Dear Chen Li,
I`m so glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK.
UK has a different environment than China,so you will have some difficulties studying abroad in UK.
First of all,you may encounter lauguage barriers in local area.In older to avoid this problem,you are ought to polish up your spoken English so that easy to communicate with them.
Secondly,the British have their own unique eating habits and you have to adapt to their eating habits.What`s more,you will be homesick and feel lonely when you go abroad in UK.You can talk to me or your Chinese friends and make satellite phone calls to your family.
All in all,there are my suggestions about studying abroad in UK.I hope you can learn more useful things in UK.If you have any problems need to solve,I will try my best to help you to solve these problems.
Best Wishes,
Li Jin
1、 多听录音磁带:我们生活在汉语环境中,这对孩子们学习英语造成了一定的阻碍;而有的家长不会说英语或发音不准确,这些因素都会或多或少地影响孩子们学习英语。因为,在家如果多放放录音磁带,人为地给孩子们造成一种英语语境,会对孩子英语学习帮助很大。(注:在听的同时研究看着对应的课本内容,切记不要读“望天书”。)
2、 尽力模仿录音磁带:鼓励自己的孩子模仿磁带里的话语,并进行比较。家长也可以和自己的孩子一起模仿,来一场比赛。以活泼而有趣的方式激发孩子学习英语的.兴趣。
3、 听、认、读结合:所谓听、认、读结合,就是在孩子们听录音的同时能够指认出课本上相关的内容,并能模仿出比较准确的语音语调。家长们如果能够多抽出些时间在这个阶段陪自己的孩子养成一种“听、认、读结合”的学习方法,将会对孩子以后的学习能力培养有很大的帮助。
4、 期末复习阶段中,可按照本年级制定的复习计划和复习要求对孩子进行督促和辅导,提高孩子的复习效率,使孩子在最后的期末考试中取得好成绩,英语学习能力能够切实提高。