
2021-03-15 季节类英语作文


冬天英语作文 篇1

  Through the clear window, see the trees in the street, had very brave hits the trees standing there, now already very "tired", but also has been bending is not a sample.

  Everyone remember the energetic people outside to play badminton or in the exercise, can now but didn't see it anymore...

  Although the winter is a beautiful season with snow, but it is wanton spread of influenza has left many people ill in this season, even lost his precious life.

  Winter, please don't spread the germ, don't let the green "sentry" is not a sample, or just let the snow you give me a memorable season!!!!





冬天英语作文 篇2

  Aunt of the winter aunt hastily picked the autumn sister's maple leaf. Riding on the quietly came to my side of everyone else.

  Winter aunt brought the cold all over the corner, that is, when the sun is no wind, the day is dry and cold. Bare trees standing on both sides of the road, once the vibrant grass can not finally support, withered. The flowers in the garden are also asleep. North wind blowing, trees struggling in the cold wind, grass lying on the grass, as if afraid of this cold north wind.

  However, the winter aunt can also bring other seasons without happiness. For example, we can snowball, snowman, snowball, skating, snow. I am very happy to play with my little partner.

  Winter comes, though winter is a cold season, but also a happy season we all like winter.

冬天英语作文 篇3

  My heart is not the beauty of spring and summer with luxuriant foliage, flourishing leaves of autumn fruit, but a world of ice and snow in winter. Spring is composed of the dense, brightly coloured, passionate and charming, always make people less safe. The summer shade secret composition, this piece of clumps of trees from people less joy. Autumn is a rich fruit, this thin and quiet, bright red, from the less simple. But the winter snow is not the way it is.

  It snowed for a day and a night, waking up in the morning and opening the curtains. All snow, they seem to have not woken up. Into the park, large branches were weighed down by snow, like a old man on crutches. The grass was covered with snow and the grass was covered. On the pavilions, the top of the building, the rockery... It was all thick with snow. There were a few shadows on the other side of the woods, and there were some children. Some of them make a snowman, snowball fights some, laughing, running and crying, light of heart from care.

  Out of the park, there is a wide street at the door. There are fewer pedestrians and fewer vehicles. The traffic on the road is very inconvenient, but there are still people at all costs to enjoy the snow scenery.

  Snow, it can bring joy to people, to bring people the "eye of the blessing". It has a shocking life, at all costs to provide people with places to play. Hope the snow will never melt and look at it every day.

  I love snow, love many of it, the snow is the beauty of my heart.

冬天英语作文 篇4

  All year round, some people like the vibrant spring; some people like the summer sun; there are people like the fruit of the fall; and I like that snowflakes in the winter.

  Winter, the whole world has changed like: grass withered, the tree of the hair, even the street pedestrians are also dressed thick, and even some people, afraid of the cold weather, are afraid to come out.

  Winter can be really naughty, a person out of their own play not, but also must bring some snow to the world, made me, had to carefully walk, once I was almost slipped it

  Although the winter is cold, but brought us a happy. I do not believe that I will take you to see it: snow, we fight together snowball, skiing, snowman ... .... Like a happy bird, but also like a flexible little monkey!

  I like the winter, although she brings some inconvenience to people, but it brings us happiness.

冬天英语作文 篇5

  Why is the impression winter?

  I live in the north, to experience a real winter, but often did not imagine so harmonious. Hey, getting cold northern winter.

  Snow, a silver-white and clean little village ushered night. Soon, entire villages fell into very lonely night. Slips, a seat release small hut icing windows revealing a round lovely yellow halo, lit a piece of starry snow village, quiet hut, the men who watched the snow outside the window, I think a lot of stories, they look to being burning stove hostess, very busy fire, flames illuminated red cheeks hostess. Child in a warm blanket sleep well cooked. This quiet snowy night, people feel very warm. This is my impression that winter.

  I think it is necessary to talk about why getting cold northern winter.

  When on the third day, at night under heavy snow over the road junction of the thick ice, I was very careful in the smooth ice ride to school. My heart also seems that the smooth ice, not a little sense of security. Behind with a taxi, is an uncle of our village, he opened slowly. As a result, I have a corner at the intersection, or fell off their feet, mercilessly fell to solid ice. Slip out of the car, the whole book is also sprinkled with, I am a little confused, bewildered. At this point, the taxi drove to me and squeaky horn sounded. I hear the shrill sound of the horn impatiently. I immediately realized: I blocked the road.

  I refused to take the pain, awkward climb up, rushed to the books scattered over the ground to push to the curb, and stand up three two lame Shui, hurried to the car also fell to the ground onto the roadside. At a blare of trumpets, my action is very fast.

  I let a Langbei Xiang in the street

  The village taxi driver uncle finally spread his fingers honk, taxis finally called not creak. I fear only gradually faded look. Uncle drove, staring ahead blankly from me to drive through. Once again, I feel at a loss.

  I looked at the taxi drove away, as if faintly heard thehissing sound of the car. I opened my mouth, I feel nothing to say but closed it again, over the body suddenly felt cold, and thought, growing cold northern winter.

  Hey, getting cold northern winter ......

  In this cold morning, I once again remembered that my impression of the exclusive winter cute yellow halo that ice on the windows, the host of the story, the hostess of the cheek, sleeping child ...... I would rather reject these pure snow, do not want more and more cold northern winter.





















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