
2021-04-25 三年级英语作文


三年级英语作文 篇1

  以前英语课“English , English,English ,”朗朗的读书声读着而这节英语课可却如此冷漠。

  今天的英语课我们都是怀着高兴的心情来的,渴望这学到新知识,刚一上课,老师就问昨天是谁的课堂作业没有教,还说有几个同学的本子封面不整齐,。再说的过程中有几个本就有几个女同学还在写数学上没有写完的作业,结果老师把那几个女同学的数学课堂本给没收了去,然后就开始追问补完课堂作业本要多长时间,这时教室里寂然无声,我们听出了老师是意思:想把她们的本字撕了,可又欲出又止。老师说:“你们是不是想做作业,想做的话就每节英语课都写语文或数学作业,现在就开始吧!”老师说完就让我们写语文作业,可我们没有听老师的话,端端正正的坐着,过了一会儿,老师见我们没有动静,眼光突然闪烁了一下,看到了讲桌上的语文配套练习,就说是不是配套练习没有发,然后就让前面的几位同学发一下。发下来了,结果还是没有一个人做。老师又说:“是不是没有布置?”没有人回答。 “既然没有布置那就我来布置吧!把第6课和第10课做完。” 一秒、两秒、三秒过去了,教室里依然 鸦雀无声。 刚开始有几个同学写了起来,后来越来越多,只有我和几个学习好的同学在写有关英语的作业。“叮铃铃”下课了,英语老师说:“以后的英语课都这样上吧!”说完,就走了。有好多几乎全班都在说“解放了”,可我的心里却很不是滋味,。


三年级英语作文 篇2

  Today is May Day.My mother,my father and I went to a park to have a picnic,and then visited mygrandma and grandpa.At 9 o'clock in the morning,we went to the park for picnic,we took juice,cornflakes,apples,oranges,lollipops,bananas,ice creams,mangoes,and so on.I alsotook toys,such as doll,ball,balloon,skateboard and a kite.At 2 o'clock in the afternoon,we went to visit my grandma and grandpa.I helped them dosome housework.My sister played skateboard and doll with me.At eight o’clock we went home,and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.Today I’m very happy!


  我的一天 今天是劳动节.我的母亲,我和爸爸去公园吃野餐,然后看望了我奶奶和爷爷.在早晨9点钟,我们去公园野餐,我们带了果汁,麦片,苹果,桔子,棒棒糖,香蕉,冰淇淋,芒果等.我还带了玩具,如娃娃,球,气球,滑板和风筝.在下午2点钟,我们去看望了我的'奶奶和爷爷.我帮他们做一些家务.我妹妹和我一起玩滑板和娃娃.八点钟,我们回家了,玩两个小时的电脑游戏,然后上床睡觉.今天我非常高兴!

三年级英语作文 篇3

  Hi. My name is Bian Tianjue. I’m going to have a busy weekend!

  On Saturday, I’m going to the supermarket by bike. I’m going to buy some bread and chocolates. Then, I’m going to go home and watch TV.

  On Sunday, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my father. We’re going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I’m going to the park with my baby sister. That will be fun!

三年级英语作文 篇4









三年级英语作文 篇5

  It is half past five,School is over.Vicky comes back.His mother is not at home and the door is closed.His brother Jim likes sports.He is playing football in the school.

  His sister Becky likes music and she is singing with her friends. Mrs Hyde comes back with a basket on her arm.Vicky sees his mother and runs to help her carry it.They come in and the girl finds there are three cakes in a bag.

  They are her favorite food and she wants to eat them. "The other two are for Jim and Becky,"says his mother. "You can have one." "But I am hungry now,Mum."says the girl,"May I have two?" "Yes,you can ."Says the mother,"Go and cut yours in half."

三年级英语作文 篇6

  i have many cousins. i like stella best. she is a pretty girl. she likes eating cucumbers , eggplants, cabbages… she doesn’t like eating eggs and milk. so she is very short. stella is an excellent student . she is the monitor of her class. she likes studying and she studies very hard. so she is always the top student in her class.in this summer holiday , i spent a very happy time with her in sichuan .

  i often miss her very much. i like my cousin best!

三年级英语作文 篇7

  Scrambled egg with tomato approach

  tomatoes cut thin flap. The size of uniform thickness, uniform.

  eggs, add a little salt, a little sugar, a little cool white boiling water. In a bowl, add a little starch, add 2 spoon of chicken soup, mix well, then add a little salt and sugar to mix.

  wok add scallion. Onion can be prepared on the tank. With Scallion does this dish, which can not only ensure the dish a little onion flavor, and can guarantee not to see green onion. 9 into the hot oil into the egg, fried until golden pot.

  pot and then pour a little oil, tomatoes into valve, 10 seconds without frying. Pour half wok of water, gently stir fry. It can guarantee the tomatoes valve not desquamate, does not affect appearance.

   2 minutes into the fried egg, lightly stir fry. Then pour has a good hook thin thicken soup, stir fry for 30 seconds after the pan.

三年级英语作文 篇8






三年级英语作文 篇9

  My favourite toy is a toy monkey. It is my good friend. It is small and brown. It is very lovely. Touch it,please. It is soft and rough. When I feel lonely, I can talk to it. In my eyes,it is not only a toy, it is my best friend.


  我最喜欢的玩具是玩具猴子。 这是我的好朋友。 它小而棕色。 他非常很可爱。 请触摸它。 它柔软而粗糙。 当我感到孤独时,我可以和它说话。 在我看来,它不仅是一个玩具,它还是我最好的朋友。











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