小学生英语作文:my favourite swimming

2018-02-22 小学英语作文

  What’s you favourite?My favourite sport is football game.Before I play football,I need a pair of runners shorts and football.I play football with my friend.I want to go to the playground to play football.Playground is very big.It is nice.We play football after class.

  Sometimes I win,sometimes I lose.But I’m happy,because sports can make me strong and healthy.

【小学生英语作文范文:my favourite swimming】相关文章:

1.my favourite subject英语作文

2.中考英语作文范文:My Favourite Animal

3.小升初英语作文-My Favourite Teacher

4.高二英语作文my favourite teacher

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6.My favourite month

7.My Favourite Programme

8.my favourite season

9.My Favourite Singer

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