
2021-03-04 其他类英语作文


英语作文 篇1


  1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 4.Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ... 5.Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... 6.Never in our history has the idea that ...been so popular. 7.Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that ... 8.According to a recent survey, ... 9.With the rapid development of ..., ...


  1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 2.It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ... 3.It is necessary that steps should be taken to ... 4.In conclusion, it is imperative that ... 5.There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help. 6.To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ... 7.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 8.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 9.We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to ... 10.Taking all these into account, we ... 11.Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...

  一. 上升增长

  1.add up to 增加了eg. The total amount of added up to 14 billion pounds in 1994. 2. to jump to / to soar to 一跃达到/ 猛增到

  eg. The total working days lost soared to 10 million in 1979.

英语作文 篇2

  In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in the countryside but is this the case worldwide?

  Not at all. If you look at the biggest cities in 1950, seven out of the top ten were in the developed countries but by the year 20xx, the developing countries will have eight out of the top ten. New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world but with an extra 2 million. And London? London, which was number two, won't even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950, by the way, was about 10 million. And why is this happening? Why are people moving to the big cities from the country in developing countries? The reasons are complex but many are moving to look for work. And the problems this creates are enormous.

  It's estimated that 26 million people will be living in Mexico City by the year 20xx, with Sao Paulo in Brazil not far behind.

英语作文 篇3

  The other day I asked my nine year old younger brother what he liked to do for fun in his leisure time. He seemed to regard it as an odd question. "I don't actually have much leisure time." He said."Homework,tennis lessons and piano lessons.., eat it all up. I have three piano lessons a week now."

  I was startled. I used to consider it was only gown ups who were suffering from great pressure. Now the modern competitive world seems to have worked on children alike. I do not think kids have as much fun as they used to. Competition keeps getting in the way. Leisure seems to have become a luxury.

  According to a recent survey, more than 80 percent of Americans complain that they do not have the time to do what they really want to do, let alone enjoy the leisure time. It is a tragedy. We live in a constraint state, unable to pursue our interests.The so-called past pace of information society has made most people feel uncomfortable. Computer, microwave, gimmicks and gadgets, all these appliances require far more complicated knowledge and techniques than ever before. And just to feel more secure about their relationship with technology, people make great efforts to follow the heels of the latest inventions, weary, reluctant and unhappy.

  I know lots of people who avoid recreation because they lack the time or the energy.Achievement is the national god, worshipped in our mediathe million dollar athlete, the wealthy ex

  ecutiveand glorified in our praise of possessions. In the presence of such a influential state religion, how can people ever "waste" their valuable time on taking up such "extravagance" as leisure when they could have learned or earned more during that period?

  Ambition, drive and the desire to excel are all great within limits, but we should not allow them to be the whole story of our life.Sometimes we should forget about doing best all the time, focusing on relaxation, enjoyment, and health.For the purpose of not collapsing under enormous pressure, an occasional break from our daily routine is necessary. We can make stress work for us instead of against us.

英语作文 篇4

  Joe: I'm getting into trouble these days.


  Ben: What'r your trouble?


  Joe: I have fallen in love with a girl not long ago,but she has had a boyfriend yet.


  Ben: So what?


  Joe: I don't know what to do.I don't want to lose her!


  Ben: But,you know,you are not her Mr.Right.You and her boyfriend can't both have her.


  Joe: I see what you mean.Thank you.


英语作文 篇5

  I like to watch movie, I had watched many movies,Jackie Chen is my favorite male actor.

  When I was small, I watched Jackie Chen’s actionmovie, he can beat many guys at the same time, heis many teenagers’ hero.

  In the last ten years, Jackie Chen has aimed at the foreign market, he took many movies andcooperated with foreign stars, he has achieved great success.

  Jackie’s success teaches us a lesson, the secret of achieving success is hard work.

  Jackie got wounded when he shot films, he has many scars on his body.

  Now he is over 50, but he is going on his playing, we are happy to see Jackie Chen’s movie.

英语作文 篇6

  Last night, my best friend held his birthday party. I bought him a big cake. There came many of our common friends, we ordered the food and ate happily. We sent him the best wishes and my friend replied with many thanks. When we finished eating, we sung the happy birthday day song to him and then I realized a few of my friends were whispering, it seemed that they were planning something. As I was thinking about it, suddenly, one of my friend picked up the cake and then throw it to my best friend’s face. Then everybody was shocked and laughed out loudly. I thought whether my best friend would be angry, he smiled and also throwed the cake to us. We ran away but no one could avoid. At last, we all needed to wash our faces. It is a crazy but happy birthday party.


英语作文 篇7

  Long ago, a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, "I caught this kid first, and so this is mine."

  "No, no."said the bear, "I found it earlier than you, so this is mine."And they fought long and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight.

  A fox who had hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, then it ran off with the kid. The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox. The lion said to the bear, "We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away."

  从前,一只狮子和一只熊看见一个孩子,它们同时向他扑去. 狮子对熊说,“我首先捉住的这个孩子, 因此这个孩子是我的.”


  不远处,一只狐狸正掩藏在树后,观看着狮子和熊之间的战斗,这时它走了出来,站在它们之间,叼走了这个孩子. 狮子和熊看到这个情形,但它们却不能捉住狐狸. 狮子对熊说:“我们争斗了那么久却什么也没得到,而这只狡猾的狐狸却把孩子叼走了.”

英语作文 篇8

  There are four seasons in a year.My Fa ---- vourite season in spring.Spring is colourful.The sky is blue and the clouds are snow ---- white.The trees become green and the grass grow .

  In spring the mountains become green ,and there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back from the south and sing happily all day.Everything comes back to life again.

  The children fly kites with ioy.What a beautiful season!Do you like spring?




英语作文 篇9

  there are things that you can do to keep your self healthy. for example, brush your teeth well, so your gums will be healthy and you may not get any cavity in your teeth; wash yourself regularly, so your skin will feel more comfortable and you will not get skin diseases so easy; wear clean clothes and shoes; do not eat food which is not clean; keep your house dry and clean, and free from flies, cockroaches, and ; mosquitoes; let your house get enough sunlight and fresh air. all these are part of your personal hygiene.

  even with this minimum level of hygiene you will reduce disease more effectively than a group of doctors.












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