
2022-03-18 快乐


  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇1

  Slowly and quietly,spring is coming towards us.The weather is getting warmer and warmer,branches of trees begin sprouting new leaves,and all kinds of birds fly merrily in the sky.A new year begins.

  Looking at the tender green leaves of the trees out of the window,I can't help thinking of my childhood.When spring is coming,wheat begins to grow after a long winter,and its small and long leaves get greener,shaking with the wind.Rapes bloom with golden flower and give off a heavy scent.How beautiful and romantic the nature is!In this season.I used to carry a small basket in my arm,a small knife in my hand ,and invite my little companions to the wheat field to dig edible wild herbs.We sang and laughed and talked and enjoyed ourselves.When we filled our baskets with wild vegetables,we began to play games.We also climbed the willows to break the tender branches and make them into flutes to blow.What a happy and lucky childhhood I had!

  Spring is full of life and power.Spring is a lovely season.In the wind of spring we begin the new year.We ought to study hard and work well in order not to waste the springtime.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇2

  I was born in a beautiful village in Shan Tou city.

  My hometown is very beautiful.It has mang beautiful landscape.The Yang YI Park is my paradise.It is many people's paradise,too.

  In my childhood,I often play game with my friends in Yang Yi Garden.The Yang Yi Park has a good time to me and my friends.

  In my childhood,I like Yang Yi Park,best.Because it very beautiful. In the spring,the grais very fresh and green. The leaves are very green.The flowers, are very beautiful. And the kites, are flying sky, the children are very happy. Everymorning, some peopel play sports in Yang Yi Park.The young men play sports in it, the old men play sports in it, too.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇3

  Everyone has their own childhood memory.Childhood is hazy poetry, is the picture of quietly elegant, classic songs... The childhood I naive, clever and lively; My childhood, I imagine rich, optimistic and cheerful.

  In the past years, I am a simple and happy. Just don't say looking at the sky stunned the relaxed, not to mention the hiding in bed sleeping in, also don't have to say to imitate the excitement of shooting stars alone is sucking the sorbet watching cartoons wandering in the street the incomparable simple happiness, can let me memorable.

  In the past years, I feel the something called "love". May be the teacher take a disease has continued to our class; Maybe mom brings to me is dry in the rain and comfort; Perhaps the students take the initiative to help me clean the classroom health scene... What sort of scene touched my sensitive heart, is impossible. But one thing is for sure, in the "love", "love", "love" and "love" in the endless sea, I raise the sails of hope, efforts to move forward.

  In the past years, the time like an arrow, just leave me alone XingChanYingGu wandering in the memory of the island. That each shining pearl, is I the same as when you giggle? That only white gulls heron, the same as when you are my fantasy? That hits the tall trees, is the appearance of when I was growing up... Petals gently picked up a piece of mind, I want to make it into a chic bookmarks, let it forever in the world of words its fragrance, forever......

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇4

  The happiest memory in my childhood was making snowman with my friends. As I was a little boy, I always went out with my friends to make snowmen and play with snow when it snowed heavily.


  We divided ourselves into several groups, two or three people in each group. Then, we began to make our own snowman. We used buttons to be snowman's eyes and carrots for its nose. After making our snowman, we compared ours with others’ to decide whose snowman is the best.


  Sometimes, we wrapped our scarfs around snowmen or put our caps on their head, so as to make our snowman more beautiful. The last time I making a snowman was when I was in university. But it snowed rarely these years. Thus, making snowman has become the long-lost fun for me. How I hope it would be snowy this winter!


  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇5

  Before I went to middle school, I lived with my grandparents. At that time, I stayed in the country, which was the most beautiful place for me. Early in the morning, I walked along the country road, appreciating the fresh air. We raised a little dog. He was my best friend, and he accompanied me all the time. No matter what I did and where I went, the little dog was with me and I loved him so much. Sometimes I would pick up the fruit in the garden, sometimes I would catch the fish in the clear river. It was such a happy childhood for me that I will never forget.


  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇6

  My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small.

  Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet "kipper, snapped," ran the sofa over there.

