
2021-06-24 小学英语作文


小学生英语作文 篇1

  When I look back on six years long students life in elementary school. Have happiness. Have teals have sweaty or bitterness, six years of primary, school life, like a colorful picture. Like a colorful drama. Everything can’t let me forget hardly. It let me remember when our school started, the teacher walk to the platform smilingly. Let us introduce myself. The students look like a group of bird platform smilingly. Let up introduce myself.

  The students look like a group of birds, happily .look east and look west. They’re all goggling eyed. Look, say laugh. Remember the sport meeting of the grade one. I joined the dash race. Happy waiting for the game coming. We know the weather is extremely unpredictable. On the day of the match. I even got fever. That day I missed the game. When I has just join the young pioneers. I looked at the red scarf. I don’t know how to do.

  This time the teacher shown up quickly. The teacher stare gave up the demonstration. I looked at seriously teacher each action. Then tied the red scarf carefully. At that time I’m so proud. When the Wen Chuan earthquake. Our teacher takes us the pictures of earthquake areas scene. Our all students all crying. We all donated ourselves part of allowance. Our mind is heavy. What happened everything is unforgettable.

小学生英语作文 篇2

  My birtaday is at Chrisrtns.

  Last chritmas,I went to the KFC with my friends.We eat a lot of delicious food.I ate a Strawberry sundae ,a Shrimp sandwich, a Orleans chicken wings and a Egg tart. Mr.yue Bring up a big Tiramisu cakes .Mr feng Bring up a Strawberry cake.But the cake was eaten by him.I know very angry.I asked him to help me buy a, he agreed.

  Later, we play together" truth or dare".I always asked, depressed.

  We are very happy!

小学生英语作文 篇3

  Hello! My name is Miya。 I am eight years old。 I come from Shandong。 I like singing, dancing and reading books。 At home, I have many books。 I also have lots of dolls。 They are all my friends。

  My favourite toy is a doll。 She is Barbie。 She is very cute。 She has big eyes, a red mouth and blond hair。 I make Barbie’s clothes by myself。 On the clothes, I draw and paint cartoon pictures。 Sometimes I show Barbie’s different kinds of skirts to my friends。 I often comb her hair and braid for her。 All my friends like my Barbie too。

  I love Barbie。 She makes me happy and she is part of my life。 If you come to see my Barbie, I believe you’ll like it too。

小学生英语作文 篇4

  七月三日 星期一 晴天



  每一间教室都有两个外国老师。首先我们先到机场,内部有机舱、柜台......等设施。这对没出过国的'我感到十分新鲜!下一个单元是图书馆,里头的书都是英文。外国老师还念英文给我们听,每个人都很专心聆听喔!我们还自己制作借书证,从玩乐中我们真的学习不少。下一站-银行,还是小学生的我当然很想体验使用提款机,就像妈妈平常去银行一样,先领号码牌再提款。最后中午来到餐厅,虽然同样吃的是营养午餐,但改用盘子、叉子和汤匙,吃起来特别有风味。接下来,来到的是熟悉的商店,看着柜子上琳琅满目的商品,有背包、鞋子、领带......等,各式各样、令人目不暇给。玩了一整天,我们最后来到饭店,内部华丽的装 潢,让人为之眼睛一亮呢!

小学生英语作文 篇5

  One day, the teacher took the students to the suburbs of the orchard autumn tour. Students are happy! Students living in the city want to see what the orchard is like.

  To the orchard, the teacher made a hand style, the students immediately separated, their actions. The fruit of the orchard is so beautiful! In the golden leaves of the red "face"; the leaves on the ground like a golden path; roadside wildflowers are purple, orange, red, pink, yellow ... ..., like a small road to the colorful gem ... .... Some of the students picked the red fruit, and some squat down to pick up the leaves for the specimens, and some to catch insects to do specimens. Students can be happy!

  Look! The students can be a lot of harvest! Fruit pick a full basket, even the pockets are filled with fruit. Those leaf specimens can be filled with a thick book. Those insects are filled with the whole glass bottle, in which the issue of "jingle, jingle" sound, pocket can not let go, had to hold the hand.

  Happy time is always short, blink of an eye to go home, look up at the blue sky, bow to see the harvest of the orchard, I hope the time to stay at this moment ah! Students with satisfaction, with laughter Reluctantly left this beautiful place - orchard.

小学生英语作文 篇6

  今天英语考试了,我得了88分,这是我第一次英语考试。我们班的好多小朋友考了90多分,陈思润是100分呢!其实我错的一个地方“Stand up,please。”我会,但我没看清楚,我有点粗心,下次我要努力争取得100分。










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