
2021-05-04 请假条


英文请假条 篇1


  an excuse

  written request for leave


  I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.

  我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。 He would give me a leave letter next day.

  第二天他会为我写张请假条。 excuse是什么意思:

  v. 原谅;辩解;准许...离去

  n. 辩解;借口;理由;原谅,饶恕

  He made belated excuses.

  他作了为时已晚的道歉。 Idle folks lack no excuses.

  懒汉借口多。He is great at finding excuses.

  他可真会找借口。 written是什么意思:

  adj. 书面的,成文的,文字的

  v. write的过去分词

  There is a written protocol.

  这有一个书面草案。It is written by an obscure young poet.

  这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的。 The song is written in the key of D.

  这首歌是用D调谱写的。 request是什么意思:

  v. 要求,请求;请求给予

  n. 要求,请求,需要,需求,申请书

  function requester

  功能请求者 The medicine is requested to pestle into powder.

  这种药要研成粉末服用。These goods are in great request.


英文请假条 篇2

dear teacher xx ( or other ):

  i xx institute xx xx professional 2 claxx, for xx, the need to leave ( long ), time to leave, all during the safety responsibility, please approve!

  sincerely yours


  leave one:

  year, month and day

英文请假条 篇3

Dear MIss Zhang,

  I'm writing to you tell you that I can not have the English class this Saturday.I felt sorry about this.

  When my mother went to work by bike the day before yesterday, she was hurt her left hand and left foot by accident, So my mother need to go to see the doctor this Saturday and I will go with her that I can't have the English lesson.

  In fact, I like the English lesson very much.It is helpful for me to my English study .So I don't want to have the lesson on this Sunday instead. Does Miss zhang have time to improve my English.

  Best regards!

  Yours respectfully,

英文请假条 篇4

  1. i just put a casserole in the oven.

  1. 我刚才把砂锅放进了烤箱。

  2. my plastic surgery needed some “tweaking” to get it just right.

  2. 我的整形手术需要一些再长长才能更贴合。

  3. i was sitting in the bathroom and my feet and legs fell asleep. when i stood up, i fell and broke my ankle.

  3. 我坐在浴室时脚麻了,站起来时扭了脚。

  4. i had been at the casino all weekend and still had money left to play with on monday morning.

  4. 我整个周末都在赌场,而现在身上还有钱,周一早上要继续赌。

  5. i woke up in a good mood and didn’t want to ruin it.

  5. 我早上起来时心情非常好,不想破坏好心情。

  6. i had a “lucky night” and didn’t know where i was.

  6. 昨天晚上我有了“艳遇”,现在不知道自己身处何处。

  7. i got stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store and couldn’ t get out.

  7. 我被杂货店的血压仪困住了,出不来。

  8. i had a gall stone i wanted to heal holistically.

  8. 我得了胆结石,我想完全治愈。

  9. i caught my uniform on fire by putting it in the microwave to dry.

  9. 我把自己的制服放进微波炉烘干,现在它着火了。

  10. i accidentally got on a plane.


英文请假条 篇5

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Dear Mr Li/Miss Li/Mrs Li,

  I beg to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. Because I was ill, I want to return/go home to see the doctor.

  To support my application, I herewith/enclose the sick leave


  I should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. As regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.

  Yours respectfully,

  Li Min

英文请假条 篇6

  Dear Mr. Cheng

  A telegram has just reached me saying that my younger sister is going to marry next Friday and invite me to present her wedding. Because of this I would like to have a leave of five days beginning on September 6.

  I will be very much obliged if you will approve of my request.

  Yours sincerely,

  Han Jian

英文请假条 篇7

  Dear Mr/Ms XXX;

  Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

  Yours ever,

  Li Hua

英文请假条 篇8


  your clastudent sun hao, due to a sudden high fever and vomiting, to the hospital for treatment. today 's absence from school. we take.

  sincerely yours


  parents: sun zhengping

  parents: sun zhengping

  x dated










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