  Then I "ride" on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: "kid, don't always think of some way to deal with me!" I jumped out of his mother's arms and ran away.

  This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.




  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇7

  I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

  One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn't give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first.

  On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn't give up readily.




  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇8

  Time flies,but the memories of my childhood still like a sweet dream.When I remind of those funny things,I always wear a big smile on my face.Althought they are infantile,innocent and silly,I cherish them a lot.I know the fact that I can not experience them any more.

  The first time I played roller-skating,I was excited.It was my classmate’s birthday,he invited many friends to the skati

  ng rink.I wasn’t good at roller-skating.He suggested me skate by the side.then he would ask his brother who was proficient to teach me.According to his brother,I could skate freely .Finally,he organized all his friends.We put our hands on others’ shoulder.We skated like a train.All the people in the skating rink stopped to watch us.I thought they might feel our passion. and be deeply affected.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇9

  How time flies! Now I am a young man. Every time I open my photo album, those childish pictures of mine always remind me of the cheerful side of my childhood.

  My family is not a rich one, but as I am the only child in my family, my parents love me very much. When I was a little kid, they were ready to do anything for me.

  I still remember the evenings when, before going to bed, I asked my mother to tell me stories. She used to tell me fairy tales, most of which had a brave and honest boy as a hero. Having finished the story, my mother often patted me on the head gently, saying, ”My child, I hope you will be as good a boy as the hero in the story.” Now I am a student in senior two, I hope that I can live up to my mother’s expectations.

  The memory of my childhood is like a sweet dream. Instead of trying going back to the happy childhood, I will try harder to make a promising future.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇10

  In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask.

  One thing that made me worry a new memory. I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting comfortably on the sofa and watch television with relish. Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely. Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like. I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let.

  Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks! Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg? I think about while talking to himself on, do it! Won two eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. Of the usually like my mother always said that his father's body stove, the father's quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks. Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not named soon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants.

  I Wuzhuozui secretly smiled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull. Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway. How interesting to me! It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇11

  When the flower is thanks, it can be opened again; the leaves are yellow and can be green again; and the happy childhood is gone, but what happened in my childhood is

  It is unforgettable. I remember that when I was seven years old, my father and mother said to me all day, "Bao, ah, you say you are seven years old, you have to learn to be independent, can you sleep yourself?" Although my mother said every day, but I did not promise, because I always thought that there was a ghost and someone in the dark. But one day, my mother has dared say I was a coward, afraid to sleep. When I fell into the trap: "who's afraid of? I'll sleep on my own today! "

  At night, time to sleep, dad and mom went to the bedroom, I also slowly with anxious and fearful feeling into their own small bedroom. I looked around: the door was closed, the windows were closed, the curtains were pulled, and then again, the shivering lights went to bed. I was full of horror. I always thought about some ghost stories. I pulled the quilt over my head and didn't open my eyes with my hands.

  But for a long time, I could hardly breathe when I was covered in quilt. I gathered courage to open the quilt, sat up and turned on the light, and there was nothing. Well, it turned out to frighten yourself. I lay down and went to bed again. When my mother taught me, when I couldn't sleep, I counted sheep and fell asleep. So I had one sheep, two sheep, three sheep... The number of ground can still not sleep.

  At this moment, I feel like someone out of the window, I duoduosuosuo to open a curtain, it is a flower of the shadow, it is a false alarm. I worked hard to calm my mind, and I didn't know when I fell asleep.

  On the morning of the second day, I slept soundly, was waked up by my mother, and my mother asked me how I slept last night. I was proud to say, "well, in fact, there is nothing, there is no ghost in the world, but it is his own scare!" My mother listened to my words and laughed.

  This is my childhood. This is my unforgettable childhood. Now, though I feel a little childish now, how can you say this is not a beautiful scene in the unforgettable childhood?








  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇12

  Childhood is like a beautiful fairy tale, wonderful and fascinating; childhood is like a picture, the beautiful picture frame in a moment; childhood is like a heavy book, each page is a record of the little drops of life; childhood is like a river, without taking into account the writhing test after spray. We are going to say goodbye to this beautiful childhood, and to this day I am most impressed with the brilliant smile of my six year teacher.

