My advice初二英语作文

2022-05-10 初二年级英语作文

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编整理的My advice初二英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

  My advice初二英语作文 篇1

  If your friend loves flowers, you should buy some lily flowers. Because they represent friendship. If your friend is interested in animals. You could give a turtle to her. Because the turtle could live too many years in the water. When your friend look at the turtle, that means to see you. If you friend take an interest in sports. You should try to buy a pair of sport shoes for her . finally , I think you should give your album to her. And you should ask her give her album to you.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇2

  Dear editor,

  I'm writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic.

  In recent years,with the development becoming faster and faster,the traffic also becomes worse and worse,it has already had an effect on people's live and the development of economy and society.This situation is complained by people,so we need work it out.

  First of all,change the lifestyle.People can go to work by bus or underground as possible as they are.It is a good way to decrease the heavy traffic.What's more,control the number of cars,it is the main reason about the heavy traffic.Last but not least,the government should set up the law about the traffic,and people also follow the traffic rules.

  I hope the advice is helpful for the heavy traffic.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇3

  The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.Thanks for earth`s endure.We should check ourselves from now and forever!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇4

  In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvantages .

  On the one hand,shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items,and they look through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.

  People needn't to go shopping in stores . Then it can reduce cars' amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. It's unpollution and it can reduce energy.

  On the other hand, customers can buy false production. People will becheated and have many bussniss also demaged .

  So we shopping on the Internet should notice the quality of theproduction. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet .

  My advice初二英语作文 篇5

  Today's weather is really strange, morning or cloudy day.At about six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to float to the surf-ace of a thin layer of fog, enveloped the mountains in the distance.I thought it was night hazy horizon.After five minutes, when I once again fell on the window overlooking the distance, accidentally discovered the windows on the more granular beads, thin look, each a small drop of water contains a mass of black dust and small particles, my strange.Then we go the distance, tall buildings as if on a soft white yarn, neon decorative ribbons and more ethereal; parking cars also opened the fog lights, the lights like a beam of light, very beautiful.

  Gradually dark days down, the window drops more more, slowly, small water sucking more.All the window is so quiet and beautiful, I can not help but also deeply attracted by the....... while I am engaged when, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it is raining cats and dogs.The rain beat against the glass, the dust can also be washed clean.Just the fog, was also blown no shadow.Hey, this is not to say natural book haze phenomenon?I brought home a thick "one hundred thousand why", ha ha, finally found -- to, this is the haze!It is cloudy phenomenon because the air suspension with a lot of smoke, dust particles encountered water formed, make the line of sight fuzzy and lead to decreased visibility.No wonder there are tiny spots of the particles of glass, originally is the dust in the air is in trouble!Because air pollution is more serious, so the haze weather more, harm is greater.Sometimes the car can not be opened, the plane could not be landed.To reduce haze weather, we have to protect environment, more trees, a variety of grass, improve air quality, for the benefit of mankind.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇6

  Spring girl walked into our world with light footsteps, came to my side. Wherever she went, she was always there. In a few days, our school is going to organize the annual spring outing, I suggest that we go to the spring outing to the hongmei Park this year! The reasons are as follows:

  1. The flowers in the park are very beautiful. The park has a large area of red plum blossom, so it is called the Red plum park. Every February and March, the carefully pruned plum trees in the Hongmei Park will open a bright plum blossom, some of them deep red; Some pink; Some are white...... Be of many colors. You want to smell to wintersweet gently only one smell, a thick faint scent is pungent and come, a kind of quiet feeling is enveloping whole body, make a person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind. Here, every tree is a bonsai, a traditional Chinese painting; Each flower is filled with the breath of spring, people stop to look at, beautiful. In the distance, there might be a few butterflies with two pairs of wings. One big, one small, like four exquisite little fans. Butterfly body thin long, the color is black, there are two antennae on the head, like the antenna on the TV, is used to distinguish the smell. They must have caught the scent of plum blossoms.

  2. The amusement equipment in the park is very interesting and exciting. Where the frogs leap from the heights; There are thrilling flying chairs; There are happy bumper cars, and carefree merry-go-round...... My favorite item is flying chair. The flying chair like a sky tree, high standing in the middle of the park, and that many seats, like a long willow branches, hanging in the tree. I sat on a seat, just listen to the "ding" sound, flying chair began to slowly turn, my heart also followed the flying chair slowly fly to the sky in the air, to mid-air, I slowly put my arms flat, like a bird flying freely in the forest. A man looks so small when seen from above. I gently closed my eyes, the ear of the wind "whoosh" to blow over, next to occasionally spread a few screams, time passed quickly, I was excited, the game is over.

