
2021-02-26 季节类英语作文


冬天英语作文 篇1

  Winter gives us the opportunity to stay inside and look outside, as we' re not called outdoors to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Snuggle up in the sofa, put a blanket over you, have a cup of hot cocoa, and enjoy the observations on this precious season...

  Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: It is the time for home.

  During the winter I am content, or try to think I am. There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills. With each breath of the sharp, reviving air one seems to inhale new life. A peace as evident as the sunshine on the fields lakes possession of one' s inner being. The trivial cares are driven away by the first sweep of wind that comes straight from the mountains. The intense silence that broods over the snow-bound land is a conscious blessing from the nature.

  Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter: Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.

冬天英语作文 篇2

  Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldn't expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once again.God heard.


冬天英语作文 篇3

  Two days ago, the weather forecast predicted that the cold Wind would blow and today, early in the morning, I felt the chillness. The weather changes so quickly that it is very cold in the afternoon. I started to feel sleepy in the class, but I tell myself to keep focus. Winter is not the excuse to loosen attention.


冬天英语作文 篇4

  There are four seasons in a year, I like summer most, while I hate winter. Mow it is winter, I have to wear a lot of clothes, it makes me move slowly, I want to play with my friend, but with so many clothes, I feel uncomfortable. I also can’t sleep well, I feel so cold, I wish spring will come soon.一年有四个季节,我最喜欢夏天,然而我讨厌冬天。现在是冬天,我不得不穿很多衣服,这让我行动缓慢,我想要和我的朋友玩,但是穿这么多的衣服让我觉得不舒服。我也不能很好地睡觉,我觉得很冷,我希望春天快点来临。

冬天英语作文 篇5

  Through the clear window, see the trees in the street, had very brave hits the trees standing there, now already very "tired", but also has been bending is not a sample.

  Everyone remember the energetic people outside to play badminton or in the exercise, can now but didn't see it anymore...

  Although the winter is a beautiful season with snow, but it is wanton spread of influenza has left many people ill in this season, even lost his precious life.

  Winter, please don't spread the germ, don't let the green "sentry" is not a sample, or just let the snow you give me a memorable season!!!!





冬天英语作文 篇6

  I open the window to see what happened outside, when I open the window, in amoment, a gust of wind at my face, I couldn't help immediately shut the window, I immediately think of wake up this morning, the window is full of water vapor, a thin layer, covered I looked outside the line of sight of the weather, it was the winter.

  The naughty children in winter quietly came to our side, it shout breathed, it blew the autumn cloud nine, he blew the autumn go don't say him, he will put the original crisp fall weather into freezing weather, make we go out all cold, ok I stay at home every day doing my homework.

  But for me, not good not bad, in the winter because the weather is not cold, the naughty children will come up with a solution - snow in winter, bring us the original hiding in the woli children go out to play snow, we'll regardless of these naughty children cold go out to play, and play a is 1 ~ 2 hours, especially me, playing snowballs and others is can't stop for a while. Or to make a snowman with some of my best friends.

  If it doesn't snow, then my fantasies will be ruined. In short, the snow is determined by heaven this winter, and I'll let it go.










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