  Remember the first grade, we face the strange you, you smiled and told us about her shiny black hair, bright eyes, white skin, pink lips charming, pleasant voice, to deeply impressed on my mind. You are like a great mother, six years has given us a lot of care; you are a gardener, for our pruning, make us more beautiful. Six years later, you have made many changes. There are several silver hairs in your dark long hair. There is a slight hoarse voice in the pleasant voice, and the charming lips are pale and bitter now, but the constant smile is your attractive smile. Teacher, you are at the expense of your youth, and cultivate a good student for a session. Teacher, in the last six years, how many hearts do you have for us?

  My classmates with my childhood, we have the joy to share together, have the difficulty to solve together, accompany me joyfully, accompany me to cry... School teachers and classmates, thank you for giving me so many memories of the campus every tree and bush, a table and a chair, as I have the most gorgeous rich childhood again added a!

  In a hurry, after all, we have to say goodbye to our childhood, go into the teenage period, say goodbye to the alma mater that has been with me for 6 years, and go into the palace of junior high school. I'm going to have a new campus student. A colorful childhood! Thank you for giving me so many wonderful memories!





  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇13

  Time flies,but the memories of my childhood still like a sweet dream.When I remind of those funny things,I always wear a big smile on my face.Althought they are infantile,innocent and silly,I cherish them a lot.I know the fact that I can not experience them any more.

  The first time I played roller-skating,I was excited.It was my classmate’s birthday,he invited many friends to the skating rink.I wasn’t good at roller-skating.He suggested me skate by the side.then he would ask his brother who was proficient to teach me.According to his brother,I could skate freely .Finally,he organized all his friends.We put our hands on others’ shoulder.We skated like a train.All the people in the skating rink stopped to watch us.I thought they might feel our passion. and be deeply affected.




  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇14

  When I was young, my parents often went out to work. For a variety of reasons, I was sent to my grandmother's house. One of my childhood lives was spent in my grandmother's house.

  My grandmother's home in a small village in the beginning, I was with my grandmother and grandmother is very strange, so often vindictive, but she never scolded me, let me mischief, slowly, I also and my grandmother were inseparable.

  The life of the country is very monotonous, but it is also wonderful. In such a small mountain village, the evening is the most beautiful. The adults are busy day off, one family sat together is very lively, after dinner, I often see the sky when the circle nestling and flat moon in grandma's arms, often looked up the number of stars. "Grandma, how many stars are there in the sky?" The grandmother laughed and said, "the stars in the sky are as much as your naughty." At this time, I always pretend to ignore my grandmother, and I am patient, "one, two, three..." One, two, three... " I'll jump out of one again, two, three... No, the total count of time, not for a while, my interest has been attracted to the frog pond antiphonal singing, the sound can be heard without end, as one falls, another rises, there are many unknown worms in the corner of the cricket, and should be, is to let people finally put the number of stars of intense interest, things aside, stay in the mind of the stars or a two star, three star.

  Sometimes, my grandmother also told me the story of the Cowherd and Weaver maid. At that time, in my heart, grandma relied on that is the sky with countless stars. My grandmother said that when people die, the soul will ascend to the sky, and there will be another star in the sky. I asked, "is the biggest and brightest grandpa in the sky?" The grandmother did not answer, the eyes seemed to be filled with yearning and tears. I felt an indescribable ache in my heart...

  Later, when my parents came back from work to pick me up, I cried and refused to leave. I knew that I could not afford to leave grandma's home now. However, I did not know that Grandma had a serious illness, and soon left me forever. On the day of the trip, I cried with tears.