  The grass in the park is very flat and open. We can jump rope, play badminton and have lunch there.

  I hope we can go to hongmei Park to have a look, play, enjoy the scenery there, there are many beautiful waiting for you to discover it!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇7

  Spring is coming, spring is shining and everything is reviving. Willow spits out tender buds, swallows fly back from the south singing in the branches, rhododendrons blooming beautiful flowers, inviting butterflies to dance in the flowers. In this beautiful spring, I suggest the students together on the Lingzhu Mountain spring outing, to find the footprints of the spring girl.

  Lingzhu Mountain in spring is very beautiful, green trees into the shade, flowers such as the sea, the stream of water trickling. Birds singing freely in the branches, small fish and shrimp in the stream happy to swim around, small ants also climbed out of the nest, and began to work hard... they gave the beautiful spring to play a vibrant wonderful movement.

  Continue to go forward, will see a small pavilion for people to rest, sitting in the pavilion to rest, is next to the bushes of mountain flowers and shade green trees, very comfortable, let a person eliminate the fatigue when climbing just now. Don't think these are the only beautiful spots in Lingzhu Mountain. As you continue to walk, the two sides of the mountain are verdant, like a pure natural green corridor. Birds and butterflies fly freely among them, which is really a picture of vibrant spring scenery!

  If can in such a picturesque scenery, breathing the nature fresh air, fully relax, eliminate tension and fatigue, what a pleasant day! So I hope you can take my advice, let us together into the embrace of spring Lingzhu Mountain!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇8

  I suggest a spring outing to hongshan Zoo! The reasons are as follows: Spring scenery in Hongshan Zoo is very beautiful. The spring breeze caresses everything, and the flowers open their smiling faces. Butterflies dance in the flowers, the bees are working hard, the students can go there to take a walk, take a look, the scenery is very beautiful. Plum blossom opened, aroma tangy, pink pink, very good-looking. Willow trees in the spring breeze blowing, also sprout.

  The grass turned green, colorful flowers in the garden also competed to open, there are roses, there are small wild flowers... some red like fire; Some are as white as snow; Some yellow like gold; Some are as pink as clouds. Wild geese came from the south, adding a lot of joy to spring. Birds also began to "chattering" in the branches, as if singing beautiful songs, is really a beautiful scene. Bring your camera and take pictures of the beautiful spring scenery. The animals in Hongshan Zoo are very cute. Small animals read by the spring breeze woke up, red panda there eating bamboo, it ate to sleep, sleep to eat, too lazy, orangutans in its territory to play games, good fun oh. The hippo is doing morning exercises in its pool! The monkey climbed to the top of the tree to enjoy the scenery! When you go to play, be sure to contact them and bring some food for them to eat, but pay attention to safety. The playground in Hongshan Zoo is very interesting.

  There are many interesting projects: Merry-go-round, ferris wheel, coasters, etc., can exercise person's courage very much, if it is a little man with little xia female, will have to try, must be very exciting, the scene will make you very unforgettable, linger...... not much said, you went to know there is a beautiful, fun, hope you can adopt my proposal.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇9

  "Books alone cannot change the world, but reading can change your life, and people can change the world." This remark was made by Premier Wen Jiabao. Let me benefit a lot of words, I will never forget, so, we have to read more, more accumulation of knowledge, but the study of the "heavy task", so that it is difficult for us to transfer reading time.

  Therefore, I suggest: young pioneers in reading time can give enough, let young pioneers fall in love with reading. The knowledge in the textbook can be satisfied for a while, but the knowledge outside the classroom can change yourself, change everything around! Now, should let the young Pioneers usually homework can be arranged less, encourage the young Pioneers to study in reading, enlighten the young Pioneers, let the young Pioneers grow in the sea of knowledge.

  In this world, nothing is absolutely strong, and nothing is absolutely weak. Even the strongest thing has its own weakness, and even the weakest thing has its own unique ability. Strong and weak in certain conditions can be transformed into each other. Therefore, some students who are relatively poor in learning should not be discouraged, and do not always compare themselves with others. Once you fail, your psychology will be greatly affected. People who are good in learning should not say that others are not good and look down on others. In this way, you can not have a foothold in the future society. In president Tao's Speech, President Tao once said, "Morality is the basis of being a human being. Even if you have much knowledge and skills, you will not become a useful person to society. Social stability and national development require everyone to pay attention to both 'public morality' and 'private morality'. We come to the school, in addition to learning cultural knowledge, more important is to learn to be a man, learn to do 'real'?

