
2022-03-24 节日类英语作文


春节英语作文 篇1


  Look forward to it! Look forward to, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, think of this, I can not help laughing, before the Spring Festival, people are all happy, full of spirit. In some shopping people in a continuous line, buy some in the New Year paintings, buy special purchases for the Spring Festival some sit, the fire box weizhehuolu watching TV, there are people playing mahjong playing poker, so this is not the only one.


  The streets are colorful, all kinds of people have, all kinds of goods are complete, full of dazzling, I am afraid that people want to buy anything hard to choose!

  春节前,家家户户都灯火通明,家家都把房子打扮得别具一格,各有各的个性。他们把买来的年货放得满地都地。买来的年画怎么贴法,那就各有自己的风格和喜好了。有的正着贴,有的倒着贴,还有的歪着贴,各有千秋。人们把买来的菜全部都弄好了,只等春节一到,就可一饱口福了。家家备有鞭炮,人们穿上新衣服,准备迎新年,在春节前,人们一出门,如果遇上了好朋友,总是口中不忘说一句:“上街啊!” 人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。

  Before the Spring Festival, all families were brightly lit, and their homes were all dressed up with their own personality. They have to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival and put it all over the floor. How to buy the new year painting, it has its own style and preference. Some are sticking, some are stuck, and there is a skew of sticker, each has a thousand and a thousand. People to buy food all ready, just waiting for the Spring Festival, can be a real treat. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, ready to welcome the new year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if you have a good friend, always forget to say the mouth: "the streets ah!" The butcher sheep, busily preparing for the Spring Festival feast.


  When the Spring Festival arrives, the children get up early, come to their parents' room, and start the traditional worship ceremony. Children of parents said some auspicious talk, her parents took out the gift money, let the children happily. Everyone wants to be able to good luck this year, felicitous wish of making money.


  Some friends and family have a joyous gathering, taste the delicious food and wine, talked some happy talk. The most happy is that we can save a lot a lot to get gift money, then full of joy ran to the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, car, toy guns, football, and we just sweet little mouth, say some blessing words, it can make a lot of money the!


  People have been playing late at night, eating delicious fruit in their mouths, and setting off firecrackers in their hands... Adults and children were now singing, now dancing, indifferent to have fun!

春节英语作文 篇2

  Spring arrived, my father and grandmother at home mom ready to go New Year. Today is my happiest day because I want to see the grandmother had not seen for half a year, I miss her. Mom said, I gave birth and has been a grandma with a big, until last year and only returned home grandmother. The relationship between me and grandma Ke Hao, and she was very hurt me. Today, at last see her. I have written during the Spring Festival of the operation, and had a jolly New Year's preparations.

  New Year two, we got up early in the morning, and put on new clothes, are all geared up, we set out. To the train station, I saw a lot of people picked up gifts for visiting relatives and friends. Soon the train came, and we are happy on the train, looking for a good seat to sit down. I would like to grandma eating snacks while they are doing. I guess they must have been preparing sumptuous meals to meet us.

  To Nanjing, we ride buses back to Kuni. Within a short while, Mom's cell phone rang, and was originally called the uncle that they have to drive to meet us. Bus 1 arrival, I saw uncle's cars. I quickly ran off uncle, I loudly said: "My uncle Happy New Year", uncle, all smiles, said: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

  We got on, uncle, while chatting with us while skillfully drove.

  Along the way, looking ahead, on the rolling hills, winding river, the river flowing Qingqing, as well as that over crop fields, one looked, green, wheat, rape his mother said. Really look at is also endless. Car along a winding mountain road, then after a period of major dam reservoir, a short while went to the grandmother at home. Grandma has been waiting for us at the gate. The car, I ran to my beloved grandmother and says loudly: "Grandma Happy New Year!." Then, we put the luggage door grandmother's room.

  After a while, neighbors heard the girl to her grandmother at home in Suzhou, and were coming over to see me. Who know me say that I like tall, and even more beautiful. Say that this little girl did not know where he comes from, I really beautiful, tall so high, there must be more than 10-year-old bar, my mother said: "Once a year, virtual nine-year-old." We shocked the age of nine so high!

  Also after a while, the most loving of my eldest sister came. Sister, said: "Oh, indigo indigo longer so high, and became the United States girls, and I have almost not recognize them." Then we went to the cousin, opened a toy factory visit. Toy factory getting bigger, and there was a lot of toys, cousin from the display cabinet where the samples come up with a doll given to me.

