come to Liuyang, I’m sure you’ll have a great time and you’ll even fall in love with it and won’t be willing to leave.

初二英语作文 篇5

  Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don’t come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don’t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.











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