  Therefore, I suggest that schools should be based on primary and middle school students' physical and psychological development characteristics, using the relevant psychological education methods and means, cultivate students' good psychological quality, promote the students' comprehensive and harmonious development of body and mind and quality improving education activity, is an important part of quality education, is to carry out the cross-century quality education project, an important link in training cross-century high quality talents.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇10

  Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the eyes of the students. When the first plum blossom blossom; When the first butterfly fluttered; When the first spring thunder sounded in the sky... Spring has come. Spring came to Lihu Park with light footsteps. The grass is tender, the willow is green, and the small flowers are red, forming a brilliant and matchless spring. Spring is coming -- spring is coming -- several clusters of winter jasmine like a handful of golden small conch, full strength to report the information of spring to people; They crowded one another, and the more they looked, the more endearing they became. Want to pick one, holding it to smell, fragrance... Willow girl spread her soft long hair, ask sister wind to comb a new hairstyle for it. The wind sister hair into a small braid, each braid has a lot of green bow, willow girl happy to stretch eyes and eyebrows. How's that? Intoxicated? The fun is still coming. Come with me to the lake.

  There, we could rent a boat in groups of four and float on the rippling lake. The water, which had been rippling beside the boat, slowly retreated, like a loving mother patting her sleeping baby. Under the sun, the lake seems to spread a new gold coin, floating light jump gold, colorful, dazzling... At this time, I think of a wuxi dialect: Li Lake fountain is the most exciting stick, a spray to 100 meters. If you're lucky, you might actually meet a 100-meter high jet. One hundred meters high spray in the blue sky and white clouds against the background, like a silver dragon, straight into the sky, majestic. Next to the water jet together, from a distance like a wall of water, like a silver rain curtain. If the boat is closer, the spray of water at your fingertips, you stretch out your hand, the water falls in the palm of your hand, ice cold, very comfortable! "Wow -- rainbows! "I saw" rainbow "in a hundred meters high spray to draw an elegant form, the emergence of the rainbow let tourists more excited, the rainbow is like a colorful bridge, leading to people's joy. At this time, sitting in the boat, looking at the fountain, do not have some fun.

  In Li Lake Park, not only 100 meters high spray, students can also bring their favorite kites, flying in the open space. Look up, the sky into the world of kites, all kinds of beautiful kites in the breeze blowing, free to fly into the blue sky...... Let's go together and go to Lihu Park in spring. I hope you can take my advice. Li Lake Park will welcome you with open arms! Let us feel the joy, feel the breath of spring, spring starts from Li Lake!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇11

  The footsteps of spring are getting closer and closer to us. Are you ready? We must seize this beautiful spring breath to walk in nature and have a look. This year I have decided, I don't want to go to the park, because there are more people in the park, and the man-made landscape is not so close to nature. I must father take me to take a walk in the mountains, where is the natural scenery. That's what nature really looks like.

  Remember the third grade, I also went to the mountains, I saw the cypress, pine, more than 20 meters high. The small ants in the grass, the small insects prance, can be fun. The grass is full of just blooming flowers, sometimes flowers like a beauty contest, blossoming. Provoke a group of small bees dancing in the flowers, small dragonflies are also dancing in the flowers beautiful dance tens of thousands of soft willow branches opened the yellow leaves.

  The swallow came from the south to add a lot of vitality to the spring, especially the earth was the sun after the breath, so fragrant, that breath, there is a special taste with words can not describe. Students, if you don't feel the beauty of spring, I'm sure you'll regret your decision. Let's move. We hurry to feel the fresh spring brought to us.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇12

  Spring girl quietly came to our side, the wheat into golden yellow, called the flower grass out of the head today I suggest that we go to my mother-in-law home sweet a large rape field to take a look. I couldn't bear to leave the last time I went to see the rape flowers!

  Southeast of my mother-in-law's hometown is a large area of rape, golden, beautiful. Cauliflower babies sneeze, and the whole hometown is dyed golden. If the rape flowers were more yellow, they would not be so bright, and if they were lighter, they would not be so brilliant. I'm afraid the color of the rape is only out of the spring girl! The rape flowers in our hometown are not everywhere to see!

  In the southwest of the rape flower, I planted a small willow sapling, but now has grown into a towering tree! The willow girl's hair was long and green and green. Willow girl under the body of a river, as if combing their hair. Every day ducks swim by the river, swallows fly by the river, and people step on the river.

  Oh, right! There is also a peach forest in my hometown. The peach aroma on the tree has been flying over the whole hometown, each peach tree is a beautiful scenery, a picture. Summer can also enjoy the cool under the tree, peach pink, with some green buds, is really beautiful ah! Into the peach forest, as if in the clouds.

