



  Crow drink water

  There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty.

  He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can't drink the water,beacause the bottleneck is very long and narrow.

  So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away.

  After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his beak.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.

  He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle.

  The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the crow can catch up and drink the water.


  The Crow and the Water Bottle

  It was a scorching1 hot summer day. One crow was very thirsty. "I'm so thirsty." The thirsty crow roamed2 around looking for water. After flying for a long time, the crow found a water bottle in one of the farmer's yard. The crow was so happy that he was able to have a drink.

  The crow put his beak3 into the bottle. However, because the bottle was so long, he was not able to reach the water. The crow was exhausted4.

  'Should I go some other place for a drink?' He thought. However, because his wings were damage, he was not able to move. "What shall I do?"

  The crow flew round and round the farmer's yard, and thought. "Sure, that's what I will do." The crow had an idea.

  With all his strength, the crow started picking up stones. "One, two." He did this several times until the bottle was filled with stones. Then the crow drank a lot of water. Finally, the crow had enough strength to fly again.


  One paragraph: In the forest there is a long with a dark brown feathers of the crows, he liked to go out to play, a play that day. Sometimes the forest animals to look for crows play, crow quasi-not at home.

  Paragraph 2: In a sunny morning, a crow as early as the yearning to go out to play, but this time they forgot to bring water, a crow, on the road, the crows only targeted at looking at the scenery along the way, do not know what forget水。 He saw the birds in the tree when they are happy to drink water, he felt thirsty, and on the landing to the ground, open the backpack that is, only find out that they forgot to bring a crow water. Ravens worried that thirsty again, you open the wings, unable to fly into the sky shouting loudly: "There"s water, ah? Where there is water ah? … …" Crow really could not stand, and landing all over the floor to a green the grass. Accidentally discovered a bottle and crows happily walked over, but the bottle of water are shallow, and a crow can not drink, Crow reminded that the previous practice of his father - throwing stones. Crow sent for stones, but they can not let go, because the stones are too large啦。 When crows are anxious to see in front of the large trees have a branch on the thought of a way: the doctor sent for the forest woodpecker to build the twigs hollow, not to help suck up the water do. Finally, through a crow call doctor woodpecker pecked hollow tree, the crow finally drinking the water.

  3: from this thing that I understand: No matter what must use our brains, or else have done what is bad.


  One paragraph: In the forest there is a long with a dark brown feathers of the crows, he liked to go out to play, a play that day. Sometimes the forest animals to look for crows play, crow quasi-not at home.

  Paragraph 2: In a sunny morning, a crow as early as the yearning to go out to play, but this time they forgot to bring water, a crow, on the road, the crows only targeted at looking at the scenery along the way, do not know what forget水。 He saw the birds in the tree when they are happy to drink water, he felt thirsty, and on the landing to the ground, open the backpack that is, only find out that they forgot to bring a crow water. Ravens worried that thirsty again, you open the wings, unable to fly into the sky shouting loudly: "There"s water, ah? Where there is water ah? … …" Crow really could not stand, and landing all over the floor to a green the grass. Accidentally discovered a bottle and crows happily walked over, but the bottle of water are shallow, and a crow can not drink, Crow reminded that the previous practice of his father - throwing stones. Crow sent for stones, but they can not let go, because the stones are too large啦。 When crows are anxious to see in front of the large trees have a branch on the thought of a way: the doctor sent for the forest woodpecker to build the twigs hollow, not to help suck up the water do. Finally, through a crow call doctor woodpecker pecked hollow tree, the crow finally drinking the water.

  3: from this thing that I understand: No matter what must use our brains, or else have done what is bad.











难忘的第一次潜水作文 爱如潮水-作文950字