
2021-04-17 三年级英语作文


三年级英语作文 篇1

  Thanksgiving Day Tradition-Thanksgiving Day is a communal celebration marked as a sense of gratitude people feel for all the good things in life. This is done by offering prayers, gifting your near and dear ones. The fourth Thursday in the month of November is marked for the yearly celebration. The tradition of Thanksgiving continues till date in the form of

  Family Reunion and Feasting

  Family feast is an important tradition during Thanksgiving. The entire family sits at the table during dinner and offer prayer to the Lord Almighty for his continuous grace. It is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.

  Tradition of Turkey

  The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast. Pumpkin pie, Cranberry sauce, Corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day. Though historians don’t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first Thanksgiving dinner, but the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.


  The traditional Thanksgiving parade probably started with President Lincoln proclaiming it an official day. The full- dress parade is a way to display the country’s military strength and discipline. The main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. In the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.

  Football Games

  Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition. The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues. One of the most memorable games having been played.

三年级英语作文 篇2

  The New Year, every family hangs red lanterns and colorful with everyone hang money, each with a bright red couplets, that there's characters, dazzling gold, blessing to the people a happy New Year and yearning for a better life. The grown-ups were preparing for the feast and talking happily, and the children were playing with new clothes, firecrackers, and chattering.

  Night, the streets were filled with red lanterns lit, hanging on both sides of the road the tree lights are lit, flash, red, blue, yellow, green, do you like in the fairy tale world. When you pass through the square, the red glow of the big "spring" lights makes you feel a little warm in the cold night, as if in this festive atmosphere, spring is coming towards you.

  As time goes on, firecrackers is more and more intensive, 11 o 'clock in the evening, reached its climax, the dark sky colorful with fireworks, the deafening noise coming from all directions, you can tell not clear which direction is the firecrackers, the air was filled with thick, suffocating sexual encounters, but all this and let you feel excited. For people, this may be the charm of Chinese New Year.

  The Spring Festival, the family gathered together, in the festival, the excitement we sent away the past year, is approaching the first day of the New Year, how happy it is!

三年级英语作文 篇3





  她和我们说话总是笑眯眯的,没有一点老师的架子,还允许我们直呼她的`名字,她还经常和我们聊天,帮我们解决问题,聊天时,也不怕说自己的糗事。就说这一次吧!我在做卢老师布置的《金牌学练考》时,遇上了“拦路虎”。我左想右想,怎么也想不出来,急得我抓耳挠腮。就在这时,我想到了赵老师,于是,我带着它去找赵老师。赵老师看了题目后,亲切地说:“‘tom和jim ’是人名,‘tom’是汤姆,‘jim’是杰瑞,‘and’是和的意思,那么‘very are funng ’是什么意思呢?”“是非常风趣的意思”。“对!你很聪明!那么这句话的意思是什么呢?”“是汤姆和杰瑞非常风趣的意思”!通过赵老师的循循善诱,我终于解决了“拦路虎”。

  还有一次,我和赵老师在QQ里聊天。她指出了我的缺陷,并不时的鼓励我,还风趣的让 让我考过国家六级请她吃饭,并耐心的告诉我怎么“戒电视” ,她说道“我以前玩电脑可是高手。有一天,我为了玩电脑,用棉被把门堵住,把窗户堵住,这样就没有光亮了,大人就以为你睡了。然后我就玩了一整夜,第二天听见有声音,赶紧睡了,然后没去上班。睡到下午5点,我爸来叫我,我还说天还没亮呢。”她还让我注意休息,合理安排上网时间。看了赵老师的这些话,我心里暖乎乎的,越来越喜欢她了。




三年级英语作文 篇4

  我的姓张,同学们都叫它“Miss zhang”。她高高的个子,白白的皮肤,四方脸,一双炯炯有神的眼睛里蕴藏着智慧和自信。她性格开朗,幽默风趣,寓教于乐,每次上课都会把我们逗得哈哈大笑。

  有一次,张老师教了我们“Come in ,please!”这个句子之后,说:“我来看你们到底听懂了没有。”说着,来到一位同学身旁,说:“叮咚,叮咚。”可是那位同学没有明白老师的意图,坐在那里一动不动,张老师风趣地说:“这位同学不在家,我先走了。”同学们都笑了起来。

  张老师又来到另一位同学身旁,说:“叮咚,叮咚。”这位同学连忙站起来,说:“Come in ,please!”张老师“进来”了,这位同学接着说:“Sit down,please!”张老师坐了下来,接下来该怎么做,这位同学显得有点不知所措,张老师幽默地说:“好吃的和好喝的怎么还没拿来?哎,算了,我还是走吧!”教室里又是一阵哄堂大笑……


三年级英语作文 篇5

  After the New Year, I was very excited because I had new clothes to wear.

  When I got up early, I got up early, and helped my father to hang up Chinese festivals, paste couplets and lucky words.

  In the afternoon, we went to buy some new clothes. The colors of the clothes were yellow and black. They were warm and beautiful. I liked them very much.

  In the evening, we had dinner and set off firecrackers, and I set off the firecracker to form a heart. Finished eating dinner, and went to the fireworks, we all watch Spring Festival gala, more than ten o 'clock in the evening, we went out to let off firecrackers, fireworks sound of a New Year's eve, we off the year of the tiger in the year of the rabbit.

  Happy New Year!











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