  I'm not going to say much because of time. We still go to see the beautiful scenery of my hometown!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇13

  Spring girl walked to us with brisk footsteps, she took off the winter clothes, gave the earth covered with a colorful clothes, so that the world is full of vitality.

  I suggest we go to Tiger Hill. The scenery there is beautiful, there are parks, scenic spots, zoos and so on.

  Let's go to the east park first. Walking into the park, I saw groups of lively and lovely children playing, some playing slide, some playing seesaw, and in the swing... The most attractive thing is the roller coaster, which is really exciting! But you have to be brave to play, to feel exciting. You must feel tired after playing for a while. Let's go to the south section.

  It's so beautiful! Rockery like a giant standing like a mirror in the lake, the lake is very clear, you can see the fish in the water ah, shrimp and things like that, to the lake with a little water on the hand, licking, a cool slip in your throat, as if to bring you a wisp of wind, but also slightly a little sweet. Turn around again, and you are faced with a lively picture. The green willow branches are fluttering in the breeze, like a girl's long hair. The birds in the tree chirp, as if singing!

  Finally, the zoo I will not say, or we go to experience it!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇14

  Spring girl with light footsteps, smiling to the world, it wrinkled the river, blowing green willow, blowing green grass, blowing apricot tree bud...... What a beautiful spring day! I suggest we go to the Red Maple Lake and have a look.

  In this warm spring flowers bloom. [Note: the atmosphere of spring is full of vigor and vitality. The birds' song and fragrance of flowers are sweet. Red flowers and green willows. In the season, the daughter of spring came to the Red Maple Lake and sowed the seeds of spring.

  You see, on the path, she walked vigorously, hard smile, she waved ten thousand silk threads, busy and happy for the earth spinning light yellow, light green spring.

  Look ah, grass secretly stretch new leaves, apricot flowers are also out of white and pink flower groups.

  In the woods, fat turtledoves sang merrily high in the branches, and little bluebirds played and sang from flower to flower. Surrounded by water and air, budding trees and angry flowers, the birds sang airy praises of the charming scenery.

  In the lake, a few swallows from the sky, just listen to the "chirp", has from the island here, flew to the willow tree there; A few skimmed across the surface of the lake, clipping their tails or wingtips occasionally touching the water, and the little halo would ripple around and around.

  There is a square on the dock of Hongfeng Lake, where we can play games, guess riddles, look at the beautiful scenery of Hongfeng Lake, and see the beautiful fountain, as if we were in a painting.

  As for the Red Maple Lake is of course more charming. Every spring, flowers bloom and wake up, reflecting in the lake. The blue sky and white clouds form a beautiful landscape painting in the water. The most unique thing about the lake is that there are mountains in the lake, holes in the mountains, pure water and beautiful stalactites in the holes.

  We can also take a boat slowly enjoy the beauty of the Red Maple Lake, if you want to play some exciting, then sit speedboat, that speed is quite fast, sometimes encountered underwater rocks, it is not only ok, but also fly up!

  Hongfeng Lake is not only beautiful, but also has many interesting things. In a word, it will be difficult to describe clearly, or you can come to hongfeng Lake, have a look, experience the beautiful scenery here.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇15

  Spring girl steps light footsteps quietly came to the world, every place has her beautiful footprints. I suggest you go to the Shuanghu Park where we build lake. Once there, wow! The air was fresh, the flowers were blooming, and the scenery was beautiful. The grass grows pale green buds, willow girl bent over the lake deliciously in the mirror! The birds are free, the wind is gentle, the flowers are also competing, competing to open, there are pink peach blossom, white pear, golden rape......

  Such beautiful scenery, worthy of my hometown! Bees gather honey from flowers while butterflies dance on them. After enjoying this beautiful view, I suggest that you go to the lake to rent a boat and enjoy the lake like a bronze mirror. The lake was cold and comfortable to touch. Look, those fish poked out their small heads, as if to say to us: "Welcome welcome, thank you for visiting our double Lakes Park!" Twin Lakes Park is even more enchanting at night. The antique architecture, heavy traffic and people coming and going add a beautiful landscape to it. Double lake park beautiful scenery, I hope you are free to come here to enjoy, I will be your free tour guide!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇16

  Last summer vacation, my mother and I went to Yuntai Mountain to play.

  The mountains there, beautiful and rolling, rose high into the clouds, with rock for bone, soil for meat, vegetation or snow for a hat, like a giant of flesh and blood. They have broad breasts that embrace gentleness and spread beauty and color across the world; They have a strong perseverance, can show strength, with their great posture for the earth to hold up a piece of brocade. The high mountain, as if can and the moon hand in hand, and the sun kiss the face. This makes me can not help but think of "the beautiful bell, Yin and Yang cut at dawn" "do not know the true face of Lushan, only the body in the mountain" and other verses.

