初三英语各单元优秀作文:Unit 12

2017-08-29 初三年级英语作文

  Unit12. Life is full of the unexpected.


  假如你是Tom, 请记述你昨天不同寻常的一天:

  1. 闹钟没响,所以起床晚了;??

  2. 想洗澡时,爸爸已经在洗澡了;

  3. 没吃早餐去赶公交,可到达公交站时车已经走了,只好跑到学校去;

  4. 到达学校时,老师已经开始上课,对你的.迟到感到很生气;

  5. 交作业时发现作业放在家里了;?

  6. 历史课上受到老师的表扬,因为在家做了大量的准备工作。


  Yesterday was a really bad day for me.?

  To start with, my alarm clock didn’t go off so that I got up late. By the time I got up, my father had already gotten into the shower. Then I rushed to the bus stop without breakfast. By the time I got there, the bus had already left and I had to rushed to school. When I got to school, my teacher had already started teaching and he was really angry with me. Then it was time to hand in homework, but I had left it at home. I was really embarrassed at that time.

  One good thing was that my history teacher said something good to me because I had done a lot to prepare for this class. It was the only good thing for me yesterday.

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