
2017-10-25 高一年级英语作文


  Until befre I t part in in the schl’s sprts eeting I didn’t reeber her she ls s shining ind and lvel in pinin I thin we have been ver gd friends

  Once I left a essage in her QQ zne shuld we be gd friends? Later she reverted that f curse! Then a big sile has shwn up n face


  was f aing friends

  in everne’s lifetie there’re an friends in their lives but everne nws this pint then hw culd we ae friends with thers?

  In pinin first we need t learn t cunicate with thers cunicatin is the first step f getting alng with thers secnd we shuld tr nwing thers little b little then we need t respect each ther and thin re abut thers than urselves fr this we culd ae friends with thers

  These are the st iprtant was f aing friends


  In an villages a lt f children left schl at an earl age accrding t a stud n this 3 ain reasns fr this situatin abut 80% f the left schl because f their failies’ pvert the help their parents ae ne 15% f the left schl because their parents thin that it is useless instead aing ne is re iprtant and 5% f the have n interests in their stud the are nt glad t g t schl in pinin the reasns fr which s an children leftschl at an earl age are fr an directins nt nl ne reasn


  There was debate abut t if china shuld develp he cars 60% f ur classates thin that it shuld because it can develp the cuntr’s ecn it will add re bs and it als saves tie ad iprves he life qualit and 40% f the thin it shuld develp in a wa it will ae the traffic a ad cause the accidents and building rads taes t uch land and it will bring re nise


  Stud abrad

  Nwadas re and re students g abrad

  T stud fr this peple have different views but in pinin there’re advantages and disadvantages the students wh g abrad t stud will get a different educatinal wa and will enter a pener nwledge field but nw re and re students are independent the can’t live withut their parents’ help s the a nt live well

  All f abve are pinins



  As st peple nw Beiing is faus fr an reasns it is the capital cit f ur cuntr and it is als ne f the wrld’s ldest cities

  Beiing has the wrld’s biggest square -----tian’anen square it is lcated in the centre f Beiing and there’re an pars in Beiing n Sundas there’re an peple there and all arund is filled with sngs and laughter because f beiing’s ecnic level it is plaing an iprtant rle in ur cuntr’s develpent


  M fail

  I have a happ fail there’re fur peple in fail----- father ther brther and I

  I lve failies I feel ver luc that the gd lets e eet the I hpe that we can be with each ther frever

  We usuall tell es abut ur wn life t each ther seties we a pla interesting es n each ther

  On hlidas we will g n a trip t sewhere we have never been t that is what I have alwas wished I lve ding this

  All in all I lve the ver uch


  Nw re and re peple learn b the internet and se peple sa that seda it will replace the traditinal schls but in pinin this wa has advantages and disadvantages the internet is fast s I thin it is ver cnvenient and it culd cntain uch nwledge thu it culd bring us uch cnvenience it culdn’t iprve ur stud sills in realit s we need t thin f it in an directins


  M heland

  M heland is called ixian there’re an interesting places cntain an histric stries

  The scener in heland is ver beautiful and peple here are ver friendl

  Everne is welce t peple here s I invite u t heland sincerel


  Spring Festival

  Ever culture has its wn festivals in chinese traditinal cultures the spring festival is the biggest f all

  这个春节的`我实在是不想写了 忒腻歪 你自己看着写点儿吧 允许我偸点懒吧 我的手好酸 5555555555555


  M winter hlida

  这个嘛 你自己过的寒假 你自己写吧 好歹也练练笔 啊 行不? 哦 你说可以啊 哎 谢谢了 啊 真体谅人


  这个 啊 给你写吧 看你那么可怜

  M plan

  At the beginning f this ter first I will eet se new classates

  And begin new stud life

  In this ter I will pa attentin t stud and get gd grades but in view the first thing I shuld d is t learn t respect and cunicate with the I will learn t help thers with hands

  As the new ter begins I will change self step b step ust see e











高一英语月考作文 高一寒假英语作文Be Kind to the Relatives