
2018-01-19 关爱



  For a long time,I have been seeking an answer to this:What is love and what do people want to get from love?

  Once I, together with several classmates, visited a teacher who enjoyed a perfect marriage. We just wanted to know the reason for their mutual affection. The teacher smiled and said:"In fact, neither of us is perfect. It is love that brings us courage and determination to seek each other's perfection. But day by day, we were surprised to see the imperfect side. Consequently,we decided to stand out the crisis." I was so touched by his words. Although it was raining heavily outside when we left his home, I could not help feeling excited.

  It was a wonderful experience, just like someone groping in the darkness suddenly catching sight of a light far away.

  My parents have been sharing their time for two decades,but I never saw them quarrelling. Curious, I seized an opportunity to ask my mother. She was knitting a sweater at that moment while the rest of my family members were watching TV.When asked, she somehow flushed in the face. "Ask your Dad",she said. I went to my father and raised the same question. To my surprise , my father, who was always awesome, felt embarrassed and replied in the same way:"ask your Mom."

  The difference between the answers made by the teacher and my parents totally confused me. After entering the large gardennamed "love", I was so amazed to discover that each flower was getting off her unique fragrance. I forgot what to do. I was lost.

  Perhaps, love really needs no reason. How can you ask a cactus: "Why do you choose the desert rather than fertile land?"How can you ask a fig: "Why do you prefer bearing fruits to blooming?" How can you ask arose, "How can you enjoy such a calm life in the greenhouse?"... What is known to us all is merely that once be loved, a cactus can bloom ever in a desert; a figcan bear fruits without blossoming; a rose can survive calmly anywhere. When love comes to you, nothing can be impossible.

  Are you still familiar with these feelings? You wake up at sunrise, you feel happy. You breathe the fresh air, you feel happy. You touch the lights sent by the sun, you feel happy. You walk on your way home, you see a sparrow, you wander in the garden... Happiness follows you everywhere. And you know,all of these were just because a fascinating smile given by him/her.

  Do you still remember your first lover? We met, knew,liked, loved but at last broke up. We cannot forget the words,"I love you", "I hate you" , "forget me" and maybe someday"how are you?" , "sorry", "thank you". If God is kind enough to make you meet again, what will you say? Perhaps only the simple words above. And I think we'll say nothing but smiling.We are so grateful for what time gets us to know Love needs no reason.


  I searched in memory and at last found myself surprised at what was brought back. Here is what I used to be. Once, I was simply a creature of schedules. That means I was so well planned a girl that I was entirely loyal to everything arranged.Every day you caught me as busy as a diligent ant and it was true that I actually enjoy the full and colorful life led which in other's eyes was utterly a dull and routine mode. I would not make any compromises to change the plans plans about study, plans about future, and plans about love.

  To some degree, I deliberately avoided being hit by the current of love for fear that it might destroy my perfectly planned life. I did not expect its arrival. I didn't expect its power so magic and influential. And I certainly didn't expect its coming accompanied with the purest feelings of blessing.

  Tall, straight and shining that is my boyfriend. That was the way he came to me: "How do you do? We are from the same high school. I am two grades senior,do you know?" He greeted me in a confident and gentle manner, and his hairstyle impressed me deeply.

  Later on, the life pattern which I strictly stick to has been gradually affected by his moving behaviors. None of a day will I find him absent from waiting outside my dorm to pick me up to classroom. None of a night will end without our heated and joyful chat. Gradually, I was incredibly thrown to cultivate a fresh view on the surroundings which didn't seem as burdening as expetted. I began to adjust myself to enjoy the peaceful pace of life.

  And so it goes, the sweet, joyful and romantic freshman year, a year with love that changed my way to live.











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