
2021-04-03 五年级英语作文


五年级英语作文 篇1


  No one has seen the wind. Yet I can feel it at work all the time. It is never quiet just like human feelings. The most peaceful wind is the breeze. When it is windier, it does not mean rest but a storm approaching.

  In hot summer, I like to sit where it is windy and cool. The breeze softly touches my face. When autumn comes the wind gains in momentum. Sometimes the wind is naughty and keeps beating on the window and turning over the pages of my book. The wind seems to be in the worst mood in winter. She blows people‘s hats off. Who says the wind is emnotionless? I can hear her laughter and soft sighs even in spring.

  Yet no matter how freezing cold or scorching hot or wild angry or extremely happy the wind can he, there seems to be an end to it. But the wind is not willing to be tamed. Maybe just beeause of this the universe keeps it in such tight control.





五年级英语作文 篇2

  Today, I returned home with joy, and I saw the trees and flowers in the yard. After the sun's sun, many leaves were bleak, dejected and listless. He looked up and saw his mother washing vegetables, and he was humming a tune. I suddenly remembered what I read in my book: our country has a large population and less water resources. Besides, tap water is also the liquid water on the earth. Our water is very small, so we must economize on water and minimize the water consumption. At this time, I suddenly flashed a restless idea: wash vegetables should not be directly poured out, it is not better to use it to water flowers and trees? And the water of the wash is more nutritious than the tap water.

  When my mother was going to empty the washing dishes, I grabbed her water and said to her, "Mom, do you know? It's good for them to wash the vegetables and water them. After listening to my harsh words, she agreed to water the flowers with this water. So I poured the water on them. There was a glittering smile on my face.

  After ten days, the flower bloomed a lovely smiling face, and the tall tree stood tall and upright, just not to my surprise.

  Another time, I saw my brother wash his hands and use a large basin of water. After running out, the water was still as clear as a bowl. When he was about to throw the heavy water out of the basin, I ran to him quickly and said to him, "how can you throw away such clean water? Waste should be used. " With that, I rushed the basin of water into the toilet, and the toilet immediately restored to the usual cleanliness and cleanliness.

  We all want to save water, for everyone's life, for the earth, please do not let the clear water white loss, let us all build a beautiful home!

五年级英语作文 篇3





五年级英语作文 篇4

  The ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. I like travel, because travel not only allows me to enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but also brings me knowledge and exercise. Beautiful sceneries make me impressed and friendly people make me warm. Travel is a process of discovery of beauty that would company my whole life. I like the feeling on the road, which greatly enrich my life and fields of vision. Being to different places, seeing different views makes me know how big the world is, so that I won’t bother my trifles. I think a broad mind is extremely important to a person, and traveling is a good way to get it. Maybe some people would say that I travel just because I want to relax. There’s no doubt about that. No matter for what reason, traveling is attractive to us all.

五年级英语作文 篇5


  I like spring.Because the sky is blue, the air is fresh, I can fly kites in

  spring, I wear my new shirt, I can plant trees.

  Oh! Spring is my favourite season.I enjoy spring.


  It’s summer,I’m very happy,because Ican swim in the lake.I can eat ice-cream,I wear my cool T-shirt,but I don’t like sun.Because it’s very hot.

  I like summer,because Children’s Dayis in summer.

  I enjoy summer!


  I like fall best.Because it’s leaves are colourful.In fall I wear my beautiful

  dress. I can go hiking, either.

  Fall,I enjoy you,I love you!


  Winter is cold,but I like winter.because I can play with snow, I can make a snowman.I can skate,it’s cool.I feel very happy.

  New Year,Chirstmas Day and my birthday are all in winter.

  I like winter!

五年级英语作文 篇6

  Today I want to tell you something about my classmate. He is a boy of 17 years old. He is tall and strong. He likes reading books very much. He likes sports, such as skating and playing basketball. Sometimes when he if free, he enjoys listening to music. He is kind. I am not good at math and he often helps me with my math. I want to say :"Thank you so much ." I am quite happy that I have such a good friend.

五年级英语作文 篇7


  今天下午要上英语课时,老师在黑板上写了一组英语单词是“raining cat sand dogs”,让我们讲一讲它的意思。我低下头思索着:cats,dogs是“猫”和“狗”的复数形式,表示“许多猫”和“许多狗”,raining是“雨”的意思。合起来是什么呢?我正在冥思苦想,有同学举起说说:“天上掉下来很多猫和狗。”顿时教室里的同学们哄堂大笑起来,互相交头接耳,都在讨论这个词语的意思,最后还是老师解开了谜团。老师说:“同学们英语学得还可以,记住了每个单词的含义。”这几个单词合起来的意思是倾盆大雨。英语和汉语一样,一些单词和单词组合起来有特殊的含义、固定的用法,就像汉语的成语、谚语似的。刚才老师说的这几个单词合起来,就不是单个儿的意思了,而是“倾盆大雨”的意思。












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