
2018-05-04 考试



  The final exam is beginning, the teacher is sending out a test paper, this time really like a dream, an unbelievable dream, who think of time like water, eye to the final exam?

  A piece of paper full of white paper presented in front of me, I think the paper is really poor, the fate of a piece of paper in the hands of a examinee, the examination is good praise, do not take the examination of people, I do not know how the fate of it? I sighed, shook my pen with my shaking hands, closed my eyes, and calmed my heart, and tried my best to challenge it.

  But how to write the composition? How to answer this difficult essay question? Big drops of sweat drop on the examination paper, and the palm of the hand is also dripping with sweat. Looking at the other students, Wang Jun looked at the test paper at the same table with his eyes wide open, and the eyes seemed to be breaking his eyes. It was estimated that he wanted to get inspiration from the test papers at the same table; Li Jun's two eyebrows were quickly twisted into a twist, and his eyes were stared at the test rolls as if they were to read the test papers as if they were to read the examination papers as if they were through the examination paper. Firmly bite the pen, seem to bite out a truth, look like he also encountered difficulties; Zhu Jun writing, as if to write all the knowledge, I really admire his wisdom; and Zhang Junne, hit a big yawn, the heart is still complaining that the test has taken away his dream...

  Dream? I was shocked and reminded of my dream of returning home from the city last night. Why not write it? Oh, I'm so stupid! Inspired by Zhang Jun's yawning, I suddenly thought of it as a spring. I wrote down what I saw, heard and felt in my dream, ha, just enough words. I really appreciate Zhang Jun's yawn, but I really want to read more books in the future. I can't always get an inadvertent action from my classmates to write a good article.






  Today is an important day. On this day, we have to go to Hengli middle school to take the exam.

  We were all divided into different classes. I was the only one in the class who tested in a laboratory. I was surrounded by people I didn't know. When I walked into the lab, I was still reluctant to look at the backs of my classmates. They were in high spirits and my nose was sour.

  Entering the lab, I made a decision secretly: I must do well in the exam. The examination started, and I was serious in answering the question. At this time, I saw a few words on the table: refueling, must exceed her. Seeing this sentence, I think of my deskmate. She is my good friend and my competitor. I must surpass her.

  I finished the test paper, and I didn't forget my determination. I seriously check, even if it is just a small corner on the examination paper, I also need to check carefully. I was surprised that time went by, because I wasn't nervous.

  The day finally passed, and I was not nervous after leaving the examination room. Because I have confidence. I'm sure I can get a good score.










4.关于考试About Examinations英语作文


6.关于考试的大学英语作文-About exams



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