
2022-04-10 其他类英语作文


食物英语作文 篇1

  There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.My father’s favorite food is crabs. They are tasty. My mother likes apples best. There is an old saying: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. So apples are healthy and nutritious. like beef noodles and potatoes most. Because they are delicious and healthy. I don’t like onions.All of us like ice cream very much. It is sweet and yummy. Do you like it?

食物英语作文 篇2

  genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land area of less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified food.

  you think we don't of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? but we can open it from? and if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it is. everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword?

  genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, etc. genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isn't like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take time. but we also should see the benefits of them,

  i think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by people.

食物英语作文 篇3

  In our China, there are many delicious dishes. In the record A Bite of China, we can see the essence of Chinese diet. Among so many dishes, I like sweet and sour spare rib and beef most. Sweet and sour spare rib is a traditional and popular Chinese cuisine. Its cooking method is simple but it taste well. Sweet and sour contains together, tasting much better. Beef is popular in general families. There are various methods to cook this food material. We can fry or stew and we can get different but tasty foods. However, taste of home are the most popular in families.

食物英语作文 篇4

  How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there's probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don't they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules!

  Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people's sunday lunches and leftovers), there's no "well let's give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.

食物英语作文 篇5

  我爱吃的食物 My favorite food

  I like to eat meat that comes from any poultry, chicken, duck, geese as well as dairy meat. beef tastes really good. Not only are they delicious and fattening, they are full of nutrition. Also, meat can come in an almost infinite array of varieties, because they come from a whole range of animals and each can be prepared in many ways. There are many exotic types of meats around the world, hopefully, i will have the chance to sample my favourite food in many different ways.


食物英语作文 篇6

  Delicious Food

  I like to go out with my parents, they will take me to different restaurants. In the restaurants, they like to order different food for me to taste them. My parents know me so much, they know I like to eat delicious food, so when they order the new food for me, it makes so happy, I like my parents.


食物英语作文 篇7

  Fish is my favorite food. I don’t know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it. What’s more, I don’t care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons. Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual. So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh.


食物英语作文 篇8

  Food is life, it gives some energy. We can’t live without food. But all food is good? The answer is no. We can eat some meat, bread, fruit and vegetables everyday. If we eat meat too much, we will get fat and ill. We must eat all kinds of food. Don’t eat one simple food. That is bad for our health. As a student, we must eat fruit, vegetable, meat and other food. It’s good for us.

食物英语作文 篇9

  nowadays, wherever we turn our gaze, we can see different types of food that are easier to prepare. for instance, we can buy frozen foods in a supermarket and just prepare it in a couple of minutes, whereas before it could have taken us maybe hours to prepare this kind of meals. i would accept that this so-called improvement has changed our lives, but i believe that there are some drawbacks as well.

  it is true that these kinds of food do not involve hard work to prepare, but food that is easy to prepare generally has some artificial ingredients mied in it that makes it "easy-to-cook". if we take time to read the ingredients, we would definitely come across words like preservatives or?artificial flavorings. it was just a couple of days ago that i came across a newspaper article which stated that someone was poisoned because he ate this type of food. he was hospitalized for almost a month.not having to cook has also taken the fun out of cooking. cooking is an art, but in todays world, this is no more true. people are so busy with their work that they just rely on this simple foods. the invention and production of this foods have made people lazy not only for cooking but also for a well family get-together. it was not like former times when families would sit together and eat freshly baked food. instead, they are getting these artificial things with minimal nutrients in them.

  cooking in the yesteryears was much better than todays. people would spend more time in the kitchen, preparing the food in the way that they liked it. this brought families closer together and also contributed to the high quality and nutrition of the food. granted, people are busier nowadays and do not have as much time as they did in the past, but i believe that people have forgotten the importance of healthy, fresh food and of the time a family spends together preparing the food. so, i would say that having food that is easy to prepare has had many disadvantages.

食物英语作文 篇10

  It Is Shame To Waste Food

  Nowadays with the development of our society and the world most people have no need to worry about suffering famine.

  The general level of people’s living standard has been improved dramatically. As most people have enough food to eat so they don’t treasure it even waste. Actually it is not easy to grow or produce food. It needs a long time and great energy. Moreover there are still many poor places in the world whose people don’t have enough food. They still have to worry about dying of hunger. Knowing this don’t you think it is shame to waste food?

  In my view no matter what situation we are in bad or good we should not waste food.








节约食物英语作文:To Save the Food07-29

美味的食物英语作文:Delicious Food06-11







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