
2018-01-21 导游词



  March, the earth recovery, the creation of all things. At this moment, yuantouzhu lake is more beautiful than the scenery, it is unforgettable.

  One step into yuantouzhu the imposing manner, like the ancient palace gate, immediately bright, ho, good spring! The place of the eye, Yang liu green, peach li zhengyan, each corner is permeated with a thick spring, exuding vitality. Through the vagina, visited a few beautiful flower beds, your footsteps have been unconsciously near the taihu lake.

  The rocks on the edge of the lake were carefully moved down, and soon you were on the beach by the lake. Standing on a rock at the edge of the sand, I looked far away. End, seems to be covered with a thin layer of fine gauze, fan fan receive, can't tell which is the day, which is water, only the dim a lead, water day is linked together, there are several stationary white dots, sun, glowing with a faint light, presumably lake girl accidentally broke his own a beautiful silver hair clasp, so stir up the small waves of the lake, silver star, twinkling, it. You see, the lake girl also smiled through tears. White angel on the lake; & ndash; The seagulls, the most active, sometimes spread their white wings and fly in the blue sky, sometimes tilting their bodies against the surface of the water, and sometimes perched on the small island of the lake with their feathers and hellip; & hellip; The breeze blows, the wind push ashore a well-ordered surf team quietly, quietly to send them back, gentle rippling lake, as if the wind and waves in a whisper, a good mystery, voice was too slight to hear & hellip; & hellip;

  After appreciating the beautiful scenery of taihu lake, listening to the whispers of the wind and the waves, we should go to the pace. The perfect place for taihu lake. & ndash; & ndash; Changchun bridge. The bridge lies on the bank of the lake. Changchun & throughout; As the name implies, the bridge is not wide, but rather long. When you stand on the bridge and look around, it is really full of spring, and you will be very happy when you look at it. A good & lsquo; Perfect & rsquo; Place! Throughout the &; Walk slowly, as if you are in a gorgeous kaleidoscope, and like to swim in the long river. The sides of the bridge are rolling on both sides. White & throughout; Crystal clear as jade, white as snow. The wind carries them. Small waves & throughout; Jump to the lake. The countless small and exquisite cherry petals adorn the surface of the lake. The red plum also does not want to fall behind, one after another, some look up at the sky, some look down on the lake, some are lonely, some are surrounded by a group. & hellip; Charming and charming. And the rich white magnolia is a sentiment, in the bright green leaves of the cluster, that the pure and pure white flowers, like a lotus, like silk, like yarn, like jade … & hellip; This tree trees, clusters, clusters, yellow flowers, as if xinlingshouqiao connect to changchun bridge weaving a colorful ponchos, this beautiful and filled with fragrant & other The long cloak & throughout; The lake of yuantouzhu of yuantouzhu color rendering is how bright, how thick yan ah!


  Spring has come, today our family and shen luwen family go to yuantouzhu spring outing.

  As soon as I got to yuantouzhu, I thought yuantouzhu was really beautiful. The water is sparkling, the flowers are blooming, the green willows, I think I am drunk in this beautiful spring. There are so many flowers, white cherry blossoms white and red, yellow tulips, daffodils, purple gromwell flower, golden jasmine, pink wooden pen flower, white peony, pink purple bauhinia. The spring flowers and the flowers of the purple grass hang down like a bell, and the flowers of the daffodils are like a little whizz. A wooden pen is like the tip of a brush. I like peony and bauhinia best.

  We found a place to sit down first, I and shen luwen hurried to take a camera to shoot flowers. We ran to the flowers before we ran to the flowers. We'll take a close-up, and we'll take a shot. When we finished, we sat on the grass and ate. After a while, we crossed the road and took the small train. The train got to the second stop and we got off. Then we waited in line for the three hills.

  We went to the sandy beach in taihu lake, and I played sand for a while, and I picked up shells with shen luwen. Suddenly, grandpa called me: Congcong, come to see someone fishing. Throughout the &; I looked up and saw a lot of people fishing in fishing boats. Grandpa said and many water birds in help fishermen fishing, but I see along while still can't see the water birds, later, those boats are very near, I saw was there are a lot of water birds, they very quick, saw after the fish head into the water, just caught a fish. They are really human helpers.

  Yuantouzhu in spring is really beautiful. I wish I could come here often.


  In march, all the teachers and students of our elementary school came to the Spring Festival of yuantouzhu spring.

  As soon as we got out of the car, we went straight to the boat pier and stood on the boat. The warm spring wind was coming on, making us look at the lake. The red flag reflects the green wave, the spring breeze is blowing, the water is the harvest wine, the lake is the jade cup. Perhaps taihu lake is a pearl of the unintentionally lost of the virgin, even the willow twirling the slender waist, surrounded by the beautiful pearl of taihu lake. White Europe on the lake, they or gallop into the water, rippling a blue wave; Or soaring, white body is a neat xuan paper, the wing tip is the book saint wang xizhi carelessly drop the ink, beautiful wings in the air a beautiful arc. In the distance, the taihu lake is hidden in the misty clouds. Like a turtle lying in a lake, it is no wonder that people call it "&ldquo". The tortoise hill & throughout; ?

  On the shore, there is writing “ Tai lake fairy island The ancient archway of the park came into view. Step along the way the spring breeze, leaving all the way, imperceptible line too Yin, came to the artificial digging in front of the waterfall, it is like an article by cliff bit live bai lian, straight from the other end of the QingLuan lop, high water and onto people's shoulders to show curtain call. The sightseers laughed and dodged. & hellip; Accompanied by green mountains and green water, we slowly paced to the great sleep bay. Dance through the lotus in the pool, laozi statue before sitting bay, bold forehead lines, vertical large broadly ear, flowing beard, carrying hope eyes, all depict the verve of the wise and the bone, I was deeply attracted.

  Toward changchun bridge, a spring color to the eye. Yulan, haitang jump the branch, qiao point party. Magnolia body slightly grace, big flower, patches of delicate petals, like dipped in the snow in jade-like stone, the beautiful elegant, simple, beautiful it Edward Chen, not with any rivalry, even is so quietly elegant aroma, fragrance far. Perhaps is a charming beauty, perhaps is not willing to do yulan in a supporting role, and perhaps want to better show, Chinese flowering crabapple though than apricot blossom red color, than the peach powder, in particular, more noble, at the moment is the graceful and restrained the smile was ecstatic, charming petals seems to be filled with wine, people involuntarily to look at her. Even the cherry blossoms, which are about to fade, look pretty.











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