  The water there is very clear, as far as the eye can see, you can see the small goldfish swimming freely, sparkling water like a layer of emerald. The spring was murmuring, and a small stone stood in their way, over which the water flowed in small white splashes. Crystal clear small water, falling into the stream, like a lot of dimples in the water for a long time.

  There are so many people there! It was full of tourists at a glance, and the narrow mountain road was crowded with tourists. Sufficient to see the scenery here beautiful, let a person linger.

  The above is my travel feelings, I hope you can adopt my advice. But try to stagger the rush hour, such as in spring, to avoid the crowds and enjoy the beauty of nature. We must pay attention to safety when we go out to play. While enjoying life on vacation, we should remember to take away the garbage to protect our natural environment.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇17

  March breeze with moist, blowing across the fields, and connect with light footsteps coming to us, if we will have a spring outing, I have a suggestion: I hope you can be away from the noisy city, to take a walk in the countryside, have a look, do not think that only the slopes and the orchard have it - connect's masterpiece, if you live in the country for a few days, will yo don't have a taste. Remember last spring, my family went to the countryside, my brother and I sat under the tree to play, beautiful scenery, especially happy.

  In the clear water, fish are playing, grass on the grass grow up, see this scene, I will think of this poem: wildfire can not burn, spring breeze blowing and health. Can not help but be moved by this tenacious spirit.

  In the countryside, at night, there is no shrill whistle, only the sound of sleeping breathing, the night is very quiet. The next day, as soon as it was light, the cock's loud voice crowed "cock-a-doodle". Spring flowers, the river like a beautiful young girl, is dressing up yourself! See here, I can not help but think of the poem he Zhizhang wrote: jasper makeup into a tree high, ten thousand down green silk sash. The slender willow is the maiden's long hair, how beautiful it is!

  Blooming flowers gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, pear is flourishing, look! The snow-white flower is the girl's beautiful face. Aroma, the formation of a beautiful landscape, very attractive.

  Spring, large areas of blooming rape, attracted small bees, they fly to this flower, while flying to the flower, dazzling, dizzying.

  In the country, the air is fresher and makes people feel very happy! But in the city is very different, this is the place I want you to go, how about, then go to experience it! I believe that you will be as intoxicated as I am in the fresh fragrance of flowers, do not want to leave.

  I hope my suggestion can be adopted by everyone.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇18

  Spring girl gently came to our side, make the earth full of vitality. Class, I suggest a trip to Zimaling. Because where not only increased a lot of fun, exciting games, and a arrive there, the feeling of spring arises spontaneously! Not long ago, my mother and I went to play, even my mother is reluctant to part. I still remember clearly the day I went to Purple Horse Park.

  Just stepped into the purple horse Ridge, the flowers on the small bud, can be lovely! A little farther on, the snow-white dove cooed. As if to say, "Welcome!" Tired of walking, he rested on the grass. Pigeons will come and play with you. When you're in a good mood, you can visit the koi pond. Don't have some fun! The koi pond is full of water, and the naughty little koi will splash water in your face. Perfect!

  Do not think that there is no fierce animals in Purple Horse Park, there are many! If you look carefully, you'll find it!

  As for other projects, I will not say more, you still have a look!

  Spring girl gently came to our side, make the earth full of vitality. Class, I suggest a trip to Zimaling. Because where not only increased a lot of fun, exciting games, and a arrive there, the feeling of spring arises spontaneously! Not long ago, my mother and I went to play, even my mother is reluctant to part. I still remember clearly the day I went to Purple Horse Park.

  Just stepped into the purple horse Ridge, the flowers on the small bud, can be lovely! A little farther on, the snow-white dove cooed. As if to say, "Welcome!" Tired of walking, he rested on the grass. Pigeons will come and play with you. When you're in a good mood, you can visit the koi pond. Don't have some fun! The koi pond is full of water, and the naughty little koi will splash water in your face. Perfect!

  Do not think that there is no fierce animals in Purple Horse Park, there are many! If you look carefully, you'll find it!

  As for other projects, I will not say more, you still have a look!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇19

  Spring girl hummed a ditty to us. Don't think only botanical gardens and zoos have her footprints. In fact, she's everywhere. I suggest students to the dinosaur park to play, have a look, there is not a spring fun. Last spring, my classmates and I went to play there, we were still reluctant to leave. The scene was still vivid in my mind.

