
2021-04-30 五年级英语作文


五年级英语作文 篇1

  My English teacher has a big house.

  It has a living room, a big dining room, two bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and a big kitchen.

  In the living room, there is a big picture, four brown sofas, white fans and blue walls. The TV set is big. There is a big Chinese knot on the wall. There are lanterns below the lights. I like them.

  This is my English teacher’s house.





五年级英语作文 篇2

  Recently, I read a book about a girl sees her future after she learns the alien’s language. Her future life has happiness and sorrow. Since she could foresee, she learns to accept what will happen in her life. If I could see my future, and I can’t change the fact, but I will enjoy every minute of my life.


五年级英语作文 篇3

  三年级的一次下午,第一节是英语课。我们欢呼了起来,我记的老师每来一次都要听写上一节课的内容 我想了想。想出一个好办法是作弊了。我先拿一个英语本和一个英语书。就开始抄写上一节课学的单词抄写一遍。快要上课了,我正好写完所学的上一节课的所有内容。

  上课了,英语老师进了班说:“给你们5分钟的时间复习上一节课 所有内容,5分钟后准备听写上一节的内容。”5分钟后,我们撒一张英语纸,而我拿的是一张我抄写完的上一节课的内容。老师说一个我们写一个而我在看漫画书,而我注意到我的同桌刘佳颐正在念英语分开的单词,直到她写完为止。我感到非常后悔。该叫听写纸了,我把刚作弊的纸给了老师。我又问了刘佳颐,但她说是我一个个背下来了,我问她:听写了吗?她说:是一个个背出来写的,class是班的意思,我就把class分成c.l.a.s.s。



五年级英语作文 篇4

  Saving water must start with me and start from childhood. This is everyone's bounden duty.

  Nowadays, people waste water and pollute water more and more. For example, some factory emission indicators are discharged into the river, muddy the river and send out a bad smell. Some pupils opened the faucet, but at last they did not turn it off, resulting in the uncontrolled loss of water. Sometimes I think: let them live in arid places for a few days to see if they are wasted.

  Since water is the source of life, we are also indispensable to water. I have seen in a document that there are 60% water in a man, where there is water, and there is life. All life activities originate from water. When the human body is short of water, the consequences are very serious, the water shortage is thirsty; water shortage is 5%, dry mouth, skin wrinkle, consciousness, even vision; water shortage is 15%, often more than starvation. Without food, people can live longer. If there is no water, they can live at most for a week or so. How important it is to see the water.

  If we tighten up the faucet, we can save thousands of drops of water, so I invite everyone to save water and protect our water resources. If we do not protect the water resources, the desert will be closer to us. In the meantime, it will be too late for you to protect the water again. Students, let us join hands to create a better home, do not let tears become the last drop of water in the world.

五年级英语作文 篇5

  Everyone has his own dream, and each are not identical. My dream is to be a glorious people's teacher, use white chalk to impart knowledge, to take care of students with broad mind.

  I am the students and teacher in the study, but in life I is of concern to their friends.

  I in to the students in the class, must be combined with the content of the textbook, told them one after another interesting story, to fill the whole classroom with laughter. Next class, I will be on time class is over, let the students make full use of the recess this precious ten minutes, to play, go to bask in the sun, let them in a more full spirit to meet the next class.

  After class, I rarely few homework, get the kids to recall the knowledge that the day will be ready to go out to play. Let them play in learning, play high school.

  I also want to lead the students to observe the secrets of nature in nature: watching ants and how to communication between the ants; See how insects crawling; Take a look what the grass can blossom, which can't... Let the students into life, understand the nature.

  In order to this dream, I must study hard, do a admirable good teacher in the future.







五年级英语作文 篇6

  I like watching cartoon, but my parents always do not let me watch it. When I watch it, they will ask me to take the bathe, have dinner, do homework and so on. They have so many things need me to do when I want to watch cartoon. They are so annoy. I hate them.


五年级英语作文 篇7

  My Favorite Animal

  My favorite animal is rabbit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s very small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. I like it very much. It’s lovely. It’s my best friend. I like the rabbit.




五年级英语作文 篇8





五年级英语作文 篇9
















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