
2018-07-11 导游词

  Hello everyone! I'm Li Jingwei, the guide of starlight travel company.

  Today, I will guide you to visit the Great Wall. The the Great Wall is the most intact and the strongest part of Badaling. Many heads of state and leaders have visited here, thus becoming a tourist attraction.

  The Great Wall is all built of stone and brick, and from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan, it is more than 13000 Li.

  There is an archway at every meter in the Great Wall. Every three hundred meters, there is a square in the city. It is necessary to call each other when necessary. Another effect is that if there is a raid on the enemy, it can be ignited at the top of the city platform to indicate an enemy or to ask for support.

  In addition, everyone in the visit, please pay attention to safety, the tourists with children please see their own children, otherwise, if the accident, we travel company does not bear any responsibility.

  This tour (Tour Guide) is over. Thank you for your support.










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