  There are many amusement facilities in the Dragon Garden, but the one I like most is the mysterious seat. When I was playing with the mysterious seat, I did not know how scared I was, sometimes afraid of shoes falling off, sometimes afraid of falling off and kept screaming and even my eyes were coming out. After a few minutes, the game was finally over, and my pounding heart stopped. The seat rises slowly in the air first, then rotates 360 degrees three times, slowly descends, and so on rotates to 180 degrees when all the heads are under the feet on the top. After playing, I said to the people around me: "Oh! Don't do that next time. It almost scared you out of your wits." I had this look of horror on my face.

  Not only the amusement facilities are interesting, but also the dinosaur fossils are worth visiting.

  You see, coming to the dinosaur park is to get their fun! I hope you can come and have a tour.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇20

  Spring girl walked to us with light footsteps. I suggest we go to Huangshan Lake Park. The park is full of spring girl's footprints, look, it hits the willow, out of the pale yellow leaves, looked like countless green ribbons, in the spring breeze blowing, the wind, very beautiful.

  The grass in the call of the spring breeze also quietly drilled out of the land, revealing a small green head, swaying around in the spring breeze, full of vitality, give a person up the power. The spring breeze is really a magician, overnight, the flowers blew open, just off the winter jasmine, ushered in the pink peach blossom, red apricot flowers, white pear...... Huangshan Lake Park has suddenly become a world of flowers.

  Came to the lake, the scenery is more beautiful, the lake in the spring breeze blowing, rocked a circle of ripples, woke up the bottom of the lake small fish and shrimp, they scrambled to the surface, out of the head, look at the situation outside. Nearby, the winter jasmine is in full bloom, which is very suitable for us to take photos there.

  I hope my suggestion can be adopted.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇21

  Spring breeze, gently blowing, willow branches spread goose yellow buds, with the melody of the breeze, rhythmically swinging waist. The grass nods to me, the flowers dance for me. I walked on the gravel paved path, facing the warm spring breeze, slowly walking, let a person feel a bit tired, and a few silk comfortable. You're gonna ask me where I am! Let me tell you, I am in my hometown -- Bai Pu! How else could there be such an idyllic beauty?

  Have such charming scenery attracted you, then come to my hometown Baipu bar! Where the orchards smell; Green fields; Clear river... And my favorite is the voice of masterpiece, large tracts of rape field, she opened a bright heaven and earth, golden, everywhere is so warm, the flowers open smile, laugh so simple, smile so natural, although there is no narcissus as delicate, nor as noble peony, but rape has its own unique aroma, in my mind, The fragrance is eternal. She opened her small mouth, spit out a refreshing fragrance, waves of floating, from time to time to pick up the butterflies and industrious bees.

  In March, is the color of rape, really do not know how spring girl is so charming color. If it was a little bit thicker, it wouldn't be so natural, it would be so transparent; If the light then a little bit, will not be so bright, so bright. In the fields, everywhere is a piece of gold, like a yellow carpet on the green earth. At this time, I can't help but think that the earth is the stage, the sky is the audience, rape is a dancer, is enjoying the ballet "Swan Lake"......

  Now are you as drunk as ME into it, so come to my hometown! Believe that the real scenery will certainly make you immersive, linger!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇22

  Winter grandpa quietly left with snow, spring girl with light footsteps came to the world. The green grass in the dissemination of spring information; The wind chimes on the kite played a movement; Spring girl do not know what to say with the river, the river before wordless, and become lively, cheerful, to meet the arrival of spring girl. In such a charming spring, I suggest a spring outing to xuanwu Lake. The lake there seems to be a photographer, the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, green trees... All these scenes were photographed in one colourful photograph. The lake is crystal clear and the rocks at the bottom are colorful. Three to five groups of fish in the happy swim to swim, as if in the swimming competition.

  There are many flowers and trees along the lake bank. Such as: pink peach trees, white pear trees, green willow, passion of the Chinese rose...... In the breeze, the branches of the weeping willows are soft and slender, like a girl's hair. Floating into the lake, like a young girl washing her slender hair. Thinking of this, I can not help reciting the tang Dynasty great poet he Zhizhang wrote a poem "Ode to willow" : "Jasper dress into a tree high, ten thousand green silk hanging down sash. I do not know who cut the thin leaves, The spring breeze in February like scissors." Whenever walked there, peach blossom to me smile, apricot flowers waved to me, pear nodded to me, willow singing for me, on show to me to dance, so that I was intoxicated in it. Several miss butterflies fly on the flowers, singing and dancing for the flowers; The industrious Mr. Bee began his hard work again. On the green carpet-like lawn by the lake, lively and lovely children gather. Some of them are at lunch, some are chasing, and some are singing happily -- singing about the beautiful Xuanwu Lake, singing about the beautiful spring scenery by xuanwu Lake!

