I want to be a headmaster英语作文

2021-07-30 五年级英语作文

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  I want to be a headmaster英语作文 篇1

  I want to be a principal because I can build a big school and manage some teachers and students reasonably.

  If I really became the principal, I would build a very large school. The playground in the school is a big love, and the track is also heart-shaped. There is a big podium in the middle and it can only stand one or two people. When the flag was raised, I stood on the podium and talked about safety knowledge. When I finished speaking, the teachers and classmates of the school applauded for me. I feel very honored!

  I would sit in my office and work when I was okay. My office is empty, with only a small desk in the corner, but all you need to do is press the four buttons on the small desk. There are four buttons on the table: red, yellow, blue, and green. As long as you press the red button, my computer desk and chair will appear. As long as you press the yellow button, the office will become a room where I can take a nap. Just press the blue button and the room will turn into a huge massage chair. Sitting on it is extremely comfortable. Click the green button and it will turn into an empty office.

  I want to be a headmaster英语作文 篇2

  My dream is to be a principal.

  If my dream comes true, the school environment where I will be the principal will be very beautiful. The school has a clear pond. The pond has many kinds of lotus, some pink, some pale, some pale white. There will also be a long stream. There is a lawn around the stream, with green grasses and flowers in full bloom. Students can rest and play here after class. I think they will like it very much, because its like staying in nature.

  If my dream comes true, the school where I am the principal will have many interesting things. For example, we have many robots. They can manage and educate those mischievous children and let them know the benefits. We also have a dedicated gymnasium, regardless of whether it is sunny or rainy, our students can take physical education classes. There are also special laboratories. Every time every student takes a science class, every student can do experiments by himself, so that they will learn better!

  If my dream comes true, the students in the school where I am the principal are also very cute. They listen to the lectures attentively in class, do their homework very well, and they all know to study hard. And they are very polite and like to help people very much. Others say that the students in my school are the best!

  This is my dream. If my dream is realized, everyone is welcome to come to my school!

  I want to be a headmaster英语作文 篇3

  If I were the principal, I would take every student seriously. I would take classes with my teacher and play with my classmates. I would give my classmates affirmation and encouragement when I found the advantages. When I found the shortcomings, I would not be busy criticizing the students, but let the students know I am wrong, let them correct themselves.

  If I were the principal, I would build a beautiful campus with teaching buildings, libraries, toilets, and a large playground. There are everything in the library, whether it is Chinas four major classics or foreign Taoist novels, so that students can roam in the kingdom of books. There should be a table tennis hall, swimming pool, tennis court and basketball court on the school playground. Let classmates play freely, I believe classmates will love this place.

  If I were the principal, I would find a lot of humorous teachers, let the teachers bring humor into the classroom, let the students learn in joy, try to let the students have an active classroom, and let the classroom bursts of innocent laughter.

  If I were the principal, I would organize various extracurricular activities, such as art festivals, karaoke, sports games and other interesting activities. In the art festival, I will draw a few pictures first to encourage my classmates to participate. I also take the lead in singing a few songs when singing karaoke. During the sports meeting, I will write some slogans to let the students do their best to make the students feel happy, and let the students spend every day happily.

  If I were the principal, I would let the students know that the teacher is not only a teacher but also a friend of the classmates, and that the school is not only a school but also a happy paradise for students.

  I want to be a headmaster英语作文 篇4

  Everyone has their own colorful ideals, workers, teachers, police, doctors... As the years go by, I grow up day by day, mature day by day, and begin to take into account my ideals. I really want to be a principal.

  Since I was a child, I admired the principal very much, thinking that the principal is the biggest "official" of the school and the "pillar" of the whole school. If the principal fails very much, then the school will be hopeless. Therefore, becoming a principal has been my wish since childhood.

  I want to be a good principal. I think that in order to be the “pillar” of the school, first of all, you must have excellent grades. For the dream of my principal, I have to study harder!

  I also want to be a principal who is popular with students. Since I am the principal, I will double my affinity.

  I want to build the school in a poor mountainous area, and make the school a paradise for local children, so that they don’t worry about learning problems. I will add "game lessons" and "reading lessons" to the designated subjects, and ask the head teacher to lead the students to play some healthy games. I will also build a "science and technology playground" next to the teaching building, which contains many interesting science games for children to learn while playing.

  I will not sit in a daze in the principals room, but sit at the back of the classroom and have a class with the children, read a book with the classmates, and experience the joy of reading with them. get out of class is over, I want to mingle with them, play hide-and-seek and jump rubber bands together.

  I will also hold "Recitation Conference", "Summer Games" and "Winter Games" in school, so that children can enjoy the passion and joy brought by the game while they are studying. In addition, children are also organized to go to the countryside to experience life and feel the difficulty of peasant life.

  In the days to come, I will work hard towards this dream!

  I want to be a headmaster英语作文 篇5

  Some people say that dreams are a kind of driving force that pushes us forward, and dreams are a beacon that illuminates our way forward. People without dreams are like a small boat lost in the boundless sea. My dream is to be a principal.

  The reason for this dream was that we had too many homework, and sometimes we couldnt finish it until 12 oclock. I just want to be a teacher to arrange less homework for the students and reduce the burden on the flowers of the motherland. However, later I thought that if I became a teacher, only a small part of the students would reduce the burden, and there would be more students who did not escape the clutches of homework. So I wanted to be a principal and start a school by myself.

  If I become the principal, I must install the most advanced equipment in the school. Whether it is Chinese classes and math classes, or labor skills classes, computer classes and science classes, students will be full of interest. Especially for the equipment for physical education class, I want to design a very large playground with a plastic track, basketball, football, baseball, and swimming room...Students who come to school here have class in the morning, and a special teacher will lead the students on outings or outings in the afternoon. practice. Assign homework only once a week, and take the test only once a month. Classes are also lively and interesting, and they will not be too rigid to teach according to the knowledge in the textbook, because we have to learn more than the knowledge in the textbook. I will ask teachers to use flexible and diverse teaching methods to teach students. How about it, do you really want to come here to have a class when you hear about it?

  In order to realize my dream, I will definitely study harder. I must work hard to make the seeds of dreams grow into towering trees as soon as possible!

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