
2018-05-15 冬天

  一个冬天的早晨 A Winter Morning


  该名男子挂沿着他来时的路回头。育空河铺设一英里宽,隐藏在三个冰脚。在这冰顶部被雪尽可能多的脚。这一切都是纯白色,在那里的冻结了冰拥堵已形成温柔波涛滚滚。北部和南部,据他的眼睛可以看到,它是不间断的白色,除了一个暗线的弯曲和扭曲形成南部和北部将离开。这是暗线的线索 - 主线索 - LED南500英里到Chilocoot通行证和盐的水,达率领北70英里到道森,仍然到北白令海上的圣迈克尔,25百英里更多。

  但是所有这一切 - 神秘的,深远的线索,在太阳从天空,巨大的冷,和陌生感和它的所有古怪的情况下 - 就没有印象的人。这不是因为他习惯了。他是在土地新人,这是他的第一个冬天。与他的麻烦是,他没有想象力了。

  Winter in the South 南方的冬天

  This winter holiday, my parents and I visit my uncle. He lives in Haikou, Hainan Province. It’s the first time I spend winter holiday and the Spring Festival there. It is so warm that the highest temperature gets 28°C. I don’t go out very often at home because of the cold weather. But in Haikou, I go out and have fun every day. The weather is so comfortable. Besides, the outside is green, almost no leaves fall down. I like winter in the south.


  The winter tour 冬夜之旅

  I seem to recall best a journey we made by tram one winter night.

  We were going to visit my Granny at Westoe, and I was very excited, because an evening excursion was something quite unheard of for me. It had been raining; the gas lamps lit the gleaming pavements and cobbles with a doubled radiance. The shaking tram wires were sending down showers of white raindrops. Everything in the ram seemed fresh and glittering. The breezy windows sparkled with long zigzags of rain and the passing street lamp flared gorgeously through the panels of blue and yellow and ruby glass. Outside, it was cold and windy, and we could feel the gale buffeting against the side of the tram, making it sway and lurch ore than usual, and throwing the passengers of song, and the fresh, clean, cold sea-wind was blowing right through the upper deck. Above, a high half-moon seemed to be skidding along on its back through piles of black, white-lined rags. It was a wild night, with a sense of magic in the offing. The people in the tram did not like ordinary mortals; a kind of exhilaratinggaietyhadseizedthem,anditseseememed to lighten their bodies and illuminate their faces. At times I was sure we were really flying.



  I Love Winter 我喜欢冬天

  Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, "Winter has come, can spring be far away?'











上一篇:以那个冬天为主题的作文 下一篇:家乡的冬天为题目的作文