  Now, I have become a middle school student. I have to go out to see the stars every night after studying. I know there are two more and brightest stars in the sky, that is grandma and grandpa. And the memory of childhood is deeply in my mind.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇15

  The memory of childhood has been slowly P

  In front of the small fields, there are vegetables, cucumber, leek, palm trees, however, because buy the car, cover the garage, the Xiaotian ruined. The memory of childhood, only to find --- next to the dry creek in the picture, there are many shells, sometimes, can find a few good small shells from the inside. But because there was a lot of rain, the river bed was lost. The memory of childhood can only be found in the camphor tree forest. The camphor tree grows tall and large. When I go to cool with trees and play with trees, but because camphor trees grow well, they are sold by their owners and planted pine trees. The memory of childhood, only from a word or two to find --- I watched the garage like trance, or small fields --- I have looked at the river seems to be ecstatic, or a small bed --- I have looked at the pine trees in a daze, or if the camphor forest.. - I want to go back to the past! Look at the small fields, small river, camphor forest --- see all childhood memories, it deeply, in all over the place

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇16

  It's gone quietly, but the memory of my childhood makes me Iiwai

  At the age of seven, December, the day I and several buddy walked in the empty street, then just "unearthed" we still take a few juveniles, then we still talk about some ridiculous things, or to each other about some humorous stories that made us several Kazakhstan Hada

  At the age of nine, in May, after two years of training, we have been divorced from childish innocence and discussed all the future problems. At that time, I remember clearly that I once said, "I will be useful to my country in the future." Now, think of it really seems to have derailed, but I believe that in the near future, this desire can certainly achieve

  At the age of eleven, in February, after a semester exercise in the fifth grade, we study career, I feel like flying in the world of books, like an angel teacher teach us knowledge, care of our growth, but what impressed me, I was in this big warm family I feel the warmth of the family, I encountered difficulties, teachers and students will help me, when I can not solve the problem, anxious to cry, students will think of a way to help me, when I encountered setbacks, to discouragement, teachers and students will give me the courage to love, let me overcome the difficulties. When we finished, lying on a grassy lawn, eating, comfortable lying down, and then looked at the sky like a sapphire sky with a few Duobai like snow clouds, this feeling is all people feel, the happy feeling Ya

  Seven year old naive, childish, nine years of age is about to mature, until the age of eleven, all the time to witness our growth.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇17

  Childhood is happy, interesting, thrilling and exciting. Our childhood in the post - 90s is more colorful.

  One year's summer vacation, our family went to my grandmother's holiday. I was excited by the fact that my brother was there too. I usually have a lot of ghost ideas. I think: since we all like to walk after dinner, it is better to take my brother and my brother to the temple in the back of the mountain to play for a while. It was easy to stay up at night, and my brother and I said to my mother and flew to the temple that had been longing for a long time. We had just arrived at the temple in the mountain, and the sky was darkened. We all don't take care of it and go straight to the temple. I did not expect that there was no one in the temple or the light. With the help of the moonlight we found that in front of us was a land sentence that stared at the big eyes. It seemed as if he did not welcome us to come in so rudely. My brother and I screamed with horror. This is not a distant shouts. At this time we thought of my grandmother often saying to us that there was a tiger and a wolf in the temple in the rear of the mountain to eat children in the temple of the mountain. We jumped up at once. It suddenly occurred to me that our science teacher said to us that the wind blows over the leaves and makes a sound, but that was just the way it was. In my heart, I knew half of it. I eyeball a turn and came up with an idea. I hide my brother can't find me, find my brother gone, said: "don't be a ghost sister away?" he ran away, kept shouting for help. I just wanted to laugh at a sudden feeling of cold. It was crazy to run, and the brother ran fast.

  It's so interesting.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇18

  Whether the childhood is sweet or bitter, it is always beautiful. My childhood is the same. But I have more fun in my childhood. Let me talk about one of them.

  One day, mom and I came back from the supermarket and said I'd buy a new bike for me. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and immediately followed my mother. When I bought my bike, I was eager to sit on my buttocks. As soon as I wanted to step on the pedal, the bike fell right. As I lift my bike and cross it, the bike brings the car to the left. My mother could not see it next, and immediately gave me a bike and let me go up. I just stepped on it, and the bike came back from the left and fell to the right. I was so angry that I could not throw the bike, but I had to push the car home. As soon as I got home, I immediately pushed the car down the stairs to practice, watching other kids rode on their bicycles fast, and I was very upset. I told myself immediately: didn't they get that fast after falling down?