  Well, did the beautiful scenery there tempt you? Then go to experience the wonderful spring scenery of Xuanwu Lake!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇23

  Yangchun March, the breeze gently blowing, spring girl and walking briskly to us. The annual spring outing activities also in this spring horn opened the prelude. I suggest the students have a spring outing in Haikou People's Park. Last spring, MY grandfather and I went there to play, there has been a hundred flowers bloom. Hotheaded impatiens with lavender flowers in swaying body, generous winter jasmine golden smile...... The scene is still vivid in my mind.

  The park is lined with trees. The paths leading to the pavilions and lofts of the park are lined with neat rows of trees, giving a pleasant feeling. If you sit under an old tree and listen to people singing excerpts from The Romance of the Western Chamber, you will feel as if you are in a fairyland.

  There is a large stone tablet in the park. It was written with two strong and vigorous characters - "Coconut City", which looked very like a great man. There is a small square near the stone tablet, and people who come here love to sing and dance in this small square.

  As for the various activities that can be carried out on the grass in the park, I won't go into details. Spring outing, we still go to have a look, take a walk!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇24

  Spring girl walked to us at a brisk pace, you see, flowers in full bloom, green grass, birds in the head singing. Students must also want to fly into the embrace of nature like birds! I suggest a visit to xuanwu Lake. The scenery there is bound to make you forget to return.

  Into the xuanwu Lake park gate, I saw tens of thousands of POTS of flowers blooming, colorful. The whole flower bed together is a "spring", indicating that spring has come here.

  Under the bright spring light, in the gentle breeze, the great lake glistened like a silver mirror. The willow trees by the lake are like a girl's hair, green, soft and slender. Nearby, a flock of wild ducks were splashing in the water. Aboard the speedboat, fresh air oncoming, the stern of the white waves flying, spray everywhere. The waves were like a flock of chasing children.

  A winding stone bridge connects the islands in the lake. The dense forest on the island hides a pavilion, a path. You will certainly gain a lot by walking among them.

  In the park, in the lake, there is a lawn, we can do a variety of activities there, the fun, I will not say, or we go to experience it! I hope you can adopt my suggestion - go to xuanwu Lake Park spring outing.

  My advice初二英语作文 篇25

  The earth faded from the cold, green clover dew crystal clear, like a shining pearl, lark singing softly, spring girl gently brushed the earth, suddenly the earth a piece of multicolored......

  It's a good season for spring outings!

  I suggest we go to Qianling Park for a spring outing. Guizhou Lingshan is the famous mountain of Guiyang, located in the urban area of Guiyang, known as "the first mountain in Southern Guizhou", where three tall forests, ancient trees towering, among the forest birds singing, flowers blooming; The famous Hongfu Temple is hidden in the thick forest, adding a mysterious and solemn, the forest path, groups of macaques and visitors in harmony, play, not bursts of hearty laughter...

  Here in addition to the beautiful scenery, but also our children's love - all kinds of amusement facilities. Swing, roller skating, trampoline, archery, horse riding, roller coaster... It's really dazzling!

  In addition, came to the Qianling park, but also to the students patriotism education, in the glittering Qianling lake, pine forest, standing monument to the people's heroes, we can express our grief in front of the tomb.

  Qianling park scenic spots there are many, the students or to have a look!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇26

  Last spring, my mother took me to the botanical garden, the picturesque spring scenery is still vividly remembered. Students can take a walk there and have a look.

  In March, it is time for all things to revive. Into the botanical garden, the first thing you see is the wide lawn, I saw the grass on the ground from the soil out of the lovely little head, hard to jump up, straight chest, want to absorb more nutrients, let yourself become green. Clusters of flowers inlaid in the carpet like lawn, like a dazzling diamond; Between the flowers only dance butterflies, like a light dancer. At this time, the wind, a gust of warm wind blowing, let a person feel very comfortable. Why, what was that little black dot looming in the sky? Oh, someone is flying a kite!

  We continue to go forward, a large field of rape flowers attracted us, walking in the rape between the sheep path, I think of the Tang Dynasty poet Yang Wanli's poem: "children rush to catch the yellow butterfly, flying into the rape nowhere to find." Spring breeze blowing, cauliflower shake yi, as if full of gold flow. Place oneself among them, I seem to feel oneself is a rape flower, wearing golden dress, dancing gently with the breeze, light fragrance is refreshing.

  Look, there is a suspension bridge ahead, the sun is shining, the huge lake is like a mirror, shining. A gentle breeze rippled the lake.

