
2022-03-28 启示



  There are many famous sayings in my daily life and study that give me a lot of inspiration. One of the most unforgettable is "good at asking, half of the knowledge has been acquired." This famous saying.


  I remember when I was in the first grade, I was very introverted and timid. During the break, unless my classmates talk to me first, I would not take the initiative to talk to others. Once in class, the teacher was teaching ancient poetry. I didn't know what the meaning of "frost on the ground" in the poem "suspected frost on the ground" was. The teacher didn't say it either, so I had to go home and ask my mother. Back home, I told my mother this question, but my mother asked me to ask the teacher. "Ask the teacher! I dare not. " It's a big problem for me. I'm afraid of my teacher at ordinary times. I dare not even pass by him, let alone talk to him. So my mother said to me, "Nini, there's a famous saying," ask well, you've got half the knowledge. " That is to say, ask if you don't understand, then you will have more knowledge. " After listening to my mother's words, the next day, I summoned up my courage and went to the teacher and said, "Miss Zhang, I don't understand the frost on the ground in the frost on the ground. Can you explain it to me?" At this time, my heart was pounding with criticism. I thought the teacher would scold me. I couldn't say anything so simple. Unexpectedly, the teacher explained it to me with a smile. I finally let go of my heart. After the teacher said a while, he saw that I still knew half and half, and then he said word by word that I understood. Since then, when I met a place I didn't understand, I went to ask the teacher. Sometimes when the teacher was still in class, he asked me questions again, and I stood up to tell you. After class, the students asked me why I know so much, and I told them, "if you are good at asking, you have half the knowledge." That's the truth.


  After that event, I learned more about the meaning of the famous saying, "ask well, and you have half the knowledge".












启示作文 生活处处有语文给我的启示英语作文