  The second day, I was puffing my bike downstairs to begin to practice. "Boom!" the bicycle again fell to the ground, I put the bike up to unhurried. Because I firmly believe that I can do it. Sure enough, Kung Fu did not bear the heart of the people, I arrived at the twenty-third noon to succeed. I am so happy that I can run in the neighborhood like other children.

  There are so many things in childhood, and every one of them is so interesting and warm. In one's life, childhood is short, but as long as you always have a childlike innocence, life is always fun, lead a person to endless aftertastes.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇19

  Childhood is beautiful. It is like a picture. There is our laughter and happiness in it. It looks like a seven colored flower and has our wonderful life. It's like a piano, playing our happy life.

  It was a snowy night, and the wind was hanging. My brother and I had a beard on the balcony (a fire) to dance dance to, also said: "I see the wind sweeping leaves." I like to write "Shua" like rowing. From time to time, Mars fell on our hands. How beautiful it is!

  We are getting more and more daring to play and play. I ordered a dragon, to his brother shouted loudly, "Hey", in the Dragon brother around do several three hundred and sixty-five degree rotation, brother quickly as I did in my side dance "dragon" from time to time, Mars has a little on Mars, "pa" jump in his brother's clothes, it is not hot Mars actually put clothes with a point, but the fire grew suddenly enveloped, covering around chokedamp. I looked at it. I was silly. The younger brother of the sudden fire, scared to flee in all directions, bawler. I have been back to God, took off his shoes, the younger brother behind, "ah" pig brother like Aoaozhijiao, like cat and mouse. When the fire went out, my brother immediately stared at me, put me in front of my mother, got a strong K, and lost my clothes. In this case, I was a little funny and a little regretful, and it was not a taste.

  "Pengtou child learn fishing, sitting side berry Carex map. Passers by Jiewen waved away, scared fish should not be frightened of people." Childhood is so happy, so beautiful, the same is so unforgettable.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇20

  No one can tell the origin of it. It may be that the building with one foot is quite distinctive. It is regarded as a slide in children's playground by children. Its name is more humorous and interesting -- toad palace.

  The moon is a very round night, and the memory here is the most new.

  I took the pure and good to go there, they have to come up this headache, it is very wide, his hands stretched are out of reach, it is not able to go up the stairs. It looks majestic tall, in fact, is very simple, live on both sides with two pedals at the bottom, and then hand in the above, the whole body in parallel with its surface, to borrow the strength to support the body, feet to move, move at the same time, hand to move, in the distance, it is not! Have been living in this way, toad! Three little toad, like "the Toad Style of Kwan Lun School transport" as one after another climbed to the top at the top, looking at a few pieces of bloated clouds after Minzui laughing moon.

  Our emotions are increasingly high, courage is also unusually large, turn a pattern of play, my head down and lie on top, pure and two people grab a foot of me, then the collective slip down, but always hit my head to the ground, "three people like the head broken and bleeding"; a dustpan like stacked together, and then slide down; there are more exciting, barefoot, running a few steps directly run up, but I always because the approach is not enough, so the last point on the slopes of them pulled up.

  The moon is no longer shy. The bright and silhouette is clearly revealed. The moonlight is gentle and water is shining on the top of the toad palace. The six black feet of three of us are also listening to the hearty laughter of childhood.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇21

  In my memory, childhood is like a silver beach, with many colorful shells on it: red is happiness, blue is cheerful, green is comfortable. Today, I'll pick up a red shell and share my happiness with everyone.

  It was a year and a summer vacation, and I enjoyed playing with my little friends downstairs. One day, we are talking about playing some new games. All of a sudden, I have a bright sight. I can't wait to tell my friends, "friends, let's play in the field barbecue." Voice did not fall, will give everyone a positive response: "well, we can have fun barbecue!" So, we hit it off.

