
2017-11-08 生日



  My Father’s Birthday

  Today is my father’s birthday, but he doesn’t celebrate it. It’s because he  must work today. I say happy birthday to him in the morning. And I prepare a  birthday card for him, which I draw it by myself. I wrote “Happy birthday to  you, my dear daddy. Best wishes from your dear daughter. I love you.” When I  gave it to him, he was so happy and smiled to me. At night, we have a delicious  dinner which is my father’s favorite dishes cooked by my mother. She says it’s  her birthday gift to my father. I think it’s enough because we all enjoy the  dinner. My father says that my mother and I give him a happy and beloved  birthday.




  March 5th is my birthday.

  It’s also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I  celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morning, I got up early and  cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped my desk-mates to repair  their broken chairs.

  After school, I took my birthday cake to the home for the aged. The old men  were so happy to see me. All of them hoped that I would be back again.

  What a joyful birthday it was!


  My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday comes, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.



  Hope your birthday begins a new year with special happiness and all that means the most to you.


  Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past.


  Congratulations on your birthday. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success.


  May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to.


  Please accept my small gift for your birthday. It is a tiny token of thoughts and friendship. A very, very happy birthday!


  Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.


  Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday and may you enjoy good health and long life.


  Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns!


  May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.


  Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!












我的生日礼物优秀作文 优秀初中英语作文:我的生日