
2018-01-05 生日

  It was Saturday yesterday, May 5th, 2005. It was an unusual day for both Han Mei and her mother.

  It was a free day. The sun shone brightly and the birds were singing happily outdoors. Han Mei got up early. Suddenly, she remembered it was her mother’s birthday! Then, she thought:“Mum is always working hard, so that she can make money for me. But I never do anything for her. Today, I must give a surprise to her.” Han Mei thought, it was a good way to send a card and some flowers to her mother, as she knew her mother liked flowers.

  But for a while, a serious problem came to her mind. “A card is cheaper, but it was made of wood. Wood! Trees! Forests! They are so important for us all. How can we cut down trees for cards ?”Thought of this, she gave up buying a card.

  A moment later, she came up with an idea andpaid her action. She washed her mother’s feet instead of sending her a card.

  “It’s the best present for me.” Her mother said. Both of them felt happy.

  Taiwan province is an important part of China. It lies in the south of China. The weather there is warm and wet.So many plants grow very well. The fruit there are really delicious,like bananas、oranges,and so on Taiwan also has many beautiful places. And, lots of people visit there. Taiwan is a rich place. China is getting stronger and stronger. All the people hope Taiwan can come back quickly. I’m sure Taiwan will come back in the future.











生日派对小学优秀作文 生日邀请函的英语作文