  Do I self chef, then we divided the all sorts of gossip: Lele, bright to pick up branches such as waste paper to get hay; Nathan big fan and a small chair to get sausage and potato; Beibei; Li Yang to take the match, barbecue; I am ready to take the stage ignition...... A few minutes later all ready, everyone eager, really is "everything is ready, only less open baked"!

  I kindled a withered grass carefully, and the fire jumped up at once. Someone next to a group of waste paper to pick up. Li Yang immediately put on the grill, with six sausages on the grill. I picked up the big fan and faned it up and fan the branch. "Shout -" the fire from small to large, has been stable. Hui Hui rotates the grill regularly. After a while, the sausage oil finally oil Zizi spill out, we drool with envy. Hui Hui was at the moment to support the cut potatoes. I was burning, while rotating the grill. Suddenly, a fume came into my nose, and I couldn't turn on the grill. "Hurry up!" Not all the scorch! " I heard a hasty cry from my ears. When I turned over in a hurry, the face was already scorch. Beckham, smiling bitterly, said, "well, we're going to have a sausage today!" We also laughed with the heh heh. At this time the sweat ran down the cheeks, and we all ignored it, and put on the roast of the potato chips.

  Finally all ready, we sat down with them to taste the taste of the fruits of their labor, Bengtiyouduo happy mood! Suddenly, pointing to my face babe Puchi laughed, then everyone pointing at each other "big face" smile became a group. I smile the mouth for a long time don't live, Lele laugh just shouting stomach pain, Li Yang smiled bent the waist, and Hui Huiyao has been "Oh babe"......

  At the end of the laugh, we gobbled up the results of the work, and not to mention how beautiful it was!

  Until now, remember this thing, I will be laughing smile, my heart has been immersed in the joy of childhood......

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇22

  Looking back on childhood, many people have sunk into the depths of their minds due to the erosion of time, and what floats on the water is the memory of the fisherman's Wharf.

  After thinking for a long time, Tuoji finally assembled the memory fragments together to form a complete memory.

  I remember every time I went to the fisherman's Wharf, when the car just stopped on the parking space, I rushed out of the car, opened my arms and breathed the salty and fishy sea breeze wantonly.

  This is the entrance to the sea, so the sand is not golden sand, but dark brown sand; The sea is not a blue sea, but an earthy Yellow Sea. When I went there for the first time, I was disappointed that it was different from what I imagined. I came here more often and was slowly attracted by the charm here. After the ebb tide, I stepped into this mysterious land with my shoes. There are many uneven textures on the mudflat, which are the traces left by the embrace of waves and sediment. A striped road extends from the east to the west of the mudflat. Stepping on it is extremely hard, angular and uncomfortable. But it's good to walk more. My feet are numb and massaged thoroughly. Now I think of the feeling of massage flip flops that have been worn for a long time.

  The more you go down, the closer you get to the waves retreating below, the more gentle the sediment becomes. The soft feeling still lingers between the soles of your feet. I like to pick up my toes, "grab" a handful of sand, turn around, stretch out my legs, throw it on the ground, and "snap" the sand to the ground, crisp and refreshing. There is always an impulse to scream at the sky, and the feeling of happiness spreads to the whole body at this time.

  The happiest time should be to explore the traces of small crabs in the sand. The mud beach is full of small holes, which are the breathing holes left by small crabs when they climb in. Dig down with a shovel and you will find the trace of the little crab. It's too slow to start. It's often dug up and let it drill back. I don't remember many details. I only remember that I was very happy. I only remember the unspeakable emotion when I finally released them.

  All this, although very far away, seems to have happened yesterday.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇23

  Everyone has his own childhood. Childhood is a painting with our colorful life; Childhood is a song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream with our imagination and vision. Today, I'll tell you about my childhood.

  Before the age of seven, I was a naive and lovely little naughty. At that time, many stupid things happened to me. When no one plays with me, I put on a pillow towel, hold a toy sword and wear a mask. I play armor warriors and monsters. I have a good time alone.

