
2021-04-19 其他类英语作文


英语作文 篇1


  1.——has become a common part of people’s life.


  2.And——has always aroused the greatest concern.


  3.what impresses us most is ——.


  4.The reasons——are varied.


  5. Among the various reasons,——plays an important role.


  6. Thatis to say,——


  7. Whatis more,——


  8. Forexample,——


  9. When talking about——,——,


  10. On the one hand——


  11. On the other hand,——


  12. In brief,——



  These days we often hear that...

  (1) It is common that


  (2) Why does such circumstance occurin spite of social protects? For one thing


  (3) For another


  (4) What is more,since


  (5) It's natural that


  (6) To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying.We should do something such as



  1. It is true that——.


  2. However,——.


  3. I think——.


  4. —— can be listed as follow.


  5. First of all, ——


  6. Secondly ——


  7. For example——


  8. Thirdly,——


  9. A case in point is ——.


  10. It goes without saying that——


  11. There is no doubt that ——


  12. In conclusion ——



  1. With the development/improvement of ——,——.


  2. It is necessary that——.

  2. 注解决现象引出的问题很必要。

  3. On the one hand, ——.


  4. On the other hand, ——.


  5. Therefore, how to —— is worthpaying attention.


  6. Firstly——

  6. 解决办法一。

  7. Secondly——

  7. 解决办法二。

  8. For example,——

  8. 举例解释解决办法二。

  9. Thirdly, ——.

  9. 解决办法三。

  10. In other words,——

  10. 阐明解决办法三。

  11. In fact, ways to —— arecountless.

  11. 出解决问题的办法多种多样。

  12. It’s time that ——

  12. 强调解决问题时不可待。

英语作文 篇2

  i had the compartment on the train to myself up to rohana, and then a girl got on。 the couple seeing her off were probably her parents, they seemed very anxious about her comfort, and the woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers。

  as i had become blind by then, i could not tell what the girl looked like, but i knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels, and i liked the sound of her voice。“are you going all the way to dehra dun﹖” i asked her as the train pulled out of the station。i must have been sitting in a dark corner, because my voice startled her。 she gave a little exclamation, and said, “i didn’t know anyone else was here。”

  well, it often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them。 they have too much to observe, i suppose, whereas those who cannot see take in what registers most telling on their remaining senses。

  “i didn’t see you either at first,” i said。 “but i heard you come in。” i wondered if i would be able to prevent her from discovering that i couldn’t see。 i thought, provided i keep to my seat, it shouldn’t be too difficult。

  “i’m getting down at saharanpur,” the girl said。 “my aunt is meeting me there。 where are you going﹖”

  “to dehra dun, and then to mussoorie,” i replied。

  “oh, lucky you! i wish i were going to mussoorie。 i love the mountains。 especially in october。”

  “yes, this is the best time。” i said, calling on my memories when i could see。 “the hills are covered with wild dahlias, the sun is delicious, and at night you can sit in front of a log fire and drink a little brandy。 most of the tourists have gone, and the roads are quiet and almost deserted。”

  she was silent, and i wondered if my words had touched her, or whether she thought me a romantic fool。 then i made a mistake。 “what is it like outside﹖” i asked。

英语作文 篇3

  Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the difference in meaning between “stop doing something” and “stop to do something”.

  “stop doing something” means not to do that any more, but “stop to do something” means stop one thing in order to do something else.

  Let’s look at a clear example. “We stopped dancing.” “We stopped to get some drinks.” These sentences can even be put together to form “We stopped dancing to get some drinks.” Is the meaning clear? We were dancing but we got hot and thirsty, so we stopped. Why? Because we wanted to get some drinks. After we stopped, we got some drinks. Before we stopped, we were dancing. So, can you hear the difference in meaning between these two sentences? “We stopped to study” and “We stopped studying”. The first sentence “We stopped to study” means we are studying now. We were doing something else, maybe talking or watching TV, but we stopped doing that in order to study. On the other hand, the second sentence “We stopped studying” means we are not studying now. We were studying before but we stopped, maybe because we were tired or hungry.

  Let’s take another example. “We stopped talking” and “We stopped to talk”. “We stopped talking” means it is quiet now because we are not talking anymore. “We stopped to talk” means we are talking now. Maybe we were walking on the sidewalk, saw each other, and stopped walking so that we can talk for a while.

  So remember to be careful when choosing the verb form after “stop” as it changes the meaning of the sentence. This has been today’s daily tip. Tune in tomorrow for another tip.

英语作文 篇4

  call for 叫(某人)来;要求,需要

  call off 取消

  call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,要求

  call up 召集;使人想起;打电话(给)

  care for 照顾,照料;喜欢

  carry off 夺走,拿走

  carry on 继续,进行

  carry out 实行,执行;实现,完成

  catch at 试图抓住,拼命抓

  catch on 理解,懂得;流行起来

  check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到

  check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离去

  check up 检查,核实

  cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来

  clear away 把清除掉,收拾

  clear up 清理;澄清,解决;(天)放晴

  come off 脱落,分开;结果,表现

  come on 快,走吧;开始,发生;进步,进展

  come out 发表,出版;出现,显露;结果是

  come round (around)顺便来访;苏醒,复原

  come through 经历仍活着,安然度过

  come to 苏醒;涉及,谈到;总数为,结果是

  come up 走上前来;发生,出现

  count on/upon 依靠,指望

英语作文 篇5

  There would be both advantages and disadvantages to having a shopping center built in my neighborhood. One advantage would be the convenience. I would like to have all those stores close by. Shopping would be much easier and faster because I wouldn't have to drive great distances to get to the stores.

  A shopping center would mean more choices, because there would be more stores selling different products. I might have a movie theater nearby, because so many shopping centers these days include movie theaters in their plans. Most shopping centers also have restaurants and a food court. That means a greater variety of places to eat in our area.

  Having a shopping center built in the neighborhood would also mean more jobs for the community. Initially, these jobs would be in the building of the center. Later the jobs would be in the stores, theaters, and food establishments.

  Of course, these would be some disadvantages, too. Probably the biggest problem would be traffic. A lot of people would be coming to the shopping center. They’d drive through our neighborhood to get to the center. In addition, if there wasn't enough parking at the center, they might look for parking space near our homes.

  A shopping center might also invite more crime into our neighborhood. Parking lots after dark are a big temptation to robbers. They know people are there with money to spend. The shopping center might also become a place where unruly teenagers would gather. This could cause trouble. Our town would need a community center for them to go to instead.

  On the whole, though, I think my neighborhood should support having a shopping center built here, It would bring more variety to our shopping, give us the opportunity to amuse ourselves at movies theaters and restaurants, and bring more jobs into the area.

英语作文 篇6

Dear Cindy

  There are many rules at my home,but I like these rules.Because they are good for me.Every morning I have to get up at half past six.And I must do exercise before breakfast.Then I go to school.At5:40pm,I get home.I can't play with my friends becauseI must do my homework first.I can watch TV,but I must finish my homework.and I have to go to bed before 9:30om.I'm busy.but very happy.

  Yours Zhao Liang










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