
2021-08-11 三年级英语作文


三年级英语作文300字 篇1

  Hi. My name is Bian Tianjue. I’m going to have a busy weekend!

  On Saturday, I’m going to the supermarket by bike. I’m going to buy some bread and chocolates. Then, I’m going to go home and watch TV.

  On Sunday, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my father. We’re going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I’m going to the park with my baby sister. That will be fun!

三年级英语作文300字 篇2

  i have many cousins. i like stella best. she is a pretty girl. she likes eating cucumbers , eggplants, cabbages… she doesn’t like eating eggs and milk. so she is very short. stella is an excellent student . she is the monitor of her class. she likes studying and she studies very hard. so she is always the top student in her class.in this summer holiday , i spent a very happy time with her in sichuan .

  i often miss her very much. i like my cousin best!

三年级英语作文300字 篇3

  Last Sunday, our class held a spring outing in the forest park. It was a nice day. The sun was shining brightly and the flowers were swaying in the spring breeze. We took a lot of pictures and had our favorite snacks on the bench. The girls talked about their favorite movie starts and the boys played football on the ground. We had so much fun. I love spring outing because we don’t need to do the homework.


三年级英语作文300字 篇4

  there are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall and winter.spring is warm and sunny. the trees are green and flowers are beautiful. we can plant trees and run on the grass. summer is my favorite season. the weather is very hot, sometimes it rains. i like to swim in the swimming pool. and i can wear my beautiful dress. and i can eat ice creams.fall is a beautiful season. the weather is very cool. we can eat a lot of fruits. and the leaves are colorful. winter is very cold. but in nanhai it does not snow. we can not play with snow. i like the four seasons very much.

三年级英语作文300字 篇5

  In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.


三年级英语作文300字 篇6

  My English teacher is a young lady. Her name is Kate. She looks beautiful.


  Her English is very good. She teaches us many things, and she likes to introduce foreign countries to us. She works very hard, because she likes teaching.


  I like her spoken English. She has good pronunciation and writing. All of my classmates like her.


三年级英语作文300字 篇7

  Animals are our friends, they live together with us on the same planet, we should take care and protect them, and they let us know we do not know many of the knowledge.

  When we want to animal fur and all the time, until you want to protect you when they have been cruel extinction, and animal protection is to protect ourselves.




三年级英语作文300字 篇8


  这次英语节有许多个好听、好看的英语节目:有动听的英文歌“let it go”;有有趣的英文小诗串;有好看又有礼物派送的“圣诞歌”;有英文版的我校校歌、cisv营歌;有活力四射的英文“the little apple”。

  我们班和四(1)班同学一起表演了“we wish you merry christmas"。我站在第一排,虽然我不知是紧张还是冷的发抖,但当我面对台下的观众和摄影机时,心里想我一定要表现的非常优秀,千万不要给我们学校丢脸呀!

  当三年级的同学表演“phonics song"时,我想起我三年级刚开始学phonics和sight words,书本上的单词语句都像是从不露出微笑的陌生人。随着学习的深入,我也能自己独立读书、流利朗读了,而且还觉得英语和中文亲切、有趣。



三年级英语作文300字 篇9
















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