  When I was in grade one, I began to like playing chess. Start with the simplest checkers. Every Friday afternoon in the second class, I am very proud and proud, because I can always get off the teacher, and the teacher is convinced that I have lost.

  In my childhood, such an interesting thing happened. When I was five years old, my mother bought a big bag of Spiced melon seeds. I ate the fragrant and crisp melon seeds. I couldn't help asking my mother, "Mom, how did you get the melon seeds so fragrant and crisp?" my mother patiently said to me, "melon seeds are obtained from sunflowers. If you plant a sunflower seed, you can produce many melon seeds." I listened to my mother, I came up with a plan in my heart.

  The next day, my parents went out. I took out a handful of melon seeds and planted them in the field in the hope that they would grow into sunflowers as soon as possible.

  So I looked forward to it. A week later, there were still no sunflowers and no grass on the ground. With a sad face, I told the whole family what had happened. Who knows, they laughed. I didn't know what to do, so I asked my mother, "what's the matter?" my mother smiled and said, "you planted ripe melon seeds. It won't take root and sprout, and it won't bear sunflowers. Only raw seeds can grow sunflowers. Don't believe you try." with the help of my mother, the sunflowers I planted finally grew seedlings.

  This matter has long been an old thing, but it is still like a luminous small shell, always on the beach of my memory.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇24

  People's life is full of dreams and desires: some people are eager for holidays because they can play, and some people are eager for freedom because free life is unrestrained; Some people long for a good book because it is full of knowledge. Not only people, but also animals and plants have many desires: flowers are eager for bees to collect their pollen, birds are eager for a broad sky, fish are eager for a clear river... And I am eager for childhood and time to go back.

  Childhood is carefree, happy, happy and naive.

  Many people have happy memories of childhood, but time is in a hurry. In the blink of an eye, an ignorant little doll becomes a little adult who can deal with difficulties, and the original young parents are covered with green silk and mixed with several silver hairs.

  Childhood is carefree. The little doll can go to a sweet sleep every day. She wakes up from her sleep and cries for a while. It's like nothing happened. She jumps and plays by herself.

  Childhood is happy. When someone teases me a little, I "giggle" and keep laughing. When sleeping, you may dream of something beautiful or fun, and the corners of your mouth rise slightly from time to time.

  Childhood is happy. A little boy was raised by his father's powerful hand, carried on his broad shoulder, and sat comfortably, not afraid of falling. The mother's warm hand also gently touched the doll's head. The warm embrace made people feel at ease and comfortable.

  Childhood is naive. Mother told fairy tales and thought there was really a fairy tale world; Dad said that when watermelon seeds were eaten in his stomach, he really thought that big watermelon would grow in his stomach

  Childhood life is missed and deeply remembered; Childhood is the most beautiful and pure fragment on the long road of life... Even if you know that time can't go back, you still hope to return to that carefree, happy, happy and innocent childhood one day. May I continue to grow and return as a child.

  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇25

  My childhood was happy with my mother's love。 In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick。 She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind。

  But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed。 I didn't know what had happened。 I sat beside her and wanted to cry。 My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache。 I will be all right after a while。" Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain。 At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried。 I decided I would take care of my mother from then on。



  Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents。 My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day。 I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick。

  But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back。 I asked, "Why doesn't my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital。 "said Father。 I felt sad and frightened。 Then I began to cry。 "Don't cry or mother would worry。 You should be a good child。" I seemed to understand my mother was too tired。 I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on。



  快乐童年记忆英语作文 篇26

  I was born in a small county which is poor. Therefore, there were no beautiful clothes or many toys. Before I went to school at six, I only played with my peers nearby. It was such a wonderful period that I would never forget. We always made our toys independently, which cost no money at all. Sometimes, parents would help making toys as well. We could play from morning to night until parents told us to go home for dinner. However, as a rural child, I must help my parents doing farm work in the busy season, such as planting and harvesting. Besides, my mother is a teacher. Therefore, she began to teach me to read and count when I was three, so I had to spend some time I study. Now, remembering it, I feel much happy rather than upset.













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