  Evening, grandma come to us for dinner, and her grandmother are now ready to table a tasty dish, all the people are happy, drink and chat for adults talked business, work. Cousin chatted study, encouraged me to better eager to learn, especially foreign languages, and the future use big. Only an early age to learn in order to find a good job. I Sidongfeidong, I think of Mom and Dad usually said, I think we must seriously study the future!

春节英语作文 篇3

  As has been reported in the newspapers, the sale of firecrackers and fireworks in Beijing was reduced by 52% this Spring Festival compared with last year. This shows that people have begun to change their ideas about celebration. Firecrackers and fireworks used to be one of the main causes of air pollution and the most important cause of injury during the Spring Festival. Now with fewer firecrackers and fireworks, we see a much clearer sky and many fewer people with injuries, which hasresulted in a much happier festival atmosphere both outside in the street and inside at home. So we can predict that we will see a better environment next year.

春节英语作文 篇4

  In China,the Spring Festival in the most important festival.People usually have a long holiday.It lates seven days or more.Most of the families will have a big family get-together.The whole family will have a big meal on the eve of the Spring Festival.

  Everyone is happy.

  The most traditional food is dumplings.

  The Chinese think the dumplings will bring them good luck in the new year.On the first day of the Chinese New Year,people usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends.

  They say“Happy New Year”to each other.

  People often go to the parks or go shopping.

春节英语作文 篇5

  This Spring Festival, I came to Wudang Mountains to give my grandfather a new year!

  The first day of our coming is the first two. We are from seventy-three in the morning starting from Yichang, more than twelve arrive at noon Yan Jia fan Cun Wudang Mountains grandpa.

  On the second day, we are going to the relatives of the old estuary to visit the year. We just stepped out of the door and found it was snowing in the sky! We are simply white eyes aghast at the scene. At the same time, I'm so excited! Thought: it would be better to be a little bigger. It is Xinxiangshicheng, blood was big, the snow is large snowflakes! After a long ride, we finally came to the old estuary of the heavy snow. The snow here is much bigger than the snow in Wudang Mountains. I was excited by the white cotton quilt on the wide vegetable field. Really want to fall in the snow to roll a few! So I flew into the snow and rolled two snowballs, one big, a small one. Put the big one down, and put the small one on the top, O! The snowman's body is done! But what's worse? Oh! By the way! No hand yet! I hurried to find two branches to plug the snowman with my hand. I went to find two pieces of black stone as eyes, carrots as the nose, red plastic paper as the mouth, success! At this time, my little brother helped me bring a blue hat on the snowman head cover when the keg, ah! It's beautiful!

  We have several children happily around the snowman dancing and singing, adults in the side said: "mega Ruixue year!"

春节英语作文 篇6

  It is the day of welcome to the New Year. Every family has a bright and happy atmosphere. Our big family spent the New Year in a noisy place.

  In the evening, when the reunion dinner, everyone starts to set off firecrackers. I was the first to escape. When he went out, he heard "whoosh, crack, boom" outside. At the sight of the south east and west, there were bright lights everywhere. The various shapes of the fireworks in the sky, like flowers in the spring to greet the arrival of the New Year.

  At this time, the father also came to the outside, he pulled out a butterfly, gently on the ground, lit quickly and in a flash, the butterfly body behind the overflowing of colorful flame, suddenly fly up, draw a beautiful arc in the sky disappeared. LaoShu then lit the primrose, with bursts bursts of sound, winter jasmine opened, breathes fire with my tall, just like a big fountain, the flame red, yellow blue for a while, for a while...

  Give a picture of the surroundings. In the light, the aunt lit up the triangle butterfly, the triangle butterfly shining brightly, straight up into the sky, like the ideal of our flying high and far. I'm too overwhelmed to know what to look at. When we were too busy to be happy, grandpa came along and saw him holding a big, big, scud missile and standing there with the cigarette butt in his other hand! I quickly hid behind my aunt's back and blocked my ears with my hands. But he was startled by the earth-shattering explosion.

  Everyone laughed at the sight of my discomfiture. I hastily took a hang of whip and put it up. Accompanied by the crack of the firecrackers, the uncle put on the magic bullet, the younger brother and sister also put the thorns flowers, they used the thorns to draw the pear, a moment to draw the horse. The magic bullets flashed on the family's face.

  When, when... The clock of the New Year is ringing, the New Year is coming, and with the arrival of the New Year, the colorful flowers in the sky are more and more colourful. This flower opens in heaven and opens on the earth, in the hearts of men.












春节英语作文 春节英语作文400字