  The botanical garden is much more than that, there are pavilions, mazes... Students, if you also want to feel this infinite spring scenery, please take my advice!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇27

  Grandpa winter just walked not far, spring girl quietly came to the world with a basket of flowers. Suddenly everything came to life. Green grass, green shoots, and brightly colored flowers gathered together like a fair. I suggest you take a walk to the Jersey State Park.

  Walking along the path into the park, you can see a large artificial lake. The crystal clear lake is sparkling and there are many people boating there. The fish in the pool in the "own home" happily play, I now seems to be a fish, in the pond to play freely. If the scene is compared to a large living painting, the artist's ability is really great!

  At the top of the park is a kite stand, on which you can feel the gentle breeze blowing. "Ha ha......" Yi? What is that noise? Oh, that's the sound of people laughing. There are all kinds of kites in the sky, dragon, phoenix... Look, they all have happy smiles on their faces.

  To the east of the park is a small playground, where there are many, many game facilities, moon boats, bumper cars, flying squirrels and so on. Not to mention the food stall next door.

  The whole park looks like a fairy. Time is not enough. I hope you still go there to have a look!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇28

  "Spring is here! It's spring!" Yes, the spring girl with a smile with brisk steps to us, in this sunny weather, we are going to spring outing, of course. I suggest going to the beautiful Taihu Wetland Park to find the footprints of spring, spring there has a special flavor oh.

  Walk through the wooden bridge, walk out of the plant corridor, stroll along the avenue, I saw that yiyi weeping willows, like green girl shyly lowered her head, in the morning sun stretch soft and beautiful dance. "Gee!" Looking up, a few swallows slanted across the sky; Flocks of white doves were dancing in the square. Oh, the birds want to make their homes here. What a harmonious and joyful scene!

  Walk to the broad avenue, you can see a very modern museum, which can display the essence of Suzhou culture: the ancient relics with a long history, the new Suzhou three-dimensional map, can touch the world map...... It was fun! Continue walking, through a small garden, you will see two glass Windows with a giant panda. Isn't that the crescent moon and the bamboo rhyme? They are so cute: black and white body, grape-like eyes, short tail, look at them eating fresh bamboo, how happy! Into the deep path, came a large green lawn. Where the trees have accidentally spilled a bit of pale green paint on their brown coats. The grass took off their yellow cotton-padded robes and put on green shirts. Suddenly, I noticed yellow dots in the distance, among the green leaves. I was curious to run towards the yellow dot, the yellow dot gradually clear. Ah, the winter jasmine! I saw the spring breeze blowing its golden smile, it gently swaying, it is so delicate and charming in the embrace of spring, so full of vitality! At this time, the wind wafted a pleasant fragrance, I followed the fragrance to the lilac tree. The purple lilac tremulous, the wind blows, the stamen spewing fragrance, let a person be infatuated. We can have picnics on the lawn!

  This picturesque scenery is beautiful, teachers, students, I hope my suggestion can be adopted, let's go to Taihu Lake Wetland Park to feel the beauty of nature in spring!

  My advice初二英语作文 篇29

  Spring girl has walked to us with light steps, the field has her figure, the park has her footprints. At this time, I would like to suggest that teachers and students go to the North river Park to take a walk, have a look. The scenery there is so charming that you won't regret it if you go there.

  Enter the gate of the park, the first thing you see is the park aisle on both sides of the flower bed, which grows with many colorful flowers, red and white, compete for glory, competing to open. Down a layer of steps, you will see a clear big pool, pool inside with some water plants, many small fish and shrimp are hidden below, if you want to catch them or relatively easy. There are some larger fish in there, too, and if you want to catch them, well, forget it, because they're so alert that they'll vanish at the slightest splash.

  Walking on a small stone bridge, in front of a cobblestone path, the roadside grass shaking head in the wind, as if curious about our arrival. Willow branches also exposed the small pointed leaves, a breeze blowing, willow branches blowing in the wind, like spring girl's long braids, from time to time also issued a "rustling" sound, and like spring girl is holding a comb in combing her long braids.

  Continue to walk, you are in front of a glass bridge, standing on the bridge, you can see the clear bottom of the river. You don't have to be afraid, because the bridge is made of special tempered glass, which is very heavy. If you are really worried, walk on both sides of the bridge without looking down.

  After the glass bridge, after a layer of wooden steps, you will see a small antique wooden pavilion, beautiful and classical, is really a good place to rest.

  Cross the pavilion and a small wooden bridge to reach the deepest part of the park. The cobblestone floor here is a good place for many elderly people to exercise and relax, they often take off their shoes to walk around on it.

  If you want to know more about the beautiful scenery, please have a look for yourself, because I really can't describe all the beautiful scenery.

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