
2021-05-31 小学英语作文


小学生英语作文 篇1

  After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.

  In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.

小学生英语作文 篇2


  于是,我就从书包里拿出空白的英语本子。就在这个时候,我的后桌的小杨同学,用手指戳戳我的背,并说:“你有没有多余的`英语本子?借我一本,我明天还你。”我对他说:“我还有一本,我借给你吧!”就这样,我把我还有一本新的 本子借给了他。谁知道,到第二天的时候,小杨同学并没有还我的英语本子,真是一个不守信用的就家伙。到了傍晚放学的时候,我问他:“小杨,我的英语本子呢?”小杨说:“我忘记了,要不明天还你。”我说:“那你明天可不要忘记了。”我心想:又是一个不守信用的家伙。我怎么老碰到这些不守信用的人呢?


小学生英语作文 篇3

  In Switzerland,ever thing is cash-free,but shuld places be cash free?

  Of curse, there are peple wh thin it is perfectl acceptable that places can be cash-free.The ight argue that sciet has changed,and carring cash-free will be ver anning.The ight argue that the gvernent printing cash is a waste f resurces, and if it is cash-free,the gvernent des nt need t print an cash.The ight argue that if it is cash-free,there will nt be an cunterfeit ne in the wrld,and when u are exchanging freign currenc, it is uch easier. In additin,cards can be distinguished between peple's grades.Fr exaple, diand card and glden card ebers f China Merchants Ban can earn air pints and have a free air ride.In the airprt, the a have the V.I.P services.

  On the ther hand ,there are lts f arguents against places cash-free.Althugh nl using cards is ver cnvenient, but if u frget the passwrd,it will be ver anning.The ight thin that if se place is cash-free,then when peple g t vegetable aret and bu a lt f things in different seller,the ust pa b card a lt f ties and waste tie.In the sae wa ,sene ight argue that when a rich peple wants t give se ne t the pr peple,he can't give hi a card because the pr peple desn't nw hw t use the card.If the rich peple nl have ne card and he gives it t the pr peple ,he desn't have an ne t d anthing.And if the rich peple have a lt f cards,then it will be als ver anning.Fr exaple, se restaurants r htels have a advertiseent that sa:If u use China Merchants Bancard n Mnda,u can get five percent ff.If u use China Cnstructin Ban card n Tuesda,u can get seven percent ff.If u use.....If u want t save se ne ,u need at least ne card fr ever ban,s it will be super anning.

  Taing all things int cnsideratin ,I thin we dn't need t be cash-free.Man peple thin cash-free is nt anning,but I thin it is ver anning nl using cards.

小学生英语作文 篇4

  Hi, dear friends. My mane is Chen Hao. I have many hobbies, especially(特别的), writing. I like writing something about people and animals. I have so much fun in writing.

  I am very busy on my weekends. On Saturdays, Iusually play the Hulusi. Look! I got the second prize in Cixi Hulusi Competition(比赛).

  I like painting. I often go to the park with my mother on Sundays. Look at the photo, I am painting on the ceramics(陶瓷) in Zhishan Park. It is a beautiful pig. It has big eyes and small ears. It’s pink. How lovely!

  I’m a sunny girl. I like making friends, too. Please write to me. Let’s be friends!

小学生英语作文 篇5

  Nowadays, the population of the world is becoming larger and larger. With the increasing of the population of the world, there are more and more problems.

  First, there is less and less food for everyone to eat. So some people in poor areas are struggle with hunger. Some people in Africa even die of starving. Second, there is much more pollution. The cities become bigger and bigger, and more and more people have their own cars. This causes much more air pollution and noise pollution. Third, there is less and less resource for people to use.

小学生英语作文 篇6


  Autumn, with a golden body, walked with light footsteps, quietly came to us.


  Sky blue, blue like a sea, like a washed sapphire. After a white clouds, like a small fish swimming, really like a beautiful ink painting.


  We came to the orchard and the apple opened its mouth as though it were welcoming us to taste the fruit. The aroma of pear caught our little feet and the pomegranate opened its mouth and revealed many rubies.


  We came to the fields, where the girl of the autumn had cast it into gold, and the whole field turned into a golden sea. The corn showed a yellow jewel. Sorghum smiled and bent. The farmer's uncle was reaping the rice, and the rice seemed to say, "Uncle farmer raised us from childhood. Thank you for bringing up their children.",


  Now we can finally repay the farmer uncle, and the farmer uncle is also proud of his achievements.


  Autumn is really beautiful! I love the enchanting autumn.










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