
2021-07-19 三年级英语作文


三年级的英语作文 篇1

  I have a happy family.They are my father, my mother, my grandma and me. I like my mother very much.

  My mothe is a tall woman.She has black hair.Two eyes.A pair of glasses.A small nose.And a small mouth in head. She like wear skirt. So she is a customer.My is a cook,too.She cook delicious dinner

  everyday .This is my mother.

三年级的英语作文 篇2

  This is our classroom, which is a nice big room.The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China.In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher.There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What's on the teacher's desk? There are some flowers.


三年级的英语作文 篇3

  "Yang Jun Bao" is my good friend and classmate from grade 1 to grade four. And he was divided into class five (6) this year, and I was divided into grade five (4), so we couldn't play together.

  Yang Junbao is eleven years old. He has jet black hair, watery eyes and big nose. He likes painting and sports. His personality is good and bad. I remember the third grade, there is a class, he and I go out to bars parallel bars, but we only think of it next to the teacher said not to let the students play bars. Yang Junbao said to me: "let's go, the teacher said not to play bars!" I replied, "what's the matter?" The teacher can't see it again! " But Yang Junbao insisted on not playing, and finally threatened to say, "if you play, I'll ignore you!" I replied, "ignore me without me, and I'm afraid to lose your friend..." So I didn't play with Yang Junbao.

  However, I think the evening back to the home, he does not, then I will in the evening to Yang Junbao home made a phone call, asking for forgiveness. And he said, "I've forgiven you." I listened to his words and was very happy. Because we can be friends again!

  This is my good friend, Yang Junbao.

三年级的英语作文 篇4

  I like to eat different kinds of delicious food , however, my favorite food is dumplings. In my spare time , I like to make dumplings with my mother . I think home-made dumplings are more delicious than those in supermarket .

  My mother knows I love to eat them ,so she makes dumplings at every weekend . I prefer eating dumplings . How about you ?

三年级的'英语作文 篇5

  hi! good friends. my name is susie. i’m ten years old. this is my pet. it’s a turtle. he is also ten years old. his name is sandwich. he eats ten small fishes every day .

  look at him! he has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. he also has a long tail.

  now my turtle wants to have a little sister. they can play, sleep and walk together. now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” my friends,please call me. my telephone number is one two three four five.

三年级的英语作文 篇6

  My “sister”

  My “sister” 我的“妹妹”

  I have a “sister”. She is cute and active. Yesterday we went to a village. We flew kites. The weather was windy. Suddenly my hat flew into the lake. I was angry. My “sister” saw the hat. She jumped into the lake and swam to the hat. She returned the hat to me. I was very happy. Then, we went swimming. Five minutes later, I didn’t see my “sister”! I was very sad. Then I went back home. I saw my “sister” on my bed. I was so happy to see her again.

  Now, do you know who is my “sister”? OK, let me tell you, she’s my dog---------Lala.




三年级的英语作文 篇7

  I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day. I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.

三年级的英语作文 篇8






三年级的英语作文 篇9





  她和我们说话总是笑眯眯的,没有一点老师的架子,还允许我们直呼她的名字,她还经常和我们聊天,帮我们解决问题,聊天时,也不怕说自己的糗事。就说这一次吧!我在做卢老师布置的《金牌学练考》时,遇上了“拦路虎”。我左想右想,怎么也想不出来,急得我抓耳挠腮。就在这时,我想到了赵老师,于是,我带着它去找赵老师。赵老师看了题目后,亲切地说:“‘tom和jim ’是人名,‘tom’是汤姆,‘jim’是杰瑞,‘and’是和的意思,那么‘very are funng ’是什么意思呢?”“是非常风趣的意思”。“对!你很聪明!那么这句话的意思是什么呢?”“是汤姆和杰瑞非常风趣的意思”!通过赵老师的循循善诱,我终于解决了“拦路虎”。

  还有一次,我和赵老师在QQ里聊天。她指出了我的缺陷,并不时的鼓励我,还风趣的让 让我考过国家六级请她吃饭,并耐心的告诉我怎么“戒电视” ,她说道“我以前玩电脑可是高手。有一天,我为了玩电脑,用棉被把门堵住,把窗户堵住,这样就没有光亮了,大人就以为你睡了。然后我就玩了一整夜,第二天听见有声音,赶紧睡了,然后没去上班。睡到下午5点,我爸来叫我,我还说天还没亮呢。”她还让我注意休息,合理安排上网时间。看了赵老师的这些话,我心里暖乎乎的,